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Learn about Communities and earn a badge!

Hope December 13th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. As you know lately we have been making efforts to familiarise our users with our sub-communities. We had some success with sub-community workshops but we also want to do the training on a larger scale. It does not take a lot to understand the basics of sub-communities. By the end of doing the activities/steps in this post, you should be ready to explore sub-communities on your own.

Anyone who completes all of the following steps and lets us know in this thread will get the explorer badge.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Complete this Quiz

Step 3: Post here and let us know that you did step 1 and 2 and what you learned/liked about the video/quiz.

Thank you to @Tazzie for creating the video and the quiz.

mailOnce you have received the explorer badge, you become eligible to take part in the Building Community Program. Find more information here

Amanda2021 January 29th, 2021

got a 9/10 on the quiz after watching the video. It was very informative! :)

NorahListens January 29th, 2021

Finished step 1 and 2! The video and the quiz were very informative and I really enjoyed them :)

Listeningsarinn January 29th, 2021

Done! Thanks for creating this @tazzie @hope

10/10 I'm super happy with it

MrStigga January 29th, 2021

Done! smiley

I scored 9 out of 10 on the Quix, so I've been able to learn something and afirm my knowledge.

The Video is very indepth and well-paced for understanding it well!

Actuallynobody017 January 29th, 2021

Done. Nice quiz.

ChloeTheDuck January 29th, 2021

Thankyou very much for this

Daf8 January 30th, 2021

heart @Hope heart

heart Done! I liked how it´s easy to understand. Thank you for this! heart

hopedreamlove January 30th, 2021

Done! Thank you for creating the video and quiz. I really like how straightforward, thorough, and how easy the video was to understand!

DarkFairy0316 January 30th, 2021


Done. it was very informative, & didn't go too fast or skip over anything.

Sedtzl1 January 30th, 2021

I did both steps and liked the clarity. Thank you

Skillalistenalot January 30th, 2021

I have done both steps....and finished the quiz...🙂

reflectiveCHIRON720 January 31st, 2021

DOne! 7/10.

will watch and review again!

QueenCJ January 31st, 2021

Did both steps. I'm new so I learned all about how the sub-communities work (and I like the check in and group chat features. Excited to use them).

unnamedcat January 31st, 2021


thank you for creating it @tazzie

Neetha666 January 31st, 2021

I've done it *-* got a 9/10 :)

KatieTheWingedOne January 31st, 2021


Thankyou for this amazing post, i really found the video ensightful and the quiz accurate and helpful to remember.

After watching the video and doing the quiz I managed to get a 10/10 so that was awesome! Thanks @Tazzie for the video too it was very informative for me, i really hope it helps everyone navigate the forums

If i had to give feedback I'd agree that this was the best idea to navigate the forums i could see! But perphaps being aware of other layouts on devices and how they effect the layout of the website could help with accuracy and the video was lovely and truly covered literally everything :P but to be a little more exciting for viewers having more energy to it could help 💙💙

KatieTheWingedOne January 31st, 2021

Affect* 😅

EmmaE February 4th, 2021


i watched the video and got 10/10 on the quiz! it was a very informative and clear video and is definitely very helpful!

Mango3 February 12th, 2021

@Hope I have done both

RationalMe7 February 12th, 2021

Hi @Hope,

I have watched the video and submitted the google form. It was a great experience. I learnt a lot from the Youtube video and the quiz. This will help me do well in the sub communities. Thanks.

calmWishes2119 February 12th, 2021

Done and done! I learned how to navigate through the sub communities!

Ocean81 February 12th, 2021

I did both steps and I got 10/10. I really enjoyed the icebreaker

7motivation February 12th, 2021


Re: Post here and let us know that you did step 1 and 2 and what you learned/liked about the video/quiz.

Step 1 and 2... "Done".

CheeryMango February 12th, 2021

Completed and 10/10 😁

kdsyahirah February 12th, 2021

@Hope I'm done with both steps. The video is really helpful for the new members. The content is really clear

adventurousBranch3786 February 12th, 2021

@Hope I completed step 1 and 2. I learned another way to enter the chat rooms. @Tazzie thanks for the video and quiz about subcommunities!

iamvisveish February 12th, 2021


Finished both the steps and I really appreciate @Tazzie for the video and Quiz, it really helps the people who don’t have any idea about sub-communities. Great effort ! Cheers :)

starmelon7 February 12th, 2021

Done both steps! I got 10/10 <3

Very informative and easy to understand video :)

Oxenbury February 12th, 2021

Thank you for this! I didn't really understand the forum or sub-communities but after the video I got 10/10 on the quiz, so I feel better about it now :)

Tazzie February 13th, 2021

Thank you everyone for the great feedback! I appreciate it.

WildDarkLink February 13th, 2021

@Hope I've completed both steps I got 7\10 on the test

lucywormie February 13th, 2021

i did both steps and I liked the video a lot!

faithlove1111 February 14th, 2021

@Hope, the video is clear n a big thank you to @Tazzie. I feel this video is helpful.

bookworm274 February 14th, 2021


I've done steps one and two!

I liked how the video was clearly laid out so that it was accessible to everyone and I learnt that 7Cups has loads of subcommunities!

mamtasha22 February 14th, 2021


I liked the video and the quiz pretty educational

February 14th, 2021


Completed steps 1 and 2. The video and the quiz was very informational and easy to understand. :)

Subtendedpage February 14th, 2021

Completed steps one and two. Very comprehensive Thankyou.

mvpeng February 15th, 2021

@Hope I have been a part of various sub-communities for some time now, but didn't fully understand how they worked until now. I learned how to create a new thread and how to easily access group support chats. Thank you for the video and information @Tazzie !

windSpirit February 15th, 2021

Thank you! Completed both steps, with 9/10 score, now know almost everything about!

LilyBlossom21 February 15th, 2021


Completed step 1 & 2. It was nice to learn the different ways to connect in a subcommunity.