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Why did you join 7 Cups of Tea?

VladPaul April 17th

Here's a fun Icebreaker!

Why did you join 7 Cups of Tea? Is it to get support or help others? 

If you're seeking support - how has 7 Cups helped you? Is it the idea of talking to a stranger that won't judge you? Is it just so you release your thoughts somewhere in the world? Is it the connection with a true listener that is willing to help you understand your problems?

If you're here to help others - what has been your journey so far?

Much love!

delicateMonkey April 18th


I started my 7Cups journey as a member, just like many other listeners! I decided to see what the listener side was like, and now I'm exclusively a listener who loves hanging out here and supporting people the best I can :)

iLoveKittiesx3 April 18th

@VladPaul i need some support. 

Apeatrice April 23rd

Hugs if ok. Thanks for posting this amazing thread, pual. 

I joined 7 Cups because I would like to stair the place with hugs (kidding)

I joined Cups because I was cut off from the rest of the world due to abuse. During my stay here, I have found great solace in friendships and support. I have also discovered my value by offering support and spreading love to everyone. The journey wasn't easy but joining 7 Cups is the best thing ever happened to me. 

Lots of love and hugs. 
HopieRemi April 23rd


This is a great ice breaker! I joined 7cups many moons ago in 2016 because I was seeking purpose and I wanted to support others and be around other people who enjoy mental health topics. 



I came for support. I don't have what it takes to help others. 

tawxeeqK1n May 13th

I'd earched for free therapy on google for a while and got nothing until 7cups. Wanted to connect with a therapist and got a bonus of connecting with my own tribe here and make friends as well

calmMango9611 May 14th

@VladPaul To help others and to get some support when needed. I have a learning disability and suffered from depression as a teen. I have coping skills for depression, which helps. But sometimes I like to talk to a listener, to get even more tips. I also love the chatrooms. I love helping in them and I also get support being in them and I also learn new tips, for depression as well. I also learned some tips for my learning disability as well. 7Cups is a great community as well.

Tinywhisper11 May 15th

@VladPaul my carer set me up on this site just after I learnt how to use technology and the internet😁 she wanted me to learn about the world through others eyes ❤ 7 cups helped me to find my voice (yep! It's 7 cups fault I don't stop talking😁) I actually have friends, people who actually make me feel loved, and loved and like I'm a normal person. I've got alot of support I've learnt a lot, and I love 7 cups ❤❤ thankyou everyone ❤

calmMango9611 May 30th

@Tinywhisper11 Besty, that was written so beautifully. Nice job.

Tinywhisper11 May 30th

@calmMango9611 thanks friend ❤ I love you

akunknown June 21st


You are normal. And I’m happy for you having a voice and don’t stop talking bc most of what you say based on what I’ve read so far is positive. Whether you realize it or not and it’s completely ok if you don’t is that you are my friend and I am your friend. Anytime you wanna talk about anything please reach out to me. 


Tinywhisper11 June 22nd

@akunknown thankyou ❤❤❤

akunknown June 22nd


You’re welcome my friend ❤️

RainbowRosie May 30th


To help others I joined as a Listener and have never looked back ❤️❤️ It’s coming up to nearly 4 years being here now and I can’t believe how much I’ve learned and how I’ve grown along the way. 

7 Cups is a very special place indeed ❤️❤️


LittleFox83 May 30th


I joined today actually. I've been struggling for a few years now, and since this is mostly free and anonymous it seems safe to try.

I'm pretty isolated and just need something, I'm not sure what...maybe someone, or a few people, to connect to? Someone to just talk with when I can't get a handle on my anxiety? I'm not sure...I'm still trying to figure out how all this works or if I even belong on something like this. 

Jewelmoon17 May 31st


I came here to find people who share the same experiences, the same situation and people who really understands depression, anxiety and other mental health issues that society doesn't really see important to discuss.

Then I wanted to help others as well.  Cause it feels good that I was here for a person who feels so negatively about life.  At least I was here to support them and tell them they are not alone.

Renjik8013 May 31st


I joined here in hopes of listening and supporting others with diverse experiences! Since I acknowledge that listening could really help when you're feeling down, so I would like to support someone else too.

genericbeing June 21st

@VladPaul For help but so far I haven't

akunknown June 21st


Both actually. 

As far as getting support, I’ve started creating threads once I knew how thanks to the help of @Tinywhisper11 who told me how. I also have a therapist and a listener here. The therapist and I have exchanged messages and chatted about stuff. Waiting to be able to do the same with any one of the listeners I’ve reached out to. 

