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Stacy Overton, PhD.
I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and also a professor of counseling. I have a passion for peoples stories and helping to guide and empower the human spirit.
Top Rated Answers
August 1st, 2018 9:20pm
If you can't get a job, you should keep trying. It really helps to find something that you like and something that motivates you, and stick to it. Everything happens for a reason, so you not being able to get a job happened for a reason. Maybe life is trying to show you that there is something better that it has planned for you!
Never give up, go in person, volunteer your services. Another is seek out an employment agency, most hire from temp to perm.
A job search is no easy task. It can be stressful and daunting. Sometimes you need to take a break from looking just to restart and refresh your mind/life. A fresh perspective will enable you to see clearly and go after exactly what you want. You also can hire services online to review your resume and make sure it's getting you where you want to be. Above all, be patient. The right job will come at the right time. In the meantime practice relaxation techniques and find ways to relax and enjoy life. Everything is meant to be and will come to you in time.
I know how you feel. When I was going from one job to another I applied to many places and I was very nervous about whether I'd get the job or not. I know that you feel all emotions about this job and you're hoping to get it, but I'm sure you will get it. If not, it's going to be okay because we all have those moments when you don't get it. But it's good on you that you're putting out applications and wanting to put yourself higher up within your career or what have you. Don't worry too much, you'll have good days and bad days and you'll have your successes and your losses.
Take good care of yourself before you go out applying for a job. Build up your confidence and feel good about what you're applying for. If it's hard to get a job in the field that you're in - find motivation to grab a higher education and dominate the world of work that you're applying for!
No one can tell you that you're never going to get a job, because getting a job is always going to be hard. But it takes motivation, persistence and a lot of merit to go in there for an interview and feel confident. There are guides online to ace an interview, but from personal experience, I'd say that being yourself and showing what you're really good at works the best.
January 12th, 2019 7:45am
Finding a job sometimes take a bit of luck and u may feel like it is entirely your fault and feel like a big failure. However, there are many other opportunities put there and maybe its a good thing you havent found a job yet cos there are other jobs more suited for you! No matter how long it takes, do not give up! just keep improving on yourself in many different aspect like health be it physically or mentally, while waiting for a job to accept u. IVe not gone throught this yet as im still a student but ive been through this worried phase where im not getting something i want! i hope it helps!
Know you aren't alone for a start. Don't have your sights set on something unobtainable. Life will march on, sad though that is, and it really is better to do something, anything if it means you worked, showed up, made some friends...because in years to come you will need the emotional support as well as just money or accolades.
Obviously we all dream of doing something more than just waiting tables but there's no shame in it. Focus on your relationships more than how you look, it will pay in the long run rather than the short run.
If you are young use your opportunities as much as you can. Free passes and grants run out and leave you in the cold. Don't assume 30 is really that far away!! Time speeds up and you slow down.
If there's an apprenticeship or scheme like that go for it. It's low pay for a year or two but then you are free to progress and honestly looking back 2 or 3 years working in a shop and progressing through management positions would have been far FAR superior to mucking around at University. It's a complete waste of time where I live now in the UK anyway, and you will have a car, home, be a grown up while others are still walking round scratching their head about why nothing is working out and they are snowed under with debt.
May 26th, 2019 10:12am
Don't give up I would find one if not today tommorrow if not tommorrow the day after that. But not giving up is important and always be optimistic. If you think negatively about it you would probably not find one. So keep your head up straight live your life and do not stress about it the job will be found sooner or later and post your CV online that may help too. Go job hunting! Be open minded you could always work as a waiter or a hairdresser.. Ever thought of babysitting? That could do it.. If you are willing why not?
There are a lot of options when you can't get a job.
First of all, you can try to check if there is something you can improve on your resume and application letter - those are quite important.
Then, try to make some networking - there are free events where you can even network with companies and some HR people, too.
Upload your resume on Linkedin, and other social networks alike.
Take some courses (there may be some free or even courses they pay you to attend to - in my country, we have a lot of those; some online courses can add up stuff to your resume, too).
Focus on what you want to become, and do, so you can achieve it. Make a plan of what you need to go to that career and position. If you have to take a course, try to do it. In case you need experience, try to volunteer or be an intern.
Can't get a job? or can't find a job you want? It's important to distinguish between the two. Are you comfortable with working something temporary until you find a job you love and want to stay in the long term? On the other hand, if you've applied for at least five jobs with no callbacks, it's always recommended to follow-up with the employer or interview staff to see why it is you were not selected for the position. It could be something as simple as you need more experience, a professional course upgrade or that they were limited to the number of people whom they could hire.
Theres online courses that you can take to qualify yourself better and up your skills or sharpen already existing skillset. LinkedIn is great for networking. Going for talks, seminars and workshops also helps meet new people and you never know where your next job opportunity may come from. Keep your ear to the ground, you'll find something.
