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Waves of anxiety/panic

IrelandsMomma May 1st

Does anyone else ever experience anxiety that just seems to come in waves? It usually lasts a few hours with me, leaving me exhausted. And during that time I try all the things, breathing, thinking logically, Journaling, mindfulness. Ugh. It's so hard to explain to people who don't have anxiety.

Highpeaks May 5th


yes. The same as you. It’s like a torture 

dancingJoy75 May 5th

Sounds like hormones to me, maybe you already know that. When you get them checked they say they’re normal for your age on their made up graph 😂

IrelandsMomma OP May 5th

I was thinking about getting my hormones checked to see. I think I'm perimenopausal, but that could still last a long time.

CaracalKitten July 23rd

@IrelandsMomma  Are hormones something that can really cause anxiety to be worse? I hadn't really thought of that before.

BwButterflyX May 6th

Yes. Can variate why, someone trouble with. Some exsample Depression related or if another unde laying cause.

Some also exsample react to weather or night/day.

If you have or do not have anxiety. Either way, there is more then kind anxiety, different kinds.

True can be very hard explain to those, not used to or don't know, what one talks about.

pluckyShade3356 May 7th

Yes I get it.

IrelandsMomma OP May 8th

I'm sorry we all have experienced this, but I'm glad I'm not alone!

Olive1Q82 May 12th

Yes, that’s very relatable. 😔

Dennis2542 May 26th

I am having extreme anxiety right now that won't stop. It comes in waves and waves



I'm dealing with the same thing right now. It's the worst when I first wake up 

Dennis2542 May 27th

For me it's worse at night and here it's 732 pm. It just doesn't stop. I am trying to distract or deflect and it's not working. I have no one to call..



I don't know how to message you but I'm available to chat

Dennis2542 May 27th

I'm not sure how to have a private chat. It doesn't seem to let me. I'm so desperate at this moment. I am trying to fund something that will quiet my mind



I'm doing the same. Trying to see if a good comedy show helps

Cher283 July 6th

Me too

calmMango9611 May 30th

@Den2542 Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering if you have any coping skills, that help you, when your anxiety is high? If so, would you be willing to share some of your coping tips with us? I feel it could be helpful for others. 

One tip that helps me, is Meditation and mindfulness. I do meditation and mindfulness together. It helps me a lot. There are other tips that help me, as well. But, for the sake of time and space, I shared just one tip.


I am currently going through this. I feel like no matter what I try nothing helps. Also tend to get very nauseous 

Dennis2542 May 27th

That us what is happening to me. I overthink, I get naucious, more over thinking, more days without eating sleeping. I just want it to end.



Exactly the same for me. I just want to get back to waking up and not feeling like my heart is going to beat out of my chest

Dennis2542 May 27th

I'm tempted to make an appointment with the doc and ask for meds. I know I need something


I've been finding CBD helpful to at least relax my body

Do you have the 7 cups app?


I've found CBD helps to at least relax my body.

Do you have the 7 cups app?

Alivingston May 29th


MZhang May 30th

Definitely feel you😭😭😭I am severely anxious😭


Yes, every morning since the pandemic, so basically going on a half decade and then on and off throughout the day depending on the scenario and throughout my life.

And yes, the journaling, meditation, therapy, counseling, medication, mindfulness, psychiatry, self care, self defense, workshops, workbooks, hobbies, studies, alternatives, etc. sure doesn't seem to work much, if at all, does it?

It takes a massive effort to meditate twice a day eh, for an hour each time at that, on top of enough quality sleep, socializing, eating well, movement, hydration, hygiene, "finding the right fit" (from counselors to careers to creative outlets to community resources and clothes)...then there's managing a home, finances, hobbies, interests, grief, loss, relationships, time, priorities, principles, values and everything else.

On a more personal note, I do find myself sometimes pondering if my life is even worth living for much longer than a few more years at this rate, understanding why so many choose to unalive themselves or use drugs, alcohol or are toxic and abusive, arrogant or vain and why the rate of suicide is the only form of death that hasn't decreased in the past century.

