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Member Oath - All Encouraged to Participate

Laura November 9th, 2014

Our member community is thriving! Now that we have our group support chat rooms, our members are able to interact and support each other in new and dynamic ways. You all have done a wonderful job adjusting to these chat rooms and supporting one another.

As a member of the 7 Cups community, you are all here for a variety of specific reasons. But one thing we all have in common is our love of the 7 Cups community. Our community is a safe haven, a place to find connection, compassion, love, and support.

Our community is only as strong as it's members. We ask each member to agree to these community guidelines and interact in ways that reflect these guidelines and the 7 Cups values.

Today, I would like all members of 7 Cups of Tea to take ownership of their home here. To show your commitment, we ask that you take the 7 Cups member oath. By completing this oath, you are promising to show kindness and support to all those you interact with here. It could be in the forums, with a listener in a 1-1 chat or in the group support chat rooms.

Below this post, type out your member oath. You could cut and paste it, but I feel like this takes away from it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign in with your username like this:

I, ___________________, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //LauraS//
Date: 11/9/2014

NOTE: Eventually, we will be able to give a badge to all those who take this pledge. The badge will come, as long as you post in this thread, you will earn it!


(Edit; ASilentObserver, 01/10/2020)

neonDay2979 December 8th, 2023

I, neonDay2979, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //neonDay2979//
Date: 12/05/2023

R0TT1NGLUNGZ December 9th, 2023

I, Pickle, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //R0TT1NGLUNGZ//

Date: 11/9/2014

MaybeTodaySatan December 9th, 2023


I, MaybeTodaySatan, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.
Scarlet09 December 11th, 2023

I, Scarlet09, pledge this wonderful moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Sincerely: //Scarlet09//
Date: December 11th, 2023

Soulangel42 December 12th, 2023

Eu,   Soulangel42 , promit un jurământ moral în fața colegilor mei membri ai comunității, făcându-i martori ai mei, că am citit și înțeles regulile comunității și că am asigurat respectarea acestora pe durata șederii mele la 7Cups.

Îmi voi trata colegii și ascultătorii cu compasiune, răbdare, deschidere la minte și fără a judecă.

Voi rămâne respectuos față de toți cei pe care îi întâlnesc în comunitate.

Înțeleg, ca comunitate, că suntem aici pentru a oferi și pentru a căuta sprijin.

Voi fi atent și plin de compasiune în conversațiile mele.

Voi folosi canalele adecvate pentru a escalada orice preocupări cu care se confruntă în timpul șederii mele în comunitate.

Voi fi deschis să învăț de la alții și să-mi împărtășesc experiențe și să învăț cu ei pentru a crește creșterea comunității.

Voi prelua propriul meu comportament în comunitate și voi înțelege *** voi reacționa la orice situație care este alegerea mea.

Voi urma liniile directoare ale comunității și voi sprijini reciproc în construirea unei comunități mai bune pentru toată lumea.

LittleRedHead16 December 12th, 2023

I, Sky, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: LittleRedHead16
Date: 12/12/07 

tallZebra8032 January 27th

I tallZebra8032, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: tallZebra8032
Date: 1/25/24

AKB80 December 13th, 2023

I, AKB80 , pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

HumanAtTheEndOfTheDay December 14th, 2023


I, HumanAtTheEndOfTheDay, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //HumanAtTheEndOfTheDay//
Date: 11/9/2014

IchooseLife79 December 14th, 2023

I, "IchooseLife79", pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand

how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed, IchooseLife79

Date: 12/14/23

Dottore401 December 14th, 2023


SeekForgiveness730 December 15th, 2023


I Forgivenessseeker, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations. 

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community. 

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together. 

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.



landinnoteli December 15th, 2023

I, landinnoteli, pledge this wonderful moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: landinnoteli, 12/14/2023

GrowingFromWithin2024 December 17th, 2023

@LauraI, GrowingFromWithin2024, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //GrowingFromWithin2024//
Date: 12/16/2024

Opentogrowth1 December 17th, 2023

I, Opentogrowth1, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: Opentogrowth1
Date: 12/17/2023

TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue December 21st, 2023


I, Sadie , pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations. 

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community. 

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together. 

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone. 

Signed: //TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue//
Date: 12/21/2023

Cole1jones December 21st, 2023

Hey, I'm Eric and I have had lifetime anxiety issues here to share and learn as best as I can.

Starfoxe December 26th, 2023

I, Starfoxe, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understand the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //Starfoxe//
Date: 12/26/2023

Enthenia January 6th

I, Enthenia, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I, Enthenia, will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //Enthenia//

Date 1/5/2024

bubblePenny2992 January 7th


I,bubble, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witness,that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7 cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listers with compassion,patience,open mindedness and being non judgemental

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behaviour in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.



communicativeLake3869 January 7th

@Laura I communicativelake, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations. 

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community. 

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together. 

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

bubblePenny2992 January 7th


I,bubblepenny2992, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members,making them my witnesses,that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion ,patience, open mindedness and being non judgemental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behaviour in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.



PeytonBrady January 7th

I, Peyton Brady, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Jddaytc January 8th

I, John, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

BeanInAPan3012 January 8th

I, BeanInAPan3012, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: BeanInAPan3012

Date: 8th January 2024

Tangerinerings7654 January 8th

@Laura I, Tangerine, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.
Beesandbooks January 8th

I, Lea, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed, Beesandbooks

Date: January 8, 2024

Ubebe January 9th

I, Pipini🌸, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better before everyone.

Signed: Pipini

Date:Jan 9, 2024

comfyblanket90 January 9th

I, ____________, pledge a ..... better for everyone.

Signed : //ComfyBlanket//

Date : 09/01/2024

MicahSPH January 9th


__Micah Stockton___, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //MicahSPH//
Date: 1/8/2024

HotDogFingies January 9th

@Laura I, Jessica, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: Jessica C.
Date: 1/9/24

arturotto January 10th

I, Artur, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: Arturotto
Date: 1/10/2024

communicativeJet616 January 13th


I, communicativeJet616 pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: // communicativeJet616 //

Keepontryin January 13th

I Elaine Reed (can't remember username) pledge s moral oath before my fellow community, making them my witnesses, & I have read & I understand the community guidelines, & ensure it's compliance during my stay at 7Cups. Thank you

TynieMom3 January 15th

I, TynieMom3, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure it'd compliance during my stay at 7cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will he open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior ik the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //TynieMom3//

Date: 1/15/2024

Badbitxh2648 January 18th

Happy thoughts

Bendylovingrat January 18th


I, BendyLovingRat, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations. 

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community. 

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together. 

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone. 

Signed: //BendyLovingRat//
Date: 11/17/2024

CraftyCat3606 January 18th


I, CraftyCat3606, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //CraftyCat3606//
Date: 1/8/2024

creativeShip7977 January 18th

I, creativeShip7977, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //creativeShip7977//
Date: 01/18/2024

agitatedSloth1331 January 18th


I, agitatedSloth1331, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will take ownership of my behavior in the community and understand how I react to any situation is my choice.

I will stay respectful. Open to learning, and sharing my experiences in a compassionate and thoughtful manner.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //SlothM//

Date: 01/18/2024