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Lifespan tooo short

AMangoGirl35 June 22nd, 2023

Hi guys...

Totally new here..

Hope will some brilliant minds and amazingly encouraging friends...

Would love to find people struggling with issues..

Stormandshelter June 22nd, 2023

Hi! Welcome:)

Gettingbettertoday June 22nd, 2023


Why the title "Lifespan tooo short"? Too short for what?

AMangoGirl35 OP June 23rd, 2023


Tooooo short to cry

Toooo short to be depressed...

Feels shorter for people who actually have it short...🤗

gbrenna June 22nd, 2023

@AMangoGirl35 Hi! This is a safe community where you can discuss any issues you're struggling with.

AMangoGirl35 OP June 23rd, 2023



I am super glad to be on board...

trueconfidant123 June 23rd, 2023


Hi, we are glad that you joined and are here with us now. You took the first step towards your mental health journey with 7 Cups. Thank you for being with us. We compiled a few basic pieces of information that we hope you find helpful. Take care! 🤗♥️

Member Welcome Pack

Ps. I'm wondering what made you write that title. 🤔

AMangoGirl35 OP June 23rd, 2023


Glad to meet you all...

My chronic illness triggered that thought and I guess I want to be happier and positive as much as I can be...

Hope you all will be with me in this ride...

Stormandshelter June 25th, 2023

@AMangoGirl35 Always!

trueconfidant123 August 27th, 2023


Glad to meet you too! I hope your journey to self discovery introduces you to the newer aspects of being lively. 🌺

CallumKing2000 August 27th, 2023

Nice cat