I am a current Psychology Major student seeking out experience working with clients. The time for me to decide to go clinical or research in psychology is near, which is why I became a listener on 7 Cups to see if I would like the clinical side of psychology.
I am currently in my messianic phase of life, so volunteering and mentoring are a large part of my self-fulfillment needs. I have an AA in Business Management as well - which lends me the ability to help individuals get their work lives in order. I am great at editing resumes, organizing schedules, and making creative solutions to complex work-based issues. I also worked as a personal accountant which means I can help with financial organization - or at least get individuals on the right track by providing the right resources.
I am also a HUGE health nut. I have worked with many diabetics to reduce their A1C to normalized levels and provide preventative care for those nearing the loss of limbs due to diabetes. I fought over-eating and beat it. I also overcame a small dose of bulimia, so I can connect easily to that personal dilemma.
My Philosophies:
Jungian Narration
Self Authoring
Positive Mindset
Personal Responsibility
Big 5 Theory of Personality
Maslov's Hierarchy (NOT A PYRAMID and Achievable)