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Profile: LoveYourself19
LoveYourself19 on Feb 13, 2017
Weight Management Expert more
Keep your mind focused on the overall goal. When you're about to give in to eating something unhealthy, realize that what you want right at the moment is not comparable to what you want the most for yourself. Also, just as a side note, make sure to keep eating healthy, meaning don't ever stop eating. I know sometimes people will say that if you fast, you'll lose weight quicker, but it's actually the opposite. Good luck! :)
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Profile: beautifulFlower82
beautifulFlower82 on Feb 19, 2017
Weight Management Expert more
You might want to start a journal and list all the reasons you want to lose weight and how that will change your life. Sticky notes on the fridge or pantry with your "why" also helps as a reminder too. It would be great to have someone you can depend on to check in with you on how things are going. Knowing you will have to admit when you get off track to someone else is a great motivator. A good listener or therapist here could help you with that if needed.
Profile: vivelespatates
vivelespatates on Apr 5, 2018
Weight Management Expert more
#1 choose an activity that you like. Even if it burns fewer calories, it does not matter. The important thing is that you can continue it on the long-term. #2 Find a friend, a buddy or a group with who you can continue even during the most difficult times. #3 set short-term goals and not just a weight loss goal, because this type of goal can be stressful and demotivating. Find other goals too. For example, participate in a sporting challenge or improve yourself in something. #4 go there gradually. Of course, to not to hurt yourself, but also to not lose interest or get too tired. and a slower weight lost is more healthy and goint to maintains on long term.
Profile: MarkishaNanceLCSW
MarkishaNanceLCSW on Sep 26, 2017 more
Motivation is a tricky thing but ultimately starts with you. The saying when you get sick and tired of being sick and tired you start the process for change. There is usually a thought begins in your mind that makes you start thinking about wanting to change ie. to be healthier, live longer for someone you love, fit into a cute outfit, you don't like the you you see in the mirror etc. Once that thought begins you either discount it by saying all the reasons you can't do it or begin to encourage yourself and say you could do it. either way change starts with taking one small step. Decide to walk further, drink less pop, drink more water etc. Start with small changes you can master fairly easily and then you will become motivated because you will have more confidence in making bigger changes. Losing weight is an emotional journey that starts in the mind and then transfers to your emotions, actions, attitudes. It's more than just eating so don't be hard on yourself. I encourage you to take your first step and keep moving forward. There is nothing you can't do.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 8, 2018 more
Something I have personally found helpful is to go ahead and write down positive self-affirmations every day. Increasing my self-esteem and affirming myself makes me feel more excited to go workout because it makes me feel powerful. It also makes working out and eating healthy feel like I'm treating myself well rather than depriving/punishing myself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 5, 2017 more
Just imagine how fabulous you would look after loosing the weight! Just imagine ur walking and all eyes are on you! Think about the benefits that your gona get once you loose weight! You don't need to look for your size in special stores! You can wear trendy clothes which are usually made for girls with zero figure! You need to set up a goal for a day and follow it! It's really easy to gain weight but even more tough to loose it! Once u loose a little weight talk to your friends about it! Tell them what you have done! Choose your own role model! Whom you want to look like! Buy a dress which doesn't fit you! And keep trying that every week after workout! Make sure how much weight u need to loose in how much time! Eat healthy food! Don't stop eating! Drink water before you eat food so that your stomach remains full! All the best! Hope that helps! :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 19, 2017 more
This is not an easy question! It is so much easier to ignore your weight gain or habits than it is to be aware and want to lose the weight. The first important thing is to be aware of your weight and how it makes you feel. Are you unhappy with it? Is it a healthy weight for your gender/age? A good way to get a kick start is to see a dietician or nutritionist to talk about your diet. Changing diet can have just as much of an effect as adding exercise can!
Profile: resourcefulPond1641
resourcefulPond1641 on Sep 4, 2017 more
Keeping a log of what you eat has been shown to help people eat less, even when they aren't trying to restrict their diet. Maybe that could be a good place to start.
Profile: competentBlueberry60
competentBlueberry60 on Sep 29, 2017 more
You mentioned the words 'enough motivation' That's quite subjective to be honest. I think it would help if you recall the reason as to why did you feel the need to lose weight in the first place (look fitter, to reduce stress etc.) and then realize the importance of having a set exercise routine. Also it helps to remember that exercise has long term mental benefits whilst short term gains that you see help in raising your sense of self esteem as well. If that's good enough for you to get started then so be it, just remember in the future whenever you lose motivation your 'why' is going to lift you out of it no matter what field you are in.