Maybe it all has to do with how complex and challenging it is to simply recognize and allow, investigate and nurture grief and loss. Letting go of fears and doubts is not easy and the language isn't really integrated into schools or institutions or elsewhere. Some efforts such as inner city school doing yoga, and Byron Katie's 'The Work' and Marshall Rosenberg's 'Non-Violent Communication' being taught in schools are happening. 

And there's been a quiet resurgence of research though the past decade into psychedelics. Perhaps that can flush out or destigmatize more options or ideas aside from pills or treatment with side effects worse than what it purports to treat and the iatrogenic illnesses that comes from them too on top of an oft narrow-minded, problematic healthcare system that's arguably more business- then people-oriented, which is so often the rock trapping one against a hard place. Here's talk on psychedelics from the yearly Bioneer conference by the way: 

It's difficult to lean on the positives when they're so shaky; the increase in women being educated to the lowest level of poverty since the 90s to the regrowth of the Amazon Rainforest seem like such tenuous lifeboats. Here's a video on the 'good things you may have missed' from TED if you're interested in learning more about the positives going on anyway:

There's obviously much more to be done before we hit the 'hundredth monkey' and evolve collectively into a more peaceful, happy and loving society but for now, it's quite brutal cycle of endurance, mystery, waiting and remembering.

RoPI (Resources of Possible Interest)

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz (book) Byron Katie's inquiry process, live zoom session with replays, free worksheets and facilitators, etc..

Glo - YouTube channel, podcast, guided meditations.

Qi Gong - eastern healing modality of organ massage through body movements, breathing and more.

Karate - self defense and mindset.

Non-Violent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg (book and workbook) he may also hold workshops and has many talks and demonstrations on YouTube.

Chocolate. What's your favourite snack or food btw? I think mine are fish and chips, dark chocolate truffles and anything cooked over or with a real fire. 

IrelandsMomma OP May 30th

Thank you, Pond! We have a ton in common. I have to say, my faith in Jesus is the only thing that really can help ground me. Prayer seems to be the only thing that works, which I know is a form of meditation, but I really have to work at it during the rough times. Focusing on God and blessings gets me out of focusing on me. I've been an anxious person all my life, but health concerns (mine and others) are really driving a lot of my anxiety now.

I hate taking medication, though I have to now, and CBD is contraindicated with my Rx, and even if that's just Big Health/Big Pharm conspiracy, I'd probably have panic attacks over any small symptom or funny feeling. Although I did try CBD oil before my major health issues, and it didn't really help me. But I totally get you. My husband is disabled, has been since we were in our 30s. I'm the income and the caregiver. Then I had a stroke 3 years ago, and suddenly, I needed a caregiver until I could recover.

Currently I'm reading "How to get your life back" by John Eldridge, and I'm hoping to soon read "Brain Energy" by Chris Palmer, because dietary changes may help mental illness. It really stinks! I'm glad I've met others on here who understand!

Librarylover46 June 13th


I’m feeling tons of anxiety now as I have had some medical issues and then my doctor changed the anxiety medications I was taking. Now things have gotten worse. I meet with my therapist tomorrow to get “restarted”. I have had major episodes of anxiety and depression on and off over the last decade and a half. Anyways, things were good for a long time and now this. I too follow Jesus and prayer right now is about the only meditation I can handle. My stomach gets so overactive during these times so I’m having diarrhea and nausea. I hate it but just trying to get better 

@IrelandsMomma I took medication for about a decade. Off for about a decade. I love it because I'd be dead without it. So it's okay.

Takes time and patience for struggles to slough off, often taking so many old skins, and we just need professional help sometimes to let go.

Glad to find like-minded people here as well who are choosing a close relationship with and to put their life in the hands of a higher power.

Yes it sure is challenging sometimes when it's tough that's so true. And the failures and mistakes can feel eternally punishing.

Taking time to recover from falling down and learning to tend our wounds or who will tend them for us when we can't matters.

Being honest with oneself with kindness, good humour and trustworthiness can attract more and more the good people, places and things.


