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Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself here!!

Heather225 June 21st


Welcome to our community! We're excited to meet you!

Please introduce yourself below.

Afterward, be sure to check out our welcome pack for everything you need to know starting out:

We've got vibrant group chats too! The Sharing Circle is open 24/7 for adult users! Drop in HERE so we can get to know you better!

EarlofLemon58 June 30th

@soulsings I think what I want to work on is how to handle the stress/anxiety. When the anxiety hits, I sometimes have trouble sleeping and it can feel overwhelming for at least a short time. I try to make decisions based on information and data, but the issues that come up are usually topics I don't know the first thing about.

Part of the home thing is when finding an issue, I often go down the rabbit hole to worst-case scenarios. Trying to educate myself doesn't help. Logically I know it's probably not as bad as I end up believing, but the emotional reaction is stress that is difficult to deal with.

soulsings June 30th

@EarlofLemon58 it is good that you know what you want to focus on because that gives you a guideline where to head. 

If you care for suggestions, here goes. The Anxiety Community has many threads some of which may be of interest. To explore and or join, here is the link

Mindfulness has helped many people deal with anxiety. Here are some audio mindfulness practices with 300 mindfulneess exercises that you can listen to and not even leave the 7 Cup Site

If you want to interact with other there are group support topic and guided discussions. Some otft the ones I am familiar with have a schedule here 

Hope you get the support you are looking for. 

Fortunata67Anima September 12th

@soulsings  Thank you for these linked resources.  I'm still new and figuring how this all works.  The welcome package is an awesome resource.  But nothing beats wading into a group, tippy-toe at first, and exploring and thinking anew.  

LittleEggHarbor July 1st

@EarlofLemon58 Welcome to 7Cups! 😊

LittleEggHarbor July 1st

@EarlofLemon58 Welcome to 7Cups! 😊

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@EarlofLemon58Welcome! Feel free to reach out anytime. The Welcome Pack can help yuo navigate (Blue text is clickable)

EarlofLemon58 July 6th

@healingsoul4892 Thank you so much. 🙌

Aiokitty June 30th

Not even sure where to start

LittleBirdie30 July 1st

@Aiokitty Hi Aiokitty! Welcome to 7 Cups! First, what brings you to 7 Cups? 🩵 Maybe we can help guide you to the right place! We are so happy that you are here!

Aiokitty July 2nd

Depression, SEVERE anxiety, a host of things that go with them and no support system whatsoever. Left a bad relationship, moved to a new state where I know no one and my issues pretty much make me very isolated.

LittleEggHarbor July 1st

@Aiokitty Welcome to 7Cups! 😊

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@AiokittyHi there! Hope you find support here. The Welcome Pack is a great start (Blue text is clickable)

DangerLKing July 1st


I am DangerLKing.

I fancy myself a neophyte writer, and also a neophyte in my journey of healing. I would like for this healing adventure to go well enough that I can help others eventually.

Love to all.

LittleBirdie30 July 1st

@DangerLKing Hi DangerLKing! Welcome to 7 Cups! So glad you are here and looking to help others! The forums are a great place if you enjoy writing! Please let us know if you have any questions! 😊

LittleEggHarbor July 1st

@DangerLKing  Welcome to 7Cups! 😊

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@DangerLKingWelcome! We're here for you. Check out the Welcome Pack (Blue text is clickable)

LittleEggHarbor July 1st

Hello all new members! Welcome to 7 Cups!

We’re all thrilled to have you join our community. At 7 Cups, you’ll find a supportive network of compassionate listeners and members who are here to help you through any challenges you may be facing. Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, or just need someone to talk to, our listeners are ready to provide a non-judgmental ear and empathetic support. You’re not alone in your journey, and we’re here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

Beyond one-on-one chats, 7 Cups offers a vibrant community where you can connect with others who share similar experiences and interests. Our forums and group chats are great places to find comfort, share stories, and offer support to others. Engaging with the community can help you build meaningful relationships and realize that there are others who truly understand what you’re going through. Together, we create a space where everyone feels heard, valued, and supported.

At 7 Cups, we believe in the power of personal growth and healing. By being part of our community, you’ll have access to various resources, including self-help guides, mindfulness exercises, and wellness activities that can aid in your mental health journey. Take advantage of these tools to learn more about yourself, develop coping strategies, and enhance your overall well-being. We’re here to empower you to grow, heal, and thrive.

Welcome aboard! We’re glad you’re here and look forward to supporting you on your journey. I'll be in group chats if you ever need someone to chat with : )


I am new here. I suffer from major anxiety and panic disorder. I hope that I can find some support here.

LittleBirdie30 July 2nd

Hey Sailboat! Welcome to 7 Cups! You’ll definitely be able to find lots of support through a variety of different ways! You can join the general request queue or connect with a Listener by browsing for one here: You can also find our Anxiety Community here in the forums: I hope this helps! Let us know if you need anything! 🥰

LittleBirdie30 July 2nd

The formatting got a little wonky because I’m on my phone, but the first one is the Anxiety Community and the second one is where you can browse Listeners! 🩵

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@versatileSailboat4153Hello and welcome! Glad to have you. The Welcome Pack is full of useful info (Blue text is clickable)

Pixiegrace July 2nd

Hi. Welcome everyone. I'm pixiegrace and I have only been a part of 7 cups for a few days. I really enjoy talking and listening to people. Making friend and getting to know people. I am here to listen to anyone.

