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Listeners with a Disability - Supporting those with Disabilities

AffyAvo February 21st, 2019

Are you a listener with a disability willing to support others with a disability?

Please share here! Also note what your disability is or give as much detail as you're comfortable wtih so that members can find someone with similar issues.

SamSandwich February 23rd, 2019


I'm 18 years old with fibromyalgia, paradoxical vocal fold dysfunction, high functioning asthma, very serious allergies, arthritis, the inability to retain and process minerals and vitamins, vertigo, hypersensitive, hypermobile, and deal with chronic pain and migraines. I'd love to have a buddy to talk to!

Iki7 February 23rd, 2019

@SamSandwich I would like to be your listener. Text me if you want it.❤

StrongSpoonie March 4th, 2019



I'm Jed, long time listener with Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Let me know how I can help

littlequeencha April 24th, 2019


Hey I'd love to talk to you

StrongSpoonie April 24th, 2019

@littlequeencha I'd enjoy that. I'm currently moving and won't be on very much. However, yes, let's totally chat sometime.

Gamer87 April 24th, 2019


I would love someone to talk to on a regular basis, been looking for a while now. I have ASD and HS. Finding life unbearable at the moment.

AffyAvo OP April 24th, 2019

@Gamer87 I hope you're able to find someone. It would be great if a listener reached out. I do think ASD should be added to the topic list. There is an ASD forum section too, which is another place you can seek help.

@SpectrumForHope @MidnightRaven999 do you know anyone who would be interested in helping Gamer87?

SupportSloth April 24th, 2019

@AffyAvo @Gamer87

Hey, and thankyou Affy heart

You are more than welcome to check out the ASD forum section, its a work in progress but more posts are always being added which you can keep an eye out for.

I take chats on Autism so you are welcome to talk to me if you need to. I can't list any other listeners who I know really who do take Autism chats but I can try to find some and we can see from there laugh


Gamer87 April 24th, 2019


thank you, that means a lot! I'm really struggling, don't know how much longer I will cope so that I will be happy for anything right now. I've tried connecting with listeners but have had hardly any luck. Most have just left as it takes me a while to get going.

Sorry to be a problem

StretchOutMyHands April 26th, 2019

Please reach out to me, so we can chat.


Gamer87 April 26th, 2019


Thank you so much for offering, I have tried to send you a message but the app won't let me open up your profile.

StretchOutMyHands April 24th, 2019

Disabled from multiple invisible health disabilities, including chronic daily migraines, POTS (postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), multiple GI issues, depression, and more.

Sarah929 August 23rd, 2019

@AffyAvo- Hi. I'm Sarah. I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Celiac Disease, and PCOS, among many other things. Always here for anyone who is struggling!

Thatiza October 28th, 2019


I have a Turnur syndrome and it's not easy because it's physical you can see it in me, i'm small and not slim so i don't feel well with my self and i would love to help others to feel good and support them because i know that they need and i am some one who likes to help others and give them what i can't have 😊

maisie359 June 14th, 2021

Can I talk to you please

Pandas4ever October 28th, 2019

@AffyAvo I have autism and also Insomia I would be happy to support anyone else who needs a listening ear in this area. heart

maisie359 June 14th, 2021

Can I talk to you please

SilentSerenityy November 29th, 2020

Great thread idea @AffyAvo

I'm 25 and I have hEDS and POTS, as well as a bunch of other health conditions. So I can resonate with a lot of the feelings some disabled members may be experiencing.

If you need a listener to talk to regarding your health conditions, feel free to send me a private message and we can arrange a chat. 😊

confidentBreeze3327 February 22nd, 2019


Hi, I am a diabetic, and I know that it is a disability. I am almost 17 years old, and I was diagnosed in June 2009, when I was 7 years old. It has been 10 years of living with diabetes. I am a type 1 diabetic, and I am insulin-dependent. I have to take four shots every day to keep myself alive. I have no diabuddy so I would love to have one. <3

I feel lonely sometimes because it is really hard to live a life of a diabetic and that too, with no one around you like yourself. It sometimes affects my mental health too.

But I love my life.

Thank you for reading. :)

JoyousBear September 9th, 2020

@confidentBreeze3327 oh, i feel you. It must be very hard for you to live with diabetes type 1.

