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Writing to Cope with Isolation (Trigger Warning)

Luchelle February 18th, 2021

Hello, I'm making a thread for myself, but everyone is welcomed to reply.

I might write triggering things so please be careful.

lovelyWhisper66 February 19th, 2021

@Luchelle Hi there! We look forward to your entries. We are here for you! Thanks for the TW by the way. Best wishes, and have a lovely weekend! :)

Luchelle OP February 19th, 2021


Thank you! Have a lovely weekend too

Luchelle OP February 19th, 2021


darkest light, fainted night

my, where could everybody be?

i see no hand

i see no smile

dancing a duet alone

standing up on my own

i'm a cripple, half legged

half a heart

half a life


and crying

if only could stop being half true

Luchelle OP February 21st, 2021

"no one is going to save me"

​​​​​​"no one is going to save me"

"no one is going to save me"

he chanted those words again and again and again, as if those were magic words that could actually save him from the misery.

he scraped the ground with bare, bloody fingers. alone in the thick dark pressing onto his skin.

"no one is going to save me"

not when he scares everything away.

"no one is going to save me"

not when he chained himself in the pit

"no one is going to save me"

every one of them who had lend a hand fell down and faded. some left others lie. they lie. they lie. they lie. pity him. pity him. the poor, helpless child. pity how he wouldn't take of the chains. pity how he mocks himself. because no one is going to save him. not when he asked for it.

Luchelle OP March 1st, 2021


I recently found out that I might have BPD. Back then I was 80% sure I have it, but now that I've observed myself for 3 years, I am 99% sure.

It literally explains everything I do. I'm so relieved, I want to cry. But I can't talk to a therapist due to financial problems and mental illnesses' stigma in my family.

All this time, I thought nobody else was experiencing stuff like me. I thought I was doomed to be this way forever. I thought I'd be alone forever because of who I am (who am I anyway??)

It feels really isolating, but at least now I know there are others like me out there.

Kara13V March 1st, 2021


You found out you may have BPD. You have observed and done the research - you are almost sure you may have it. It defines and explains your behaviour and actions. It is definitely relieving to understand yourself better. You can't discuss your observations with a professional due to finances and stigmas in your own household. That makes sense.

You felt like you were alone, isolated and no one quite understood what you were going through. I am happy to hear these new observations have helped you feel less alone. Many individuals struggle with BPD. With time and support, I am sure you will learn how to manage this disorder. <3

Luchelle OP March 2nd, 2021


Thank you!!

I haven't been managing it well these days, but I am looking for coping skills for it.

Gosh, these emotions sometimes are just too much to fit in this small body. I'm not sure if this is anxiety speaking because I usually don't get this type of reaction, but I'm so exhausted no matter how much I try to rest and this is really bad because I can't practice for an important competition tomorrow. My teacher frickin changed the script that I already memorized for days, now I have to start all over again. i can't do this. I don't even want to do this in the first place, but I'm a people pleaser, it's hard to say no these days. I'm so tired.

Kara13V March 5th, 2021


The emotions you are experiencing are sometimes too much to handle. You feel fatigue and exhaustion. That wasn't very good as you had an important competition the day after. I hope it went well Luchelle. I hear your teacher had changed the script last minute. I imagine that must be super frustrating, to have to rememorize everything. You don't know if you even want to do all of this but you know you're a people pleaser and struggle to say no. That's understandable. Sometimes, I struggle to say no and set boundaries. I hear you are very tired. I am here for you. What could you do in the next few days to catch up on rest and relax?

~ <3

reliableOak3675 August 6th, 2021

I agree that during that awful period of your life you need to try different things that may make you feel better. And writing can be one of them. While I was in college, I had some worst weeks too, and writing did help me. Well, actually writing for university made it only worse and that's why I used to buy essays on Essay pro. But when I was writing texts, essays, poems for myself it did help me a lot.

Luchelle OP August 7th, 2021


I'm glad writing helped you. I'm currently coping through that as well. Thanks for replying!