As for helping others, I’ve commented on many threads by sharing my own experiences and how those experiences led me to where and who I am now, offering hope or encouragement or anything like that, advice or suggestions, telling people to feel free to reach out to me, offering to be friends with them, and any other way I can help, 

Tinywhisper11 June 22nd

@akunknown ❤❤ your a great undertaker and friend ❤ your pressence in cups have really helped me and many others ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

akunknown June 22nd


Gigantic tiny hug 😂😂😂😂

You’re a great undertaker 😂😂😂😂

Thank you for everything you said. Words cannot say how much it means to me. You’re a real friend my friend. Gigantic hugs back to you with ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

agreeableShade4304 June 22nd

@VladPaul Initially I joined as I was looking for anxiety support and I still am. However, as I am no stranger to anxiety...I am also happy to help the best I can

Skatcat74 June 22nd


Both, mostly to get support during dark times.

b00kishbard June 23rd


I saw something on pinterest about this amazing free website… and now I’m hooked. It’s such an amazing resource and I’m so glad I finally can connect with people who struggle the way I do. It’s very validating. 

HappySunshine675 June 23rd

I initially joined 7 cups of tea because I was in a very bad place. I was a member for a couple months and then I wanted to become a listener. I took a break from it for 4 years and I came back 3 days ago. I don't think I've done something more fulfilling in my life! I think I'm great with the people that need help. It's making me happy!

RainbowRosie June 23rd



If you're here to help - what has been your journey?

Great post! I’ve had dark times myself and joined to help others by offering my support. I’ve been here for nearly 4 years and haven’t looked back. 7 Cups is a very special place indeed.


wandamx26 June 26th

I joined 7cups because it was one of the many free resources recommended to me by my online counselor. It was a way to work on my anxiety which I have been experiencing a lot lately. 

sorrel32 June 27th


4Jasmine June 27th


Initially I joined 7 cups feeling lonely. Not long after, I decided that helping others was exactly what I wanted to do! 💓 

Hopeprovider6771 July 9th

@VladPaul well I think I’m likely to be more positive because helping others needs a sense of hope and positive view of life 

wandamx26 July 9th

I joined 7Cups so I can work on reducing my anxiety especially now because I am in the middle of applying for jobs and I hope it ends soon. So far they have all been rejections. 

royalScenery1555 July 9th


I joined initially for getting help to my broken heart and having a humane touch to my feelings. But slowly I became listener so that I can help and provide humane touch to other souls who are suffering in this world. So mine was to get help and later turned to be a help provider.

sociableCup626 July 10th

I did a test and it said I have depression.... Help-

LittleEggHarbor July 10th


This is a great question. I joined 7 Cups because I was struggling a lot emotionally and mentally. Then a counselor recommended 7 Cups for me. When I first joined, I didn't even know how to use the site! I spoke with around 10 different listeners a day. I'm grateful that I got to explore the site more and discover group support, forums, paths, and community activities. 


If you're seeking support - how has 7 Cups helped you?

7 Cups has helped me feel less alone during hard times. There are also many things to distract myself from sad thoughts on 7 Cups: paths, forums, and community activities. 

Is it the idea of talking to a stranger that won't judge you?

That is a huge part of why I joined 7 Cups! Having diverse feedback helps me find closure. 

Is it just so you release your thoughts somewhere in the world?

Releasing my thoughts somewhere in the world, and not doing it alone has been very helpful for me.

Is it the connection with a true listener that is willing to help you understand your problems?

Yes, yes, yes! I've had two really great long-term listeners that quite literally changed my life. I clicked really well with my first long-term listener. We had a lot in common and our conversations were genuinely comforting : ) I will always appreciate that listener for the rest of my life! They helped me get through the hardest times.  

Anointed22 July 11th

I love helping. Easy as that. 💜

Nakhia July 11th

@VladPaul I joined 7 cups because I need help with my relationship

PsychPrashansa13 July 11th

@VladPaulI have joined 7 cups (it's only 2nd day as a listener) because I wanted to heal people, my biggest relief would be if someone talked to me and at the end said that they are feeling better🌷

rachel0707 July 11th

i joined to help other people and it’s been amazing so far! how about you?

abhuMax July 11th

@VladPaul i just joined and was looking for help 

Emasculated July 12th


I thought I could post a question. turns out I have no clue how to do that lol