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Learn about Communities and earn a badge!

Hope December 13th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. As you know lately we have been making efforts to familiarise our users with our sub-communities. We had some success with sub-community workshops but we also want to do the training on a larger scale. It does not take a lot to understand the basics of sub-communities. By the end of doing the activities/steps in this post, you should be ready to explore sub-communities on your own.

Anyone who completes all of the following steps and lets us know in this thread will get the explorer badge.

Step 1: Watch this video

Step 2: Complete this Quiz

Step 3: Post here and let us know that you did step 1 and 2 and what you learned/liked about the video/quiz.

Thank you to @Tazzie for creating the video and the quiz.

mailOnce you have received the explorer badge, you become eligible to take part in the Building Community Program. Find more information here

spacecat8 June 22nd, 2021

I’ve completed step 1 and 2. I have a better understanding in navigating through the 7 Cups community. Thank you.

DigitalKnight June 24th, 2021


PeacePink June 24th, 2021


I completed step 1 and 2. Thanks to whoever created the quiz because it was a great review of how to navigate and use the communities features on 7Cups.

BetterTomorrow26 June 25th, 2021


I have finished the quiz and watched the video on communities, sub-communities & forums. I really loved the fact that there can be forums for every kind of topic for mental health. I have clearly understood most things if not all, and will be looking forward to that explorer badge and to join sub-communities for helping people!

ResilientLucky June 28th, 2021

I watched the video and took the quiz. Got 10/10. New thing I learned about is check in threads.

quietSkies1876 June 28th, 2021

I've finished all 3 steps. Got an 8/10 and now feel I have better knowledge of how to join and the language used for communities

Periwinkel June 28th, 2021

Completed step 1 and step 2 heart

naveenramesh987 July 3rd, 2021

I like that there's subcommitees for almost every topic related to mental health.

YourCaringConfidant July 3rd, 2021

@Hope Video watched ✔ and quiz completed ✔. I scored a 9/10. Can't wait to get this badge. Thanks.

explore1000 July 7th, 2021


I completed steps 1 and 2 (got a 90%)

I learned how to acess subcommunities and effectivley use forums.
I liked how the video had arrows indicating what the speaker was refering to.

organticZebra3702 July 7th, 2021

I did both steps, I learned in the video the steps to be part of a sub-community and how to interact in forum rooms

SparklingSeashells July 10th, 2021

Completed both steps, love how there are check in threads, so thoughtful :)
Thanks for making the video and quiz :)

teenytinyturtle July 10th, 2021

Done steps 1 & 2
Community feels very supportive

Emmyi July 12th, 2021

I just learned about subcommunities by watching a video and completing the quiz. I really liked that the video delivered a consise and simple introduction on subcommunities. The knowledge was effectively tested by answering the quiz.

positivePumpkin22 July 12th, 2021

step 1 and step 2 done.
10/10 on quiz

Love a refresher on subcommunities
aceberry July 13th, 2021

I have watched and completed the sub-community quiz. It was very useful. I've learnt about sub-community and how to work in it.

Larelya July 20th, 2021

I completed steps 1+2. As someone who was on break for quite a long time this material was great to get up to date with sub-communities :)

coolBlueTurtle July 21st, 2021

Yay! completed both steps

It was great to watch the video which paitiently explains how to navigate through the sub-communities :)

DudeHope July 21st, 2021


I just completed two steps. I enjoyed knowing things about the Sub-communities.

Renato1 July 23rd, 2021

After completing both steps I am now able to navigate between the various sub-communities!

Brabetona July 27th, 2021

I completed step 1 and 2. I learned that 7 cup is an amazing place to go in deph helping people to feel better with their struggles. Thank you @Tazzie for creating the video and the quiz.

bestCherry9811 July 27th, 2021

Done! Got 9/10

sunflowertiger July 27th, 2021


Hi, I have watch the sub-communitites introduction video and competed the quiz. I really like how easy it is to navigate the subcommunity page and enjoyed the concept of check-ins. Thank you!


rachelwho July 27th, 2021

I have completed Steps 1 & 2 and learned where to find all the subcommunities, as well as cool features like the daily check-ins or group chats. The quiz I found especially helpful and really made sure I could remember everything I learned from the video.

Kimmkimm July 27th, 2021
I did step 1 and 2. I've been in 7 cups for some time now and I learnt those things by myself. I wish I knew about this video earlier because it explains everything so easily and clearly. It was frustrating learning by myself.

Very well done video. Thank you.
LindenTea July 28th, 2021


I am done with both the steps, watched the video and did the quiz too. I got 10/10 :P

FreyjaMay August 2nd, 2021

Completed both step 1 and 2.
Completed the sub-community quiz.
Enjoyed the content on the quiz, it was informative and engaging.

August 4th, 2021

Completed both the steps, it's good to have such tutorials.

Olivia210 August 5th, 2021

Completed ❤️❤️

OddCurrent00 August 17th, 2021

Well, I did step 1 and 2, got 10/10 on the test too. I liked that it was all very self explanatory and the videos were well presented, keep going and looking after everyone, mental health is so important :)

resourcefully532 August 26th, 2021

I love the video easy to understand and I love how their are different topics we can choose from.😍

blackBreeze8485 August 29th, 2021

just completed both the steps
It helped me understand the platform more
and i now know theres so much to discover yet:)

huriefpain September 5th, 2021


I completed both the steps. Audio in youtube video was not clear but because of highlighted texts, it was really informative^^
and quiz itself was really great...I got 9/10 score

Thank you once again^^

Psychlistener September 18th, 2021


Yes I have finished both steps. I like that they try to take the initiative for people who are not very tech savvy.

glasseyedgrace September 22nd, 2021

Step 1 and 2 completed, I like the detailed information given

777Bre777 October 16th, 2021


I wish I knew which ones I missed lol

GloriaD November 4th, 2021


Done Step 1 & Step 2 🌻

I liked the video since it was simple, and clear to understand - it included everything that was necessary. The quiz is a good way to find out how well we understood the info given to us (in addition to our previous knowledge of subcommunities), and I always love such quizzes ♥️

contentedLion5093 November 4th, 2021

I have completed steps 1&2

i found the video to be informative about how to join communities and sub-communities.

these videos are helpful for new listeners and help navigate the site.

xinyii11 November 13th, 2021

Just finished the quiz! It was a great opportunity to refresh my knowledge about subcommunities <3 Thank you for creating this thread!

JustMe3303 January 1st, 2022


I have completed Steps 1 & 2. I learned that things look quite different on the browser version and the app version of 7 Cups. I also learned how to join group chats in more than one way. I received 10/10 on the quiz.