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Hi, I'm currently struggling with borderline personality disorder and depression

Recent forum posts
Personality Disorders Support / by Luchelle
Last post
April 22nd, 2021
...See more TW: self-harm, abuse. I suspect I have BPD. After years of self-observations and reading into mental health, BPD is the closest thing that describes nearly all of the problems that's been ruining my life. But one thing I don't have that's common in BPD is the outbursts of anger. It's not that I don't have anger, oh believe me I do. it's that I am absolutely terrified of showing them. I didn't understand why I am so good at keeping it in no matter how scorching hot my anger is. Everytime it happens, it's like I've physically paralyze myself to avoid doing anything impulsive. Or doing anything impulsive from any intense emotions really. In my head, it's a bloody war field. Instead of acting it out, I imagine the things I want to do. Most times, they are down right disturbing. Inflicted towards myself and others. It's good that I can control most of my impulses, right? Not really. It is at the cost of my freedom. I feel so trapped, stuck, imprisoned by myself. I paralyze myself physically like a rag doll. I withdraw from people. I punish myself at the slightest "bad" thought. I became so emotionally distant to the point people are often scared or offended at my cold demeanour. Ever since I was little, flying with wings has always been a fantastical dream of mine. I realized what I really wanted was to feel free. Now I feel so damn hopeless. I am never hopeless. I am that friend who likes to brings encouragement, motivation and hope. I have fallen many times before and got up again. But oh the irony. I am usually creative at staying positive, at coming up with a way out of the lowest points of my life and continue functioning normally. I can't think of a way out anymore.​​​​​​ There's a lot of factors that, I suspect, lead me to this kind of self-restraint. One of the main ones is because my of mother.​ She would always threaten me to sleep outside or abandon me in the middle of the streets whenever I show the slightest bit of anger towards anything. It sounds like I'm exaggerating, but whenever she's angry, she would just stand still and stare at me as if she wanted to kill me. There were times when I was a child that I was certain she was going to, even though she didn't lay a hand on me in those times. Her jaw would clench, showing bared teeth, fist curled, and she'd breathe heavily. For some reason, sometimes I wish she would just beat me up physically. To punish me. I couldn't bear the anxiety and extreme guilt. She would always say things like, "Do you even love me?", "You are killing me.", "One day, I am going to leave you without telling and don't you dare come crying and say you want me back because this is all your fault." After all of that storm, any child would show distress or cry, right? Whenever I cried, hours or minutes later, she'd turn into the most loving mother in the whole world. She'd hug me tight no matter how much I trashed and pushed her away. Say the sweetest words in a soft voice, "oh come here darling. I'm sorry for being angry at you. Mommy loves you so much, alright? I was angry because I love you. You love me too, right? Say it out loud. Louder. Stop crying, you look ugly. I said stop crying." If I don't stop, she'd be angry again. There were times she was so angry that she hit her own chest or hurt herself in general (no blood) (maybe) in front of me to show how much a big of a mistake I have done. At that point, I was... I don't know what the feeling was, but it felt incredibly empty. Like I immeadiately discarded my whole self and become a puppet for her in desperation and for the sake of not letting her "kill" herself further. Funnily, I keep making the same mistakes that drove her to that. I suspect this is because of ADHD (which is also just a possibility that I have it). I am extremely forgetful. t's hard for me to learn from past mistakes and I do things impulsively as well. Not a good combination with her reactions. My past relationships didn't really help too. Some down right abandoned me, saying all the things we had was a lie. And the recent one traumatized me. I've fallen so many times. I'm so tired. Exhausted of struggling in these chains I made for myself. This self-restraint that has kept me safe. I don't know if I could get back up again this time. I haven't even mentioned other problems in my life as well, but that's... probably unrelated and this post is already long enough. I don't expect a reply at all, but I do hope, if there's someone out there like me, you wouldn't feel alone after reading this. Thanks for reaching this far. Have a good day. ​​​​​
Writing to Cope with Isolation (Trigger Warning)
Trauma Support / by Luchelle
Last post
August 7th, 2021
...See more Hello, I'm making a thread for myself, but everyone is welcomed to reply. I might write triggering things so please be careful.
ADHD and Food?
ADHD Support / by Luchelle
Last post
March 10th, 2019
...See more Hi there! I've been wondering if you know any food that helps people with ADHD and foods that they should avoid. I read several articles about it, but I'm not sure which one is true or not. If my forgetfulness is not that bad, I read in one article "this" food is bad but in another article "this" one is good. So give me your thoughts! (set me free from this confusion).
Feeling Stuck?
Depression Support / by Luchelle
Last post
December 3rd, 2018
...See more Hi everyone. I'm not trying to self-diagnose myself or anything. I just wanna know if it's worth pestering my mom to take me to a professional. I think that there's something wrong with me, I'm not entirely sure though.I know I'm not like the rest of my friends and family and other people. So here are some possible depression symptoms I noticed: I've been feeling down lately (and by lately I mean around 3 years), accompanied with hypomanic moods. My poor appetite is getting worse as time goes by, I constantly forgot to eat because of it. My appetite is so poor that I literally force myself to eat every single day. EVERYONE noticed my weight loss; I lost 3 Kg within a month. My sleep routine is okay but the quality is crap, I wake up everyday feeling like I haven't slept at all and my muscles are all cramping (well at least it's improving since I try my best to relax). The things I used to enjoy are fading away, I used to love playing outside (but now I feel anxious whenever I go outside), I used to love reading (haha I can't even concentrate on reading a paragraph now), I used to love coloring things (Idk why but I feel anxious whenever I draw and colour), I used to love hearing music (I still do but it's fading away and I'm scared that it will), and lots of other things. I did see a therapist, online. Without my parents consent haha. It was a free trial so I can't see him anymore (therapists sure are pricey). He said that I maybe suffering from anxiety, but well, I lied to him about having suicidal thoughts, I was super nervous that time because he was a complete stranger online and overseas, and I didn't tell him about my symptoms. I feel like my emotions are stuck. If emotions are like running engines, then mine must be rusty and falling apart; barely intact. Like it decided to fall into a deep slumber or something. Oh, I haven't mentioned my 24/7 tired body and my lack of concentration. My suicidal thoughts are seeping back again too. Like everybody said about depression, it's like there's something pulling me back, drowning me. Of course, I feel okay sometimes, as if nothing ever happened, but even on those moments, I feel like there's something inside of me, something lurking, clinging, waiting to strike me again. Sometimes I think to myself "What if I'm not actually happy at that time? That I was just in denial? After all, I still don't feel the enjoyment like I used to when I do the things I like" All comments are very appreciated. I would love to hear what you think about whether I have depression and go seek help or is it something else. Feel free to ask me anything too. Thank you for reading.
Luchelle's Room
Journals & Diaries / by Luchelle
Last post
June 24th, 2020
...See more I hope that you don't mind me ranting here. You can reply to my posts of course. I'm sorry if there's something triggering here. Welcome to my dairy (or a place where I write down my stuff) There will be a lot of typos and dramatic stories. I wanna start of by introducing myself My name is Luchelle (Fake name) I am 14 years old, I struggle with anxiety and depression. I've been having suicidal thoughts since little, but I'm okay now. 7 Cups has changed me a lot. I don't know what am I gonna be if I don't found this site.
I need a sponsor
General Support / by Luchelle
Last post
May 31st, 2018
...See more I'm a 14 years old girl looking for a long term listener. I have low self esteem. I'm suffering from anxiety and slipping into depression. I'm hypersensitive to the people I'm vulnerable with. I want a listener that's online often.
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