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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Ana0721 February 29th, 2016

Yes I need a hug.

Turquoisedreamer February 29th, 2016


How's that? ;)

xpanianiax February 29th, 2016

How could I turn down a hug? Especially on a Monday morning!

I'll definitely take one, a good strong one smiley

Turquoisedreamer February 29th, 2016

@xpanianiax Hmmmm, let's see what I've got here... Ah, here we go...


xpanianiax February 29th, 2016

@Turquoisedreamer :)

unknown012345 February 29th, 2016

In great need of cuddles -_-

Turquoisedreamer February 29th, 2016

@Lulu1992Yuuki Yeah, hugs are awesome, amiright?


nonchalantpepperoni3097 February 29th, 2016

I also need one of those cosy hugs.

Turquoisedreamer February 29th, 2016

@nonchalantpepperoni3097 Umm, no cosy ones here. Would a squishy one do?


versatileTurtle6754 February 29th, 2016

I need one plz.... Very much.

Turquoisedreamer February 29th, 2016

@versatileTurtle6754 Well, here you go, then..


shelock February 29th, 2016

just wanna say...good night to every special friend...wish you all.. a great weekday with postive,happy,blessing and peace!!

lightheart92 February 29th, 2016

I need a hug please

I was sitting on my floor and I found a gross chunk of skin on me from my roommates. I took an hour long shower, extremely hot (I'm all red) and wore flip flops and I still feel like its on me. All I can do is cry and rock back and forth.

CVXimena February 29th, 2016

@lightheart92 send you a BIG BIG PRETTY HUG

morbidangelsp February 29th, 2016


selfconfidentSailboat1765 March 1st, 2016

@morbidangelsp i need love

reese019 February 29th, 2016

Hugs to all of you out there who need one! =) We will overcome this!

lazyKatz February 29th, 2016

HUGS to everyone x

Atozang2020 February 29th, 2016


many hugs from me

PickMeUp4 February 29th, 2016

A hug from the right person can change your whole day. I hope mine will do the same:) XOXO

LudicrousButtWiggles February 29th, 2016

~sending hugs~

Everyone needs one, because no matter how you're feeling or how your days been, hugs are always good. I know someone wants one so I'm just gonna hug you all!! Have a great day guys~! heart (I love you all)

bellamabella78 February 29th, 2016

im at work with no energy to do anything. i want to go home and clean but will most likely happen is i will sit there and try not to cry.

carlennbow February 29th, 2016

@bellamabella78 you can overcome whatever it is at work! I believe in you!! -hUgS~\+_*

morbidangelsp February 29th, 2016

I need hug...

CleopatraElizabethI February 29th, 2016


Sending you love and hugs.

madnessponii February 29th, 2016

@morbidangelsp I will hug you forever

bandsbandsbands February 29th, 2016

I keep breaking down, I feel so lost and I'm scared of losing myself and the people around me.

I need to talk to someone.

Rosievie20 February 29th, 2016

ever just want a hug from someone that truly cares?!

Desirerose February 29th, 2016

@Rosievie20 yess 🙁

hiilikeart February 29th, 2016

Hugs to all <3

floyrapurple February 29th, 2016

Big and warm hug to everyone!heart

Justmehere123 February 29th, 2016

I could use a hug. Not doing so good today.

ElindaFlora February 29th, 2016

@Justmehere123 *hugs*

sighingArtist February 29th, 2016

need another hug, i just cant keep up with school anymore and its making me insane

posskylie February 29th, 2016

i feel like i can't do anything lately. all I do anymore is lay in bed trying to avoid everything. I miss a lot of school (I'm in middle school) and I don't have the energy to do anything. my grades have been dropping, I've lost my appetite, my mouth is always dry, and so much more but mainly I always feel sad. I cry without even knowing why. I think I'm depressed but I don't know what to do about it. I could really use a hug lately.

Valyun380 February 29th, 2016

@posskylie *hugs* you will get through it. Depression is tough, and it will feel like the world is caving in sometimes, but you're never fighting alone. Anytime you need someone, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for someone to help. :-)

ElindaFlora February 29th, 2016

@posskylie *hug* I know it can be the hardest in the world, but you have to share it with your family at some point. And be honest about how bad you actually feel. I made the mistake of undermining myself by not being honest about how bad things were. When you've shared it with your loved ones you can seek a therapist hopefully with the help and support of your family.

gentleLeaf February 29th, 2016

If you're reading this do as follows right now, no excuses:

Take your arms, wrap them around you.

Now squeeeeeze!


GRRRR! Good work! yes

This a hug from me to you.

You are beautiful and aboslutely deserving of love and happiness. heart

Turquoisedreamer March 1st, 2016

@gentleLeaf Holy cow, you are AWESOME!!


Itsacrazylifewelive February 29th, 2016

*hugs everyone*