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LucianX April 11th, 2022

I'm angry. I posted something yesterday concerning the issues I'm currently dealing with. As far as I know I have received no replies, no one has reached out or bothered responding. So if I'm not getting any assistance here then maybe I should look elsewhere.

Comment removed by AffyAvo April 11, 2022 see #2 & 5

Because nothing is absolutely what I've gotten from 7Cups.

Lifeonmars787 April 11th, 2022

Hi, I'm sorry to know that you are angry but I would ask you to be more patient since the threads are many and it is not always possible to reply to each of you, but above all to moderate the language. If you are in urgent need of support, it would be more effective to connect with a listener in a 1-1 chat.

yellowEast1717 April 11th, 2022

Hi.. I'm sorry that you didn't reached any assistance from anyone of the listeners or other leaders or whatever you say.

I just hope now you are doing well. And will encourage yourself to go ahead in your life and make it beautiful and I hope you will get the spirit to make some awesome and happy memories.

JaneSustenListens April 11th, 2022


Which community did you use for your previous post? I was going to go check it out but couldn’t find it. Let me know!

greenogre April 11th, 2022

I feel the same way no lies. This site caused as much misery in my life as the help I've received from here. Most of the listeners just act like they are reading, and only write "ok" after you have literally shared your life story. Or they hear you out but tell you to go to therapy and end the chat so sometimes I feel ashamed of having problems. And if you manage to find a good listener, they always turn out to be busy with real life stuff and you cannot force someone to listen to you while they are busy with something else. What bothers me the most is how all the listeners have bios, which talk about how much of a good listener they are. After reading them I get a short moment of hope and happiness just to be disappointed in the actual chat afterwards. So you are right. Absolutely right. This site is terrible but I don't think any alternatives exist. Forever stuck here waiting for some kind of a help and a hero which won't come. 7 cups of tears is what it is.

yellowEast1717 April 11th, 2022

Hi... Well, I know I'm no one to tell you that you are wrong or anything like that. It's just that at a certain point I do agree with you but then again it all depends on the person whether he or she wants to move on or not. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you don't want to move on from what you are going through. I'm just saying maybe you aren't getting the person with whom you can talk more freely and if you are getting then that's only for a few days or weeks.

But let me suggest you something. I'm not a listener or anything like that. I'm just a depressed person. Well, I was actually. I came here it's been 4-5days. When I came here I was depressed like hell. After staying here I realized one thing. If I want to be happy in my life then I need to swallow my depression, and my sadness and forget them and move on with my life.

I know it is easy to say and hard to do. But nothing is impossible in this world. If you want people to help you out then first you help yourself by getting out of that sad or whatever emotional cage you are having inside you.

Be more like yourself, do all the stuff which you like ( obviously legal ones though) but then again try to be happy and try to love yourself. And trust me only by that way you will be out of your trouble. Like now I'm starting to feel.

A few days back when I was searching for people's help today I'm motivating others to live a happy life and move on. So, love yourself first and move on to create beautiful memories.

And I'm sorry if any of my words have hurt you. All the best for your upcoming life events.

greenogre April 12th, 2022

@yellowEast1717 I don't know honestly. I do try and get out of the sad mindset of me but I can't. I'm not sure why. Most of my thoughts in a day are about the negative aspects of things. I don't know if I made being full of self-hate and sadness a personality of mine. I'll try harder from now on. I thank you all.

yellowEast1717 April 12th, 2022

Hello @greenorge, honestly speaking, even I get negative thoughts. Like a few minutes ago after I woke up I felt like no one loves me. Everyone just loves my brother and themselves. I felt a bit sad but then again I mustered up myself and being the who I am.

If others can't accept me for what I am then I don't even care about them. If they got the right to be happy in life then so do I. So, just because of their foolish actions I won't let myself think negatively or look down on myself.

So, it's okay to have negative thoughts. It's okay to be sad, to cry. But don't let it take over on you. Let your true personality of yours come out. Let the world know you better so that both you and the world can love the better you.

