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Member Oath - All Encouraged to Participate

Laura November 9th, 2014

Our member community is thriving! Now that we have our group support chat rooms, our members are able to interact and support each other in new and dynamic ways. You all have done a wonderful job adjusting to these chat rooms and supporting one another.

As a member of the 7 Cups community, you are all here for a variety of specific reasons. But one thing we all have in common is our love of the 7 Cups community. Our community is a safe haven, a place to find connection, compassion, love, and support.

Our community is only as strong as it's members. We ask each member to agree to these community guidelines and interact in ways that reflect these guidelines and the 7 Cups values.

Today, I would like all members of 7 Cups of Tea to take ownership of their home here. To show your commitment, we ask that you take the 7 Cups member oath. By completing this oath, you are promising to show kindness and support to all those you interact with here. It could be in the forums, with a listener in a 1-1 chat or in the group support chat rooms.

Below this post, type out your member oath. You could cut and paste it, but I feel like this takes away from it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign in with your username like this:

I, ___________________, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //LauraS//
Date: 11/9/2014

NOTE: Eventually, we will be able to give a badge to all those who take this pledge. The badge will come, as long as you post in this thread, you will earn it!


(Edit; ASilentObserver, 01/10/2020)

braveKitten4951 January 14th, 2018

I am not a listener, but I do come here for help

honestTortoise7644 January 14th, 2018

My Member Oath:

I, HonestTortoise, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community witness that I will fulfill to the best of my ability this covenant and undertaking.

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships which encourage this endeavor.

I will respect the time, love and commitment my volunteer listeners bring to 7 Cups of Tea every day.

I will use the resources provided to me to continue to learn and grow.

I will believe in myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique.

I will take every interaction I have on 7 Cups of Tea as an opportunity to grow and learn.

I will honor the challenges presented to me in my life, believing in my soul, that no matter, how challenging, I can overcome.

I will lean on the community in my time of need and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behavior is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions.

I will keep these promises as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire 7 Cups community.


Brittanyred January 14th, 2018

I promise to bring compassion and caring and love and light into everything I do. I want to help others see the best within themselves just as I want for myself.

Lilysnoopy January 14th, 2018

Signed: // Lilysnoopy //

Date: 2018/01/15

Darkmemories January 14th, 2018


I pledge to show kindness in all situations and to adhere to the rules no matter how tempting it is not to.


IcecreamBadger January 14th, 2018

@Laura I hereby pledge to always stick to the guidelines and boundaries set by the moderators on 7cups. I will additionally always try my very best to be wise, kind, and insightful in all my conversations on 7cups. And to try and bring more joy to others and be at peace with myself.

Raylar January 14th, 2018

I only recently joined this community and didn't do much yet, but I still pledge to stay true to the 7 cups values and that I'll try to be an active part of the community if I can. I always want to help people but I joined this community because sometimes I need help too. I may not be a listener yet or may never be one (I know it sounds hard) but I still pledge to follow the 7 cups values and help people whenever I can both in this community and outside of it.

Signed: //Raylar//

Date: 14.01.18

WifeLife93 January 14th, 2018

I try to live my life by showing kindness and compassion to everyone. That applies to anyone I communicate with no matter where the communication occurs...

I am SO grateful for this community and will do all I can to make sure others feel comfortable being here like I do...

niceEast3399 January 15th, 2018

@Laura I am pledging to keep all rules and follow guidelines

kajeet135 January 15th, 2018

I pledge to treat everyone on 7Cups with kindness and an open heart, as I would like to be treated❤️

Signed: //Kajeet135//

Date: 1/14/2017

Papercrane1123 January 15th, 2018


I take upon me the member oath to remain faithful to the goals and values of this community.



kindSpruce2783 January 15th, 2018

@Laura I hereby pledge to always stick to the guidelines and boundaries set by the moderators on 7cups. I will additionally always try my utmost to be wise, kind, and insightful in all my conversations on 7cups. And to try and bring more joy to others and be at peace with myself.

Signed : //kindspruce2783//


Innocentdiva January 15th, 2018

I promise to adhere to these guide lines, and be an open,caring,and compassionate person. One step at a time, day by day.

