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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





mama3639 January 11th, 2016


Big hug!

mama3639 January 11th, 2016

I need a hug.

Heartland3012 January 11th, 2016

@mama3639 A big hug has been dispatched your way!

Watch it, incoming!!!

TearyEyed January 11th, 2016

Me 2

Heartland3012 January 11th, 2016

@TearyEyed a big koala-bear-hug for you!!

lovingcanhurt January 12th, 2016

i need hugs :'(cryingcryingbroken heart

bleubellejune January 16th, 2016

@lovingcanhurt I hope this hug gets to you!! :HUG:

lovingcanhurt January 19th, 2016

@bleubellejune thankn you crying crying heart

Tangerinebut January 13th, 2016

I need a hug long 10 minutes

imaginativeDrum January 21st, 2016


Only a quiet one because I feeling a bit awkward, yeah. *squeezes*
May you always have a better day.

Sherly January 15th, 2016

I need hugs... Anyone..

2genpoet January 15th, 2016



TearDrop1 January 22nd, 2016

I need a hug

pinkTea February 1st, 2016

@TearDrop1 mmmm a looooong warm hug for u hope it helps

understandingTurtle3214 January 22nd, 2016

Hugs!!!!A big one:)

compassionateLychee8039 January 15th, 2016

I'm sitting in classes and having a bad day. I'm surrounded by people. But I feel completely alone

ComplexingBeauty January 16th, 2016

@compassionateLychee8039 *hugs* You're not alone! <3

bleubellejune January 16th, 2016

@compassionateLychee8039 You are definitely not alone. :HUG:

bleubellejune January 19th, 2016

Need a hug. I had a tough day that broke me for a while...

CheesecakeCherry January 19th, 2016

Don't worry, same here. It'll get better, hugs! <3

bleubellejune January 19th, 2016

@CheesecakeCherry Thank you! :)

lightPlum8890 January 19th, 2016

Thanks!!! Huggss!!!

lazyKatz January 19th, 2016

I'd like to offer HUGS to everyone in need of one, also to people who would just like a HUG from a stranger who could become a friend xx

plumbeing6958 January 19th, 2016

I need a hug

Blueberree January 25th, 2016

*HUGSSS** !!!

Imperfectphoenix January 19th, 2016

I could use a hug right now 😩 had a rough day

Blueberree January 25th, 2016

Rough days sucks :(.


lazyKatz January 20th, 2016

Wednesday HUGS to everyone xx

warmheartedHuman2014 January 24th, 2016

I need a hug. Physical touch from another human being. It's been almost 2 weeks since I've had a proper hug...

Blueberree January 25th, 2016

I wish u a real life hug * HUGGGS*

MystiBelle23 January 25th, 2016

Hello everyone, I offer hugs to anyone in need *HUGS*

carefreePerspective39 January 27th, 2016


Thank you ! :D hugs back

Musicalnerd January 25th, 2016

I'm auditioning for one of the best high schools in the country while filled with stress and anxiety and I could probably use a hug haha

Blueberree January 25th, 2016

That sound amazing !!! I hope you do well and get good feedback. *HUGS* !

lazyKatz January 25th, 2016

Mondays HUGS to everyone xx

carefreePerspective39 January 27th, 2016


Thank you:D hugs back!

dariarossito January 30th, 2016

Let's hug and make snow angels in a pile of snow :D

Sherly January 31st, 2016

Care for a huugs!!!! ☺️

pinkTea February 1st, 2016

Today i really need a huggg !! Hug meeee

compassionateLychee8039 February 1st, 2016

Today my friends saw the scars on my arms. They sat me down a talked to me. They also told our guidance counselor and now she's going to tell my parents. I'm so scared