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Expanded Forum Guidelines Masterpost

MonBon August 10th, 2018

Expanded Forum Guidelines

Hi 7 Cups Community!

We strive to create a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all to participate in. To help us achieve this, we have a set of robust guidelines in which all site users must abide by. You can find these in a number of places: this thread, under the forum section of community guidelines here, or as a pop-up when creating new posts.

If you notice a post which goes against a forum guideline, please flag it by pressing the flag report button. Any questions or queries relating to the forum guidelines or forum post modifications should be directed to 

Guideline 1 Click here for the expanded guideline post
Inflammatory, racist, sexist, offensive, homophobic, transphobic, etc. posts are not allowed. Posting about the impacts of abuse, racism, sexism, etc. or seeking support on these topics is allowed. 

Guideline 2 - Click here for the expanded guideline post
For moderation and inclusive participation, we ask you to please use English in the forum space. 

Guideline 3 - Click here for the expanded guideline post
Unsupportive content including targeting or attacking other users in the community is not allowed. Disagreements may happen, but always maintain a respectful tone and try to move the conversation forward in an on-topic and constructive way. Sometimes this means agreeing to disagree. 

4 - Click here for the expanded guideline post
Confidential information shared in a one-on-one or group chat is not allowed. This includes negative reviews of listeners or group mods. Ex: If someone can identify who you are referring to, it is probably not a good idea to post it. 

Guideline 5 Click here for the expanded guideline post
Personal Contact Information, such as Social Media Handles, Email Accounts, Phone Numbers, or other 7 cups accounts (e.g. posting your listener account name from your member account or vice versa) is not allowed. This includes links to surveys or pages that contain either personal contact information or a private messaging system. 

Guideline 6 
Click here for the expanded guideline post
Excessive Inappropriate or Graphic Language is not allowed, including cursing in thread titles, cursing at others, and cursing in excess within a post. Trigger warnings should be included in thread titles or beginning of body content where appropriate. 

Guideline 7 Click here for the expanded guideline post
Giving medical advice is not permitted. Medication and drug names may be shared, but precise dosages or suggestions to take specific medications may not. 

Guideline 8 Click here for the expanded guideline post
Users are expected to maintain a listener role if on a listener account. This includes not seeking emotional or personal support and following the expectations of a listener outlined in active listening. Please switch to a member account if necessary. 

Guideline 9 
Click here the for expanded guideline post
Duplicate posts and threads, including posting the same thread in multiple categories, are not allowed. Please reach out to a forum mentor if you accidentally post multiple times or if you are unsure if your thread already exists somewhere else. 

Guideline 10 - Click here for the expanded guideline post
Spam (posting multiple times, mass-tagging, posting about non 7 cups related topics such as surveys or for advertising purposes, making posts that are largely unreadable, etc.) is not allowed. 

Guideline 11 Click here for the expanded guideline post
Refer to any additional guidelines that may apply to specific communities. These can be found by clicking "Guidelines" within a community. 

Guideline 12 - Click here for expanded guideline post
In order to maintain a therapeutic space, we delete forum posts that take away from a supportive forum environment. If a forum post is not helpful nor positive then it will be deleted. 

Guideline 13
- Click here for the expanded guideline post
The excessive use of artificial intelligence when creating forum content is not allowed. This includes the use of other software and using content from other sites without citing the original author or creator. 

For information on how guideline violations are processed, please review this post. 

[MonBon updated to reflect new medication guideline 15Nov2018]
[Hope updated to reflect new forum post guideline on Sep 21, 2020]
[tommy updated to reflect new guidance #2 on June 4th, 2023]
[tommy reformatted and updated on Nov 5, 2023]
[tommy updated to reflect new guidance 
#13 on Apr 6, 2024]

Heather225 August 10th, 2018


Image result for yes dance gif cat

YESSSS we really need this! Thank you!!!!

MonBon OP August 10th, 2018


Hooray! Approved by both safety coordinators *puts on sunglasses*

Mel August 10th, 2018

This is going to make things much more easier and clear for everyone! Thank you Mon for posting this and always working for the forum team! I

summertimeSamness August 15th, 2018

Thanks for the updated version!

Teagan August 15th, 2018

@MonBon Thank you for this!

CaringBrit August 16th, 2018

@MonBon thanks for the update

Anomalia August 16th, 2018

@Avaray - Great question! There is no warning or anything for flagging things that you think could be problematic and turn out not to be.

If we see someone flagging a ton of things that feel like they aren't needing to be flagged, we may reach out to check to see if a ) there is context we're missing (e.g., maybe an author flagged their own posts to ask them to be deleted; maybe posts are inappropriate in context even if seem fine isolated; maybe duplicate posts), b ) there may have been a mistake (it's not uncommon for someone to accidentally flag when trying to upvote, or c ) there may have been misunderstanding on what is acceptable in our forums and we can clarify what the policies are.

If someone were deliberatly misflagging a ton of stuff, that could result in a warning, but that would never be the ingoing assumption even if things are flagged that don't need to be, and we would discuss with you first to try to figure out what was going on.

Hope that answers your question!

MonBon OP August 16th, 2018


@Anomalia covered it pretty well, but just wanted to add: if you are ever in doubt if a post is okay or would like a mentor to take a second look at it, flagging is appropriate. This does include the "spam" type posts as well, and you don't need to click the link to make sure it's spam or not before flagging. It is better to err on the safe side instead of accidentally installing a virus :(

My personal motto is: When in doubt, flag it out!

lovelyWhisper66 August 16th, 2018

Yay, thanks for the update Mon! This really clears up a lot. :) Keep up the excellent work!