AmethystUnicorn January 15th, 2018

I promise to treat everyone kindly with compassion

Signed 01/14/2018


illicitpotatoes February 4th, 2018

I promise to treat everyone with kindness and compassion. I will try and offer my love to everyone around.

4th February, 2018.

Ashley454442 January 15th, 2018

I promise to treat everyone with compassion and kindness

simplelife2468 January 15th, 2018




meaculpa777 January 15th, 2018


Will try my level best to adhere to the oath and the principles of 7 Cups.

snowbunny107 January 15th, 2018


i will take an oath to do my very best to show everyone caring, loving compassion. i will do all that i can to follow the rules while adhereing to the goals and values of 7cups.

Signed: //snowbunny107//
Date: 1/15/2018

optimisticSailboat6934 January 15th, 2018

@laura I am not a registered listener here, but I will follow all the guidelines and be kind to everyone here

jcp January 16th, 2018

@Laura I promise to show kindness and support to all those that I interact with on 7cups.

crimsonMap6595 January 16th, 2018

Hi I'm Donna I promise to treat everyone with kindness and compassion

ditdotdan January 16th, 2018

I pledge to uphold the rules, guidelines and accepted behaviours of this community, encouraging my brothers and sisters to do so too. I will listen, support and partake in the community with the friendship and kindness that I would expect to be treated with.

sensitiveBranch7948 January 16th, 2018

I take the member oath and promise to show compassion and kindness to all those I listen to, give advice to and receive help from.

Sensitive Branch

Maple1240 January 16th, 2018

I promise that I will positively contribute to this group and help those who need it. I know this community will support me on my journey, and I promise to return that aid in kind.

bestWillow5048 January 16th, 2018

I take an oath to be a good user of 7 Cups, displaying integrity and virtue :)

Havingfuninthesnow January 16th, 2018

To help others the best that I can and to get the best help that I can get. I am not a listener yet but plan on signing up for that and because I think that this website is awesome and wish I found it a long time ago. Surprised that my theapist, psyc dr and all of my medical team did not tell me about this website. There needs to be web pods and news blast and the medical communitities needs to pay for this awesome service and support it because this is the best therapy that I have ever received and the best support ad friendships that I have ever made and this is only day 3 on this site.

Thank you so much for making this website free to me and allowing me to use this website.

brilliantScenery72 January 16th, 2018


I take this listeners oath and promise to treat everyone I talk to with care and respect.

Ar2018 January 16th, 2018

I pledge the 7 cups oath and will follow the guidelines and rules here while treating everyone with kindness and compassion

KintsukuroiWings January 19th, 2018

I promise to make a strong attempt to talk about my problems here as well as getting better from my current situation. I will also not give up on the things I do and will hopefully become a listener to help others.

amiableMoon9862 January 19th, 2018

I promise to treat everyone as an equal, more so as I expect to be treated myself.

Banditos4me January 20th, 2018

@Laura I promise to show kindness and compassion to everyone here & I will adhere to the 7 cups values .

signed: Banditos4me


De1517 January 21st, 2018


January 21st, 2018

I promise to give positive responses to those I listen to. I promise to maintain respect for every individual I come in contact with as a member of 7 Cups. I promise to give insight and thoughtfulness. I promise, where I can help, I will help. As in these promises, I take the oath to be a member adhereing to all rules, regulations and moral support that is required. I will help make the world a better place to all the best of my ability.

resourcefulowl12 January 22nd, 2018

I will focus on being grateful for what I do have and quit complaining about what i don't have.

SpruceRaven January 22nd, 2018

Yes I take the oath and carry it with me into the outer world.

January 27th, 2018

I promise to provide caring and compassionate support to those in need.

amicableZebra1500 January 30th, 2018

I will use seven cups regularly.

Illy99 January 31st, 2018

I pledge to treat all members with compassion, kindness and respect and will try my best to do so to those I meet even outside 7 cups

lovelyMoment95 February 5th, 2018

I promise to do my best in listening and helping everyone I talk to and treat them with sincerity and compassion while adhering of course to the rules and upholding the goals of 7cups.