LittleBirdie30 July 2nd

Hi Pixiegrace! Welcome to 7 Cups ❤️❤️ Thank you for being a volunteer with us! Please let us know if you need anything! 😊

pinkPanda682 July 5th


Hi pixiegrace! 🌟 Welcome to 7 Cups! It's wonderful to have you here. Your enthusiasm for talking, listening, and making friends is so heartwarming. 😊💕 We're glad you're part of this community, and I'm sure you'll make a positive impact.

pinkPanda 🌼

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@PixiegraceHello! Thrilled to have you. The Welcome Pack is a great start (Blue text is clickable)

RainbowRosie July 2nd


Welcome everyone ❤️ to this wonderful place called 7 Cups. My name is Rosie and I’ve been here for nearly four years. It’s been an exciting journey with so much to learn along the way. Please remember to reach out for support or if you have any questions, we’re all here for you.

Sending much support and ((hugs)) 

Rosie 🌹

pinkPanda682 July 5th

@RainbowRosieHi Rosie! 🌟 Thank you for the warm welcome! It's amazing to hear about your four-year journey with 7 Cups. Your experience and support mean so much to everyone here. 😊💕 We'll definitely reach out if we have any questions or need support. Sending much support and ((hugs)) right back to you!



Hi Everyone - I just joined a week ago as a listener.  I'm probably the oldest person in the room - retiring soon! I struggled for a lot of my life with anxiety and depression.  Recently, I was diagnosed with adult AD"HD (better late than never! ) - which makes SO much sense in retrospect! I've been in good place for over 10 years. Five years ago, I was ordained as a Zen Buddhist priest.  I'd like to serve others in this community by listening compassionately and letting people know they are not alone.  To be heard and to feel the understanding of others I think is something we need more of in this world! About me - I love to read and create art - garden - catch up with my kids - and spend time with my husband of 30 years and our boxer dog, Henry.  I'm glad to be here! 

soulsings July 3rd

@lotuswarriorrising glad to meet you. I am not sure what retirement age is where you are but I retired 9 years ago so do not feel like you are the oldest. There are lots of very experienced people here.

Thanks for joining as a listerner. Your background should serve you well. You also might want to check the calendar for topic discussions. People need support there also and sometimes people meet their listerner there as well as browsing for listeners.

pinkPanda682 July 5th

@lotuswarriorrisingHi there! 🌟 Welcome to the community! It's wonderful to have you here, especially with your wealth of experience and compassionate heart. Your journey and insights are truly inspiring, and your presence will surely be a great support to many. Thank you for offering your listening ear and understanding. 😊💕 Your love for reading, art, and gardening sounds amazing, and spending time with your family and Henry must be so fulfilling. We're glad to have you here! 🧡✨

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@lotuswarriorrisingWelcome! Your empathy is appreciated. Take a look at the Welcome Pack (blue text is clickable)



HI everyone! I'm intelligentAcres200. I'm finally opening up and considering therapy. I have never felt a need for therapy, but I've had a rough year so far, and it only seems to be getting more difficult. I've lost a few loved ones, but I started a new relationship. Now, I'm having some issues in the relationship that are making my anxiety levels skyrocket. I felt this was the best course of action...

soulsings July 5th

Hi @intelligentAcres200  - my name is soulsings, Co-CML [Community Mentor Leader] of the therapy community here at 7 Cups. I am sorry you are having challenges but it sounds like you have a plan for therapy and how that may help you. 7 Cups has the free listeners if you ever feel like you just need to be heard.

If you are considering online therapy, 7 Cups also has 2 afffordable plans with licensed therapists that you can choose or get a list of ones that meet your need from the support community.

If you want to find out more about those feel free to look at this thread

Hope to see you around.


pinkPanda682 July 5th

@intelligentAcres200Hi intelligentAcres200! 🌟 I'm really proud of you for taking this step and opening up. It sounds like you've been through a lot this year, and reaching out for support is a big move. Losing loved ones and navigating a new relationship can be really challenging, especially when anxiety comes into play. Therapy can be a great way to work through these feelings. I hope you find the support you need here. 😊💕

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@intelligentAcres200Hi! Welcome to our community. check out the Welcome Pack for helpful tips (Blue text is clickable)



Hello, my name is Theodore. I joined this community because life and my own brain have been making everything suck, and I just need someone to talk to.

hopedreamlove July 5th


Hello Theodore, welcome to 7 cups! It can truly be so frustrating when it’s our own brains that are making things awful and difficult. You deserve to be heard. If you haven’t already, you can search for and connect with a listener through this browse listeners page. I hope that you find the support that you deserve. Please let us know if we can help with anything! 

pinkPanda682 July 5th

@TheodoreWoodthorneHi Theodore! 🌟 I'm really glad you reached out and joined us. Life can be incredibly tough sometimes, and it's okay to feel the way you do. I hope you find the support you need here. 😊💕

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@TheodoreWoodthorneWelcome aboard! Hope you find comfort here. The Welcome Pack is a great resource (Blue text is clickable)

AshleyGamer1995 July 5th