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My Silent Voice (Diary)

September 23rd, 2017

My notes for today: Fake people with Fake motives yet they are the ones you are suppose to love and care about??

It is so hard to change me when daily I face the same unproductive crap that keeps feeding on my Traums's How do you get out of this dark hole when everything around you keeps dragging you into this pit. I never knew Love and I've had to make my pain my pleasure and find Happyness in it. Makes me wonder are some people born just to endure torrment and abuse. I trive as I just want to survive, The saying we all have the right to life and the pursuit of happyness. I'm still looking, still trying to find what should already be mine.


PerfectStorm426 January 8th, 2018

@scarletPear1945. You did not do anything wrong in this. From what i understand, and i could be wrong, in the beginning you did not like her. She evidently caught on to this and tried to change it up. You fell for it and opened up. Which is good. But she dropped the ball and hit you with the protective services threat. Thats bull. IMO shes very unprofessional. Shes paid to listen, you arent talking anymore so she isnt getting paid. She knows she fooked up. Thats why shes trying to make ammends. Again, this is my opinion. Shes a paid "friend". All of us in the community are real friends. I do suggest that if she was helping, that maybe you can find a new therapist? Biggest thing, is don't bother yourself about someone you never actually met. Shes not thinking of you 24/7. So why bother. Sorry fir posting here. Just my 2 cents.

January 8th, 2018


January 8th, 2018


Ok so you got through, that;s ok. How do you Proffessional people get away with the stuff you do. Then you throw us under the bus because you claim we are ciatoic and mentally unstable and your peers believe that because of the proffession. It is amazing how the client is always the wrong person because you know how to do and say your stuff and make it a coverup. How dare you say that you wonder if I am making you the bad guy again. Three times I swallowed my pride gave you the benifit of the dount and three times you let me down, How dare you protray your self in that way. It's because of these types of things and the lack of proof from chat records that keep you covered, at the expense of the client. Distoreted. When I set bondaries for my family You horned in on my victory and said I see improvemnet since we been working together. I did not say to you why you felt you had anything to do with that. That was a personal victory and I'll not let you take that away from me. If you choose to keep your chat going I am going to screenshot your conversations for future refferences. Please don't put that nice person act on, I see who you are. I think your trauma is acting out too. This is by no means one sided. I don't know who you may be trying to impress, your supervisor or who but don't fake it please.

You may have the victory right now because you are torementing the hell out of me. BUT THIS TOO WILL PASS

You are right that I am angry and Pissed off and afraid yes you did that

January 11th, 2018


It's been one hell of a ride on my roller coaster this week.Now that things are getting back to normal, My head is reflecting on many aspects of the course of the week. Things that I should of, or could have done.I could have said the heck with all of my family when the chips fell and it seemed everyone was looking at me and expecting me to be the miracle worker to keep things flowing in an orderly fashion.I took off my dress and slipped into my big girl pants, rolled up my sleeves and dove in and did not flinch. You all knew I was not up for this stress and strain. But it did not matter, as long as I held together.

January 11th, 2018


Thank you very much, I thought that I lost you,

I am glad you are still my friendsmiley

January 11th, 2018


No, you did not say anything wrong

I just did not get a reply from you for a minute I am sorry I thought that.

I just like to read your wise, replies.laugh I was maybe just in my feelings.

Possibly feeling spoiledlaughLOL

January 11th, 2018


thanks, I am just in my attention needing mode for some days whencheeky all hell was breaking loose. I know you got the new baby and I was just a bit petty.frown I do feel like you all are my family and I really appreciate all of the support you have been for me. Where I had no one there for me and now I feel like a Kid in a candy shoplaughso much to choose from. LOL

January 13th, 2018

What is betrayal?:

I am sitting here pondering over the feelings of betrayal in my mind. Wondering if it is an illusion or if what I feel is real. If the tears rolling down my face have a legitimate reason to even be there. Does the feel of by heart have any right to feel its pain within?

