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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





xitsjustmex March 27th, 2016


I feel exactly the same. Its sooo hard. Just having people to speak to going through the same things feels better for me xx

ceeaye203 March 27th, 2016

@natsu1 im battling depression myself its been happening for 12 years and recently its just getting worse than ever im here with you

Caradelaluna March 27th, 2016

Need assistance

xxhaylayxx March 27th, 2016

ugh. i need someone to talk to before i go insane... ive lost everyhing ive ever loved or cared about

impartialScarf5629 March 27th, 2016

@xxhaylayxx Hey... how's that?

AuroraGirl1221 March 27th, 2016


I understand how you feel. We all have those times when we just need a good hug to get through something. Sending virtual hugs to you! (They may not be as good as real ones, but they're better than nothing at least) :)

abbyxj March 27th, 2016

i just really want someone to touch and hold

undefineddarkness March 27th, 2016

feeling like i'm driving myself insane. i don't know how long i can keep this up any more.

Haro36 March 27th, 2016

I can't work out whether my boyfriend wants us and me or not. I don't want to lose him and I miss him deeply right now.

twentyroad March 27th, 2016

Um, I need a hug because I've been sad for years and I still don't know why. (Well, I do, but it's been everything.)

sourcefedder March 28th, 2016

@twentyroad hugs!!

LostRaven25 March 27th, 2016

Feeling broken and helpless

Celestial138 March 27th, 2016

Feeling lonely and depressed. Been struggling to make things work with my abusive boyfriend.

HerSoliloquy March 27th, 2016

Hugs are bittersweet, they're warm and nice, but when I get comfortable in a hug, I always end up crying & I hate when people see that side me of me. & because of that, I dont like hugs... Yet I wish I had one. Odd I know.

Starburstpwr March 27th, 2016

Sending you a big hug and I'm hugging myself so that I can send transmit to you some goodvibes😀@HerSoliloquy

Emma145 March 27th, 2016

@HerSoliloquy I hate people,seeing me cry and be vulnerable too. I want a massive hug right now but from one specific person. Sucks being alone when you don't feel your best

AuroraGirl1221 March 27th, 2016

I could use a hug very badly right now. I feel as if I've made a horrible mistake, and I've lost a very close friend because of it...

KT574 March 27th, 2016


*hugs* everything will be alright...

straightforwardSummer2514 March 27th, 2016

I just need a hug because my mind won't leave me alone with these constant negative thoughts.

KittenInACup March 27th, 2016


I will send you as many hugs as you need

straightforwardSummer2514 March 27th, 2016


Thank you.

nerdvodka March 27th, 2016

I can't sleep right now and all I can really think about is what it would be like to not have a mental illness control my life.

Princesslilia March 27th, 2016

I really just need a hug, I feel like I have no one and it really sucks cause I really do feel alone

Joropab March 27th, 2016

@Princesslilia sending u big warm hug

cybercorpse March 27th, 2016

someone pls hug and watch Supernatural with me thank you

ColdWinterLove March 27th, 2016

@cybercorpse im in 😍😍

runjumpflip March 27th, 2016

I'm just having one of those nights where I just want to call someone just to hear someone's voice. I just want someone to hold me.

ColdWinterLove March 27th, 2016

For all you beautiful people who need a hug, im sorry im not there but here's something that definitely helps :) ❤❤

And i could use a hug right now because maybe, just maybe, it could get this rock in my chest to start beating again 😕😞

loyalBeechwood638 March 27th, 2016

I need a big huge reassuring hug.

optimisticPineapple9868 March 27th, 2016

@loyalBeechwood638 sending you lots of love and hugs!! <3

HeartsOut March 27th, 2016

I am virtually sending you lots of hugs smiley@loyalBeechwood638

xxserchforhapinessxc March 27th, 2016


Sweet83 March 27th, 2016

I really need a big hug my ex boyfriend broke up with me and it hurts me alot. Not having him with me.

hibiscusTea2016 March 27th, 2016

@Sweet83 I'm in the same boat. A really big hug to you! Be strong!

CleopatraElizabethI March 27th, 2016


Hugs to both of you. I'm going through the same thing. It will get better. Have faith.

Maiooi March 27th, 2016


Maiooi March 27th, 2016


be strong .. hang in there and i promise you things will be better..i have been there someday and now i am happily married to a wonderful man who loves me every minut more and more.. and wn i look back at the idiot who lost me someday i say : i am so lucky i didnt end up with him....really god loves me alot

u deserve a keeper

u deserve the best..dont settle for less

lots of hugs to u <3

ilovetacos March 27th, 2016

@Sweet83 we're here for you *hugs* <3

JulyRain93 March 27th, 2016

A would be so great now :/

Just feeling like cr*p right now :(

WarmHugsAndCupcakes27 March 27th, 2016

@JulyRain93 super sized jumbo hug for you