BlindGrapefruit February 23rd, 2019


I am a listener with a disability.

tranquilBlueberry38 April 24th, 2019

I'd love to be a listener for any members who have Chronic Pain or CF (or any resp or GI issues). Even just to chat and share experiences!

neverendingTime23 October 16th, 2019


I would be very much interested in chatting!
Please message me ( I'm having problems with trying to pm you)
Thank you so much!

blackcandy8711 August 23rd, 2019

Hi I am Lindsey and I have very mild cerebral palsy

I am open for chats

neverendingTime23 October 14th, 2019

I've been living with Chronic Pain, fatigue for several years now. Feel free to message me. I'm here to listen and support( one another)
Have a great day!smiley

NotKhan2 April 25th, 2020


Hello hello! I'm ya friendly neighborhood Hobbit with severe juvenile arthritis and learning disorders :') My journey isn't that dramatic but suffice to say, I've had a good bit of pain in my lifetime. I'm comfortable talking about pain and comparing "war stories" because hey, we can't always be pain free but gosh dang it, we can make the most of it.


the hoobit

richyShiny39 May 8th, 2020

Hello I am a 41 year old female who has several disabilities.. When I was 14 I started my period. It didn't stop so I had to go to the doctor and they diagnosed lupus. Ana positive , heavy menstrual cycle, and low platelets. Then I had a genetic translocation between 18p-/9p+ chromosome which after my son was born with and I found out that on my grandfather's side so five grandkids without any kids and one more cousin who has a son with this. Then 2003 after many trips to Drs and no luck O finally got my terminal illness found out so until I get a transplant for a double lung and heart I was told I have pulmonary hypertension which was very rare then. Now I was hospitalized for a new medication that caused me to have swollen leg and I was getting worse like 2003. So they switched me to a pump and this is the one with a pic on right side of chest a PICC line. I have to mix and change medication that I wear 24 hours a day every 48 hours. It was found out that I have Hep C which ssi disabilities will not pay for because I have F2 . F3 or F4 makes it but the hospital is telling me that I may be able to get help. Also had blood work in hospital and my platelets were very low. So now I'm going to a hemotologist and he says ITP and been told after all this medication that I'm not sure what is causing it. So I have an anxiety issue as well. Anything I can do please ask. I hope that I can help.


sabeyesofblue3535 September 3rd, 2020


I am a listener who is legally blind. I am completely blind in my right eye and I have partial vision in my left eye. If anyone would like to talk, I will be happy to listen.

JoyousBear September 9th, 2020


Hi, i am a listener with disability - cerebral palsy and hearing loss. I am willing to support members with various disabilities.

NaomiR December 2nd, 2020

Hi y'all! I'm a Listener with disabilities. I have Ehlers Danlos and chronic pain, have (well-managed and mild) MCAS and asthma, and am HoH. Happy to talk with anyone who needs someone who understands the frustrations of budgeting spoons, navigating ableist and abusive systems, and especially folks struggling with chronic pain and the cascading effects that can have on our lives. Loving being part of this community!

BlindGrapefruit December 6th, 2020


We are glad to have you here as a listener and we are also happy to support you in your journey <3

BipolarNWonderland December 7th, 2020



Hi! I am a 34 year old female & I am a listene here. I use a wheelchair a lot these days as I cannot get around like I used to. I have used one for about 6 years now but I can hardy get around these days & spend most of my time in bed because I just can't get around due to my ankles & knees being so bad. I am currently waiting for my new custom Donjoy knee brace to come in for my Osteoarthritis so if you have questions about custom knee braces I can tell you how I chose mine. I am on my second wheelchair so I can also tell you my experiences picking out my custom wheelchairs & also with using it. I am also about to be casted for custom SMO ankle braces because I walk with my ankles severely turned in. I also suffer from a number of mental health diagnosis which I do consider invisible disabilities. I understand chronic pain & I understand how confusing it is to pick out a new wheelchair. I would love to talk to someone that is looking for someone that understands what they have going on in their life. I can't wait to talk with you!!

Cerebral Palsy




Bipolar Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder



IceCream4IceCream December 23rd, 2020

Could someone please delete this post heart

BlindGrapefruit January 2nd, 2021


fixed it for you <3

IceCream4IceCream January 4th, 2021

@BlindGrapefruit Thank you <3

BipolarNWonderland February 17th, 2021

Hi! I am a 34 year old female. I have Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Pain, Osteoarthritis, Scolisos, Lordosis, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder. I am sure there are even more things that I just can't think of right now but I am here to listen if someone needs to talk to someone that understand them. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

uniqueDaisy March 3rd, 2021

Please delete the empty post above as it was send in error. Thank you.