@IrelandsMomma exploring spirituality is something I'm passionate about. I don't agree with religion because it's man's attempt to quantify the quantifiable so causes more damage but spirituality for me is an integral and often forgotten facet of healing. Usually people just focus on the mind or the body and forget it's all inextricably and inexorably connected.


@IrelandsMomma I understand how you feel. I experience anxiety too, and it often stems from deep-seated fears. I've tried various breathing techniques and mental diversions, but the anxiety tends to return. Overcoming it isn't easy, but I manage by shifting my focus to something I can control, like my work. It may be a short-term solution, but for now, it helps.


I experience this as well.

As you said, trying different techniques doesn't help much.

Sometimes I try to focus on pleasure, like giving myself a hot shower.

But, what it comes to at the end, is feeling uncomfortable. A part of my mind would like to believe I have control over this, but the truth is, even if I have, I'm not aware of it. I don't know how to stop anxiety.

So, when I'm deep in it, I try to remember that some things I cannot change (or don't know yet how to), and that life is sometimes uncomfortable.

Hans7cups July 10th


Have you tried a cold shower instead of a hot one? I know it sounds weird, but a cold shower can really help you align with your body and give your mind a rest.
Some days I do hot, others cold. The hot showers give me more room to worry and overthink, while the cold showers kinda force me to focus on my breathing and physical sensations.


I experience this as well.

As you said, trying different techniques doesn't help much.

Sometimes I try to focus on pleasure, like giving myself a hot shower.

But, what it comes to at the end, is feeling uncomfortable. A part of my mind would like to believe I have control over this, but the truth is, even if I have, I'm not aware of it. I don't know how to stop anxiety.

So, when I'm deep in it, I try to remember that some things I cannot change (or don't know yet how to), and that life is sometimes uncomfortable.

dhabib June 4th

@IrelandsMomma I have that happen I do experience that it bothers me a lot it’s challenging it’s very uncomfortable my dad makes it worse it’s ignoring not responding I need him the most he ignores me gives me the slient treatment I have a mental health problem he obivously doesn’t understand he doesn’t know how to help 

lolcooterbob3402 June 6th

Trick of the trade. Im sure there are some songs that are your go to songs. Ones that no matter what your head starts moving. Pick a couple songs that inspire different moods. And when the panic attack starts creeping up. Headphones and full blast. Even a fight song is good. You would think it would make you violent but nope. Males you feel in control. That energy is there. Direct it

IrelandsMomma OP June 7th

Honestly, Jesus loves me is my go to song, but I've also turned on Spotify and got Casting Crowns playing and after a while that helps.

lolcooterbob3402 June 7th

I say this as a suggestion simply because I myself believe it to be true.

Balance is the goal. An evil man with so empathy, fails. A nun who can not kill the wolves, fails. Love, hate, anxiety. All things that are raw power. All things out of our control. I will assume since I've never heard it that "Jesus loves me" would not fit the bill of raw power. AC/DC back in black. Raw power. The genre of the song is unimportant. The energy must be there though. Same way as a little boy throw a rock at a girl he likes. Cuz we know we can turn hate to love. The energy is there. Direct it

Cher283 June 6th

@IrelandsMomma I totally understand, anxiety is no fun for us people that suffer from it.

DitaBear June 8th

Yep, for sure.  Really hate when it happens. ☹️

blueOcean6753 June 9th

I do have axiety attacks as well. It comes at the most unexpected times. It wakes me up out of my sleep. I have xanex to help, but I do not take it every time I'm having an episode. Your body will get used to it then you will need it more and more. Also I cannot take it during the day at work or I can't concentrate. I have CBD/THC oil that is higher CBD than THC and it helps to calm me. But I've tried other methods and they do not help me or I'm just not strong enough to beat it. But different things work for different people. Get some ideas from people and see what works for you, also try to not have energy drinks or coffee as they can Amp your anxiety up also. Hobbies can be a good coping mechanism as well just have to find what you may like. I hope you find what helps you and always remember the anxiety will pass.