First off, understand that not getting a job doesn't mean its the end of the world. Life is long and it's a long journey. Understand that there's different paths that you can take in life and that you don't always have to take the path that everyone else is taking. So just remember that it's okay. Find something that you're passionate about and throw yourself at it. Find something you really want to do and yes, maybe it won't work out at first but remember that failure is just a step you need to take to achieve success. You will find a way in the end.
There are two ways to look at it, if you dont get a Job. One is , try for jobs that are not in your radar, are of not your choice, till you find one that is of your choice. These could be jobs that are irrelevant to your qualifications, may not be well paid(as per your expectations etc) . The 2nd option is (if you can manage your needs )to seek new skill training's/courses that will give a edge to seek and compete for jobs that you stand a chance to get them. This way, your time is well utilised and you can be better equipped to nail that elusive job.
Try to get an internship or volunteer at different places to help show how much you want or need a job. People will then recognize that you are serious about your work and then someone might help you find a job. You can get offered jobs as an intern if you are doing a great job and working hard. You can also volunteer and make friends volunteering so they can help with finding jobs for you. There are also job websites that you can put your information into and what skills you have to help you find the right job profession for you.
Ask yourself why can't you get a job. Sometimes we conceal real reasons because they're hard to admit, or they could unveil some truths that make you feel uncomfortable. Write a list of why's — for example: whay can't I get a job? Because nobody is hiring me. Why is nobody hiring me? Because I'm too old. Why am I too old? Because society thinks so. Why does society think so? Because many old people are not productive... and so on. When you hit the root of the issue, work on that and create a set of tools that make you the best option for that job.
If you are having trouble getting a job, first have a look at your resume and see if you are highlighting the skills and experience that are relevant to what you are applying for. You can’t always use the same resume for every job. Some jobs want to hear that you are genuinely interested in obtaining employment. They also want to ensure that they are choosing the right person for their job so they will skill match your resume with their position specification and then see if you are a good fit personally for their organisation. Approach employment agencies that specialise in the area of your expertise.
Hmm that sounds like a difficult situation!
Well ask yourself, "Why can't I get a job?"
If it is something against your control such as all the jobs that are hiring are far away from where I live than, that isn't all your fault
But if it is something mentally that is going on with you, such as anxiety of finding a job and keeping it, than it is something to do with yourself. I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm saying it is something you can somehow control or change. Don't you agree?
But I think if you truly want to have a job but you can't get it, maybe you could ask around your friends and family for one or volunteering is something useful as well
When you choose a job. You don't choose anywhere. It will be best that you choose the place that aligns with your personality and your interest. I believe that you always can make improvement in area that you are still weak; be it the resume, the self-presentation and confidence during interview, the job knowledge. You can work on it. If you cannot get a job now. It does not mean you cannot get a job in the future. You work to improve yourself, you become the person your dream company look for and your dream job will be yours.
Firstly don't get yourself down about not having a job, if your able to work for example you got no health reasons that's proventing you getting a job apply for jobs locally to where you live secondly volunteering is great place to gain new skills which hopefully will help you gain employment in the future in something you wish to do :) look at what your skills you already have and what skills you can learn which will help you get the experience you need to get the job you want. Hope that helps answer your question and good luck
Ensure your resume is up to date and represents what you bring to the table including skills, experience and training! Make it stand out by matching it as closely to the needs expressed on the job description. A cover letter is also helpful to explain why you are interested in the role and what specific skills you bring to the table. Prepare for the interview by googling some interview questions and role playing with someone you know. Be prepared with real life examples and explaining them using the situation, action and result technique. Remember that you are also interviewing them, so be prepared with some good questions, not how much money does it pay. An example of a question may be what are the team dynamics like? or what are the strategic priorities for the year? or what are some challenges the organization is facing and what are some of the successes they have achieved recently.
If you can't get a job right now at least, then keep trying, it may take longer than expected but your time will come around. Giving up is not always the best answer. although it may seem like a hard time, you are not the only one going through it. Even if it may seem like a tough time for you just know that it's like that for everybody even if it not everybody shows it. Long story short is keep looking for a job because there is a place out there that would be lucky enough to have somebody like you working for them.
If you can’t get a job try to volunteer first and then you may find something interesting. Then volunteering will give you experience. This will give you time to perfect your resume and your instincts. As time passes in volunteering you will grow and learn patience, endurance and mental skills. You will learn to be grateful for the people in your life. You will learn that giving is definitely better than receiving. When you have finished volunteering you may even receive a letter of recommendation. This will open many job opportunities for you and you will have looked back at the challenges.