Profile: Arkelight
Arkelight on Nov 7, 2017 more
Routine, start slow and build your way up. How can you become motivated enough or have the self-discipline to exercise if other parts of your life are chaotic. Create a diet plan that is both healthy and suits you, use healthy snacks to fill the void. After you've got that in order, start with a simple walk.
Profile: recoveringlistener
recoveringlistener on Feb 1, 2018 more
Perhaps focusing on weight loss could be the very reason you have less motivation. If you are desiring to lose weight for health reasons, instead focus on the changes that will directly impact your health even if it's not inherently related to your weight. When you make changes with a weight-neutral approach, you may lose weight or you may not, but if your health is better that's what matters. Check out resources among the Health At Every Size paradigm or explore health professionals that may help with your desire to lose weight.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 26, 2018 more
It's really important to understand all the wonderful health benefits of putting down those extra kilos. Also, don't expect to get highly motivated without some practice. Start by doing light exercises and when you will see some results, you'll automatically be ready to push yourself harder.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 13, 2018 more
I get the motivation to lose weight by seeing/watching other people who have successfully lost weight, this is because I believe that seeing somebody else who had the same issue makes it feel relatable to me and seeing that person overcoming the issue motivates me to follow what the person done.
Profile: TheSoulfulflower
TheSoulfulflower on Oct 15, 2019 more
Know why you need to lose weight. It should be a strong reason. Then set a feasible goal that suits you. Know that each small action will add up eventually Imagine the life you wish to have after losing weight. Write down your goal and update your progress. Don't get trapped in the feeling that you are doing something highly out of your ways and comfort zone. Start with small making one meal right and healthy for the first week follow by other meals. Make exercise an enjoyable and relaxing time. Do the kind of exercises you like to do....even if it is simply dancing to a song or taking your pet for a walk. Believe in your ability to reach your goal. And keep up hopes.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 21, 2020 more
I think its important to look into the mirror and to be able to picture your motivation on why yo want to lose weight and everyday you look in the mirror and you tell yourself that you can do it! You set little attaniable goals and you be your best self and everything else will follow. And to reach out to proper nutritionists and medical professionals to discuss what is best for you. Becuase everyone is different and no BODY is the same. And just because one person lost the weight this way means that the next person will loose the weight the same way.
Profile: bubblyFaith17
bubblyFaith17 on Nov 14, 2020 more
I am struggling with this as well but I am learning that it is not about "getting motivation". It is about giving myself positive ways to look at this. For instance - I need to ask myself - What would a healthy person do? Would a healthy person eat this box of cookies or would a healthy person eat some fresh veggies? Would a healthy person drive the two blocks to the store or would they walk? It's a constant state of putting yourself in check. Good luck. You can do this!
Profile: enigmaticpanda4152
enigmaticpanda4152 on Jan 17, 2024 more
Acquiring motivation for weight loss revolves around determination, dedication, discipline, and integrating the crucial aspect of progress tracking. Start by defining your goals and understanding the reasons behind your desire to lose weight, fostering a strong sense of determination. Dedicate yourself to a holistic approach that combines a balanced diet with regular exercise. Establish a progressively achievable routine, emphasizing consistency. Discipline is pivotal in creating a supportive environment for healthy choices and minimizing obstacles. Implement a tracking system, utilizing tools like journals, apps, or wearable devices to record progress. Regularly monitor and acknowledge achievements, reinforcing discipline and boosting motivation. Engage with a supportive community or seek assistance from friends and family for enhanced accountability. Celebrate milestones, no matter how small, as they fuel ongoing motivation. In essence, the interplay of determination, dedication, and discipline, coupled with proactive progress tracking, creates a robust foundation for the lasting motivation needed for the weight loss journey.
Profile: Tulipsmile
Tulipsmile on Apr 24, 2024 more
I think that if we try to think about losing weight and how our health and mood will improve, as well as how our appearance and everything will change for the better, I feel that thinking like this is part of reducing weight loss. In addition to this, we can do activities that involve more movement so that we do not feel bored or forced to do this. For example, I love walking, and when I used to walk every day for half an hour or more, this helped me a lot.Cooking the foods we love with almost the same recipe, just making the recipe as healthy as possible, as well as diversifying the meals helps. I wish you all the your goals🌷🌷🙏
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