I'm not saying anything lacks in you. Everything is good in you it just needs some improvements. And I'm sure one day you will improve.

And if you ever need anyone to tell your feelings then don't hesitate just write it down over here. We people will come as soon as we can to support you. To make you happy. To make you happy.

IamAlive45 April 11th, 2022

@greenogre @greenogre Hi, I found your post funny... because it is kind of true. I went through the same. But after few months I got to know how to use 7 cups smartly. I dont let listeners deviate me from the subject I want to talk about. And I end the chat by saying sorry gotta go when i see that replies only like ok, i see, i understand start from other end. Also, I chat with more than 3 listeners when needed. Someone or other is around for atleast a day or 2... I dont expect for a listener to be available for chat when i am in need. So, I drop them messages, and they reply whenever they get time. I do this with 3-4 people here everyday. Some reply everyday as they find time and feel comfortable.

So yea, I would say, use 7 cups the way you want it to work for you.

greenogre April 12th, 2022
  • @IamAlive45 When I was having a breakdown I did the same. Clicked on all the listeners without caring who they were. Got to chat with 6 people at the same time. And surprisingly that worked, most of the good listeners I found were from that time. The problem with it is that you have to explain your situation to each one of them again and again. Other than that problem this is the best way of using 7cups I agree.
IamAlive45 April 12th, 2022

@greenogre *grins*..see it is right! I am happy that I shared and found out the correctness of contancting multiple peoppe without thinking much.... weird yet true.. I am happy that it worked for you.. And to my amusement, real world works like this too.....

Kennzy567 April 12th, 2022

@greenogre This comment hits harder than a brick. I’ve only been here for a little while but I feel so much worse than ever before. I feel like it would almost be better to start up a insta group chat or somthin, if anyone is interested lmk.

GoldenNest2727 April 11th, 2022

Hi, there! I'm sorry about the amount of stress that you're under. If you're looking for immediate replies, then why not try one of the chatrooms? There are lots of friendly folks there, and you'll typically receive quicker responses. Just head in and introduce yourself.

greenogre April 12th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 I have a bit of social anxiety and I'm usually scared to write something when two other people are typing. But I'll try it out, thank you.

GoldenNest2727 April 12th, 2022


Hello, Green. I'll keep an eye out for you. 😊

greenogre April 12th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 I'm so needy of some validation and care that even "I'll keep an eye out for you" managed to put a smile on my face. Thank you a lot

InquireWithin April 12th, 2022


I, too, will watch for your name and welcome you in to Sharing Circle if at any time you choose to stop in. :) I know what it is like to be anxious about even saying hello, let alone tell others anything about myself.

GoldenNest2727 April 12th, 2022


Everyone needs support sometimes. ❤️

LovelyPlace4774 April 11th, 2022


I am new, again, to 7 cups and I felt like I was going into a crisis last week, made a post, with no replies. It was heartbreaking and I started to get upset, but then realized that this is a free service. The people who comment or reply are volunteers, or just like us. They are also going through things. Although knowing this didn't help my sadness, it helped stop my anger.

I am sorry for what you're going through and hope things will get better for you soon.

April 12th, 2022


Hi there! It sounds like you were going through a hard time last week and im so very sorry you weren't able to get support for it :( I hope youre doing better now!

I love your view on a member side and also as a listener side. I do want to let you know though, cups is not a crisis service. I would suggest reaching out to hotlines next time you feel like you're going through a crisis, as listeners are not trained to deal with crisis situations.

I also wanted to let you know that sometimes there can be a delay when it comes to people replying to forums! For more immediate support i would suggest connecting to a live listener.

I hope you get the support you deserve soon!


IamAlive45 April 12th, 2022

@LucianX Hi I hope you are doing better now... I see your post got modified.. But, you dont worry , sone of us read, caught and related with your feelings. I send tons of bright light towards you..