August 8th, 2021 9:23pm
First of all ... RELAX. We've all been there and it's nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you're physically and mentally being proactive. Often, application rejections have more to do with high competition/response rate than experience and competency, so don't take them personally. However, there's things you could do in the meantime: 1.) Evaluate your cover letter or interview approaches, which is often the first impression. 2.) Brush up on your skills and check-in with previous colleagues, e.g., see what they're up to, and 3.) Think outside the box. Rather than wait for/respond to job postings, reach out to a company not visibly hiring. Not only do you have nothing to lose, but you just expanded your job-seeking resources. Good luck!
I'll assume you applied to many jobs in various fields and maybe some poorly paid positions just so you would get something.
The usual options are:
- Training: To make your resume more appealing, try to get some training, further education, ... This makes you gain more skills and means you have more to offer.
- Self-employment: Whatever your field of work, there probably is a way to start your own one-(wo)man-show. Whether it be the thing you were trained to do or e.g. making youtube videos, selling crochet blankets on etsy, offering simple services, ...
- Social Services: Contact social services. Not only might they help you find a position or set you up in a program, but if everything else fails, they might be able to offer some social wellfare money, depending on which country you live in. They also provide you with helpful resources for people in your situation.
July 7th, 2021 7:02pm
It can be hard to know what to do if you are not able to land a job. However, there are several routes you might consider to help you. Firstly, you might want to take unconventional approaches to finding work: ask around, post flyers of the skills you offer, volunteer or take an internship so that others get to see what it's like to work with or manage you--maybe they'll want to offer you a paid position. Secondly, if you have the time and resources, you might want to take some training courses to boost your resume. There may even be free online courses that could increase your chances of getting selected in the area you want to work in. Thirdly, you may want to expand your search by broadening the type of job you're looking for, or the amount of pay you'll accept. The most important thing is to realize that you have value regardless of your ability to find and do work. Try to keep that in mind and don't lose hope. Best of luck!
May 22nd, 2021 6:18pm
I didn’t lose hope. I figured that any situation cant be constant. It is bound to change somehow, but change cannot happen on its own either. Generalizing that i will never get a job or my life is bad where it is now is just what it is, a generalization that we are all prone to do. The moment we recognize that we are in control of how we behave, we can tame these pessimistic thoughts. Yes it’s true that we might feel we’re failing, we might think we will never get anywhere, that all the doors are locked and will not open unless a strong wind magically blows through. Reality is these are just thoughts and feelings, and they don’t necessarily have to be true. What we can do is accept them but try not to identify with them, for all we know we have control over is our behavior. There are always options, there are always choices out there, as long as we keep trying and adapting. Sometimes the same patterns of behavior will lead to the same exact results. It’s important to try to check what we are missing, what we can do better, what we can work on. Nothing comes without a bit of effort.
April 18th, 2021 5:54pm
First thing, never lose hope and never give up. I know you must feel demotivated from time to time and sometimes feel like giving up but don't stop. Continue doing what you have always been doing and believe in yourself. Start from zero levels if needed and maintain continuity of your hard work. Then there'll be a day you'll be going to your dream job. It might take time but remember, good things always take time. Be positive and work hard because hard work does pay off. Stay safe and healthy, and you will surely achieve the dream job. All the best.
May 3rd, 2021 1:24pm
While looking for a job may be difficult, we want to improve the strategies we are attempting for job searching. The best way to do this is to create a professional cover letter to send in with a resume stating why you would be a good fit for the job. Employers will list what qualifies candidates for the position and you can gather a good idea if you would be interested in the new job. If you are given the opportunity to attend an interview, a helpful tip would be to research questions to ask employers that will increase their interest. If you are a recent graduate, you can list this in your resume and find a job/career that accepts entry-level experience. Job searching may take a long time, but if you are actively applying to several jobs a week, you will have a higher chance of finding a new job.
I can imagine that it's pretty scary to not have a job, especially if you're straight out of school or otherwise in a position where you're "supposed" to have a job by now. Please realize that most people will have multiple jobs throughout their adult life, and it's not an all uncommon. The thing is to have a system and a plan, not just a goal. Keep working on what kind of job will get you to the next level, meaning closer to the point where you have what you want. If working on your training makes sense, do that. If you need to network, do that. Sometimes reading (or writing) articles in your field can help you "stay relevant". Stay strong!
If you need a job right away, consider applying for a temporary job to make sure your basic needs are met. Don't focus entirely on job boards. Use this time to network and try to gather information from others, who may be able to offer you help finding a job. Temping is an excellent way to get your foot in the door at a company, learn some new skills, and build your professional network. Job searching is a time-consuming endeavor that requires diligence, persistence and follow-through. If you're minimally investing your time or applying to positions with minimal preparation or follow-up, that could be the reason why you can't find a job.
What to do about it: Structuring your schedule so there is daily dedicated time to job searching can be a helpful first step to ensure you're investing enough time in the search. Set a clear goal, such as applying to one position per day or three per week.
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