Mel August 17th, 2018

Forum Guidelines Expanded: 2. Unsupportive Content has been posted! Link added to the main post

Kdlove August 20th, 2018

Thank you for explaining those guidelines and expectations in such detailed and understandable ways. I am new to 7cuos and I look forward to learning how to better navigate the site and how to continue advancing my skills in communicating in a productive, compassionate way. I appreciate the dillegnce and thought that is behind this beautiful site and It brings me great joy and hope to have found this goodness amongst the turbulence of the world.

lovelyWhisper66 August 29th, 2018

@Kdlove Welcome to 7Cups! We are happy to have you here with us. I'm glad you found this post useful. If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to reach out. Thanks for all your hard work and support! :)

Kdlove August 29th, 2018


AffyAvo November 15th, 2018

@Anomalia, @MelAllyouneedislove @MonBon

These are great, and no pressure but I do look forward to the update to rule 6 now that the guideline has officially been changed!

AffyAvo August 23rd, 2021

@Mel Sometimes I see listeners sharing sexual preferences/fetishes not as a way to support members, and I find it inappropriate. It does appear they could be fishing to have an inappropriate chat in private. Members could share similar posts (without being excessively detailed) and I would say it's ok. I'm unsure of what rule this would fall under though. 5? 7?
Note - I do think it's appropriate for listeners to share an identity or even community. Stating something like I am gay is
different than describing a body type that someone finds attractive.

@Asher since you're working on community guidelines in one place I'm tagging you too.This may be useful to just clarify professionalism rules for listeners overall?

Mel August 23rd, 2021

@AffyAvo if they're using that to vent about their own experience going further than using it to relate to a member's comment then it'd have to be rule #7 and they need to log back in as a member for support

AffyAvo August 28th, 2021

@Mel Thanks Mel!

RarelyCharlie August 23rd, 2021

@AffyAvo I don't think I've ever noticed this kind of thing myself, but to conclude that a listener's disclosure of their lived experience is "not as a way to support members" seems like it could be a difficult judgement to make. If it's clearly unsupportive, then that's Rule 2, of course, "Unsupportive content…is not allowed."

Fetishistic disorder (DSM-5) or Fetishism (ICD-10) is a real disorder, and it seems to me that even listeners whose lived experience fails to meet the full criteria for diagnosis might reasonably expect to be able to mention it.

Deciding what kind of chat is "an inappropriate chat" would be another difficult judgement, I think. If a member feels concerned about some harmless habit or preference, and a listener with appropriate lived experience is able to be supportive, I'm not sure we should think of this differently depending on what the harmless habit or preference happens to be.


AffyAvo August 28th, 2021

@RarelyCharlie I think overall though going into specific preferences blurs professionalism boundaries. Perhaps it becomes relevant for very specific support, but then there's no need to share that when it's not in response to a member. Even then, I don't think a listener needs to share specifics on what turns them on. A lived experience can be shared without adding in how horny it gets someone.

The inappropriate chat aspect is entirely speculation, but I think reasonable speculation based on the number of chats I have had with listeners where they tried to make it into a sext chat or asked for pictures.
I certainly don't think every instance is the listener doing this, I just see potential for some listeners to try to get members who would fit into their sexual preferences to chat. I wouldn't have brought that part up if I didn't see it as a safety problem.

October 26th, 2022


Really good, and thank you

CaringHeart123 October 27th, 2023

@MonBon hi, how can I edit or delete my posts?

AffyAvo October 28th, 2023

@CaringHeart123 You can message a forum mentor or use this form -

courageousDreamer1588 February 4th

Uh oh! An error was encountered saving your post. (Code 064) @MonBon I need help, I am having an error when trying to post a longer comment

courageousDreamer1588 February 4th

@MonBon Thank you for providing a clarification of the rules. However, I think I would like to disgress about the expression "offensive content" due to ambiguity, as many have mentioned, and the suggested appropiate action for the 

Firstly, what a member considers supportive or helpful ("Cheer up, it is not that bad. Think about that many people have it worse than you". In fact, maybe there can be some people who do want this response) can be completely disheartening and condescending for another person. By removing such comments, especially if no explanation is given or if only a word like "unsupportive" is mentioned, the person who made the comment will be either:
- confused, because perhaps they had no bad intentions
- regretful but worried about ever saying that again even in a more considerate manner, so they might not be able to learn to rethink or rephrase the weel-intended idea behind what they said in a more appropiate manner for a more adequate context.
- angry, because if the person wholeheartedly perceives their comment as inoffensive even after clarification, they will be resentful against moderators regardless of how offensive the comment really was for the receptor. We don't like being told what to do, so censoring only reiforces whatever preexisting negative beliefs the person has.

courageousDreamer1588 February 4th
@courageousDreamer1588 *suggested action for the forum moderators
emotionalBanana3178 February 4th

Sorry, I have a bug and can't keep writing. Basically, I think that the best solution is that comments discussing opinions in a rude, uninterested, ignorant or unsupportive manner should instead be flagged either by moderators or members, so that they can be properply discussed among the members involved, perhaps with someone as a mediator. This helps people learn and analyse their own behaviour. The reason why this is my stance is that this is a community for self-help. Shouldn't your psychologist invite you to rethink and analyse your thoughts instead of suppressing them? Why shouldn't we try to do the same in cases of controversy?

emotionalBanana3178 February 4th

@courageousDreamer1588 Obviously, explicit incitations to (self-)harm, (self-) neglect and discrimination should be banned, but not all "unsupportive" or "ignorant" content will be necessarily harmful, much less meant to cause harm.

HopieRemi May 19th

These guidelines are so important.