Hey there! Glad you've made your way here to this site. I truly hope you get the listening ears you need and the help to be able to become yourself, who you truly are. If I appear as offline, don't worry, I will respond to you whenever I can. If you need someone immediately, you can look for another listener here:
Something about me?
I'm a young adult who has experienced losses and depression in her so far short life. I still do but I want to find a way to spread the love and understanding towards others. I'm open minded and I don't judge by looks, gender, or so. If I can help in anyway, I'm more glad to do so and it makes me happy if I can make someone feel better. I've experienced all of the things that are in my areas of expertise, so I wish to be able to understand you on some level. I'm also up for just chatting about animals, hobbies, music, you name it.
Feel free to chat with me and if you want to vent, I'll be here to listen and share my point of view if wanted :) And if you just want to talk, I'm up for that as well.