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I dont wanna do anything

patientOwl979 Monday

Hey guys, im 19 and for a long time i dont wanna do anything. I dont wanna go to college, work, i dont know generally i dont wanna do anything. I dont enjoy anything. I have no dreams, no hobbies, no passion. I think this world is not for me


@patientOwl979 hey dude you are in the same situation as I am if you would like to we can talk.

patientOwl979 OP Monday

Sure, why not


 i feel the same way and have felt it for so long i literally have no will and passion to do anything, i just feel like i am dead inside and there is no purpose to my life, i literally just live the same day every day, I have no idea how to improve and i always thought it was just me who felt that way, seeing other people express same feelings makes me feel seen and heard😭🫶🏼

patientOwl979 OP Monday

Its so sad

anonyHuman933 Monday

Same ):

Hey, I feel the same way you do at times. I'm 19 and there are people around me working toward achieving their goal while I feel like I'm stuck, stranded and alone. it's okay to feel like that, but, you've gotta ask yourself whether the emotions you feel are brought about by some suppressed feeling or some circumstances. In my case it is the former. Sometimes when I'm too anxious I become numb to all emotions. It's easy to evade than face it. And trust me not having a passion is totally fine. It's your decision though, to give up and wait it out until you figure it out or seize most opportunities coming your way that you've missed only because you weren't looking.


roxann Monday


yoa verdad es que mi intención ahora mismo es suicidarme porque todos me juegan Solo quise mirar si hay más personas que se sienten como yo 

CatListener 3 days ago

I was 19 and created and account here and was at the same situation. Sometimes it is not easy getting out of the freeze zone. You got to ask yourself what trauma brought you to that point. Start with small things like cleaning your room or going for a walk. Listen to a song you love. Sending hugs! Your dearest cat lady

OhLookItsRay 2 days ago

You're not alone.

I don't wanna do anything either. I do, and I want to want to do things. But. 90% of the time. I ain't feeling it.

You're not alone.

MZhang 2 days ago


I am 17 and I can feel you because I used to go through a hard time like this. I only wanted to sleep and be on my phone but I felt like I could never relax still because of all the assignments out there waiting for me...

i want to say that don't be too hard on yourself since we are not superhero and only hold a limited capacity and energy so it's alright to give yourself a little break when needed. So not force yourself. ❤️

Perhaps try new things, find something meaningful and healing. I started to draw although I wasn't really artistic before that but I accidentally found the soothing power of doing digital art and since than life feel so different.

College and work should not be our only limit, even chatting with friends and go shopping can be as meaningful.

Dont put too pressure on yourself, college and work MEAN NOTHING YOU ARE NOT HAPPY.Life is already difficult so allow yourself to have a nice break, we all deserve that! ❤️❤️❤️A lot of hugs!!!!!