I know that we are all human and we make mistakes and hopefully we learn from them. I have heard it said all too often that Love hurts the ones it loves. Why is that I ask myself. Maybe because it is also said that hurt people hurt other people. So then where does the buck stop, When do we gird up and take ownership of our dastardly deeds? When does this cycle of life hault?

HUSBAND: I have looked past so many things you have put me through, only because of the guilt that taunts me for the lack of the ability to be the wife you want or need. I suffer in silence with a smile on my face while harsh words plow from your mouth. I turn and walk away for the words I may say would indeed be in Rage.

You keep me tucked away from your family, Yet you share all my business with people that don't give me the time of day. Your family that I and my child are not a part of, you all only cling to one another leaving us in the cold. Is it because you are afraid of the things that they may reveal or just your way of control. When you slept with your kin and the story was told you cussed and you ranted as you raged.

I know you lied when you denied. The truth was written upon your face, I cried as you lied but I put it behind and I kept riding the wave. Then last year caught up again this time I had to take care of you and nurse you to health once again you lied.

It might not feel as bad if you would once tell the truth and own your dirt. You see I have become so accustomed to the hurt my feelings are numb. Knowing that I can not run. I stay I die little by little as you do what you do.

I get so angry with this body I am in. Abused and traumatized even within, leaving me with this empty shell. I wish I could go back in time and try to find away these things would not have happened. I did not do this to my self, I did not do anything to deserve the damage that was done. Can't get over what is in your face daily. Knowing that this can never change. Yet it was not my fault but I die inside knowing my story to never be whole. Keeping a man who is normal in drive and a wife that has to hide for fear she knows she cannot be and never will that in it self-has it's own Hell. I ask is this betrayal or am I deserving of this injustices?

Deep within me, I want to walk away never look back. Fear and torment of being alone with no protection at all. You are not much to trust if the chips are down. But my only safe space is the here and now. I cope and try to find peace and rest despite this mess. I tell my God I think I have stood my test and dome my best,

n silence

January 13th, 2018

I refuse to die, I may have to shed many a tear but I refuse to die. Like my preditors stole life and hoped I would die, I am still here to tell the story that you made me hide. I survived. I am still learning how to survive day by day and step by step. My way is dark in the still of the night. Where no light my feet can find but I groupe through till morning light. I will find my way and that path that shines so bright, I will not die.

I often times played around with thoughts of darkness things to do to you when I had a chance. 9 to 5 had a really good plan of how to get off the rat they planned. But no that is too good f a plan to waste on such a heap of nothingness as you. I will put those thoughts to rest. Don't corner me up like a cat I will pounce and hells furry and wrath will be your hell.

Beware for Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned. That I promise

January 14th, 2018


You gave your self away when you said,"They told you to just open another account".

I did not say anytWhat ihing, but I've been looking. You are hiding pretty good, but it's ok. I meant what I said and I blocked you. It really does not matter that you know who I am. I don't give a rat's but. Spy on lurk around if you please. Just want you to know. I know you are there. Using a new name to protect your identity.frown

January 20th, 2018

Hello Diary:

Just thinking thing over about my life.Wasted time and efforts to obtain something that was never in my grasp. Wearing the journey energy being depleted to a destination that I will not reach. All the pain and suffering encountered along the path. No guiding light has ever shon this trail. A path that no one takes because the stakes were just too great.

You ran at such great pace but now you faint at every new refrain. Atoll a troll waiting at your gate

January 23rd, 2018


I am so glad you are backlaugh I missed you.

I am feeling some better but this flu bug has turned into an upper respiratory infection and I can't get the cold out of my chest, causing these coughing episodes that I can't stop. Taking all my medicines. Feet and legs are still swelling they feel like they are going to pop open. The doctor thinks it's my blood pressure. I think something else is going on. But I don't know nothingindecision

PerfectStorm426 January 23rd, 2018

@scarletPear1945. Doc knows best hun. If it is blood pressure you aren't doing any favors for yourself by thinking its not. You get a vaporizer? I am sure they got u on some kinda steroid which should kick the crap outta it. Take care. We need ya back in business ASAP.

March 12th, 2018

Today I let you go completely

I've been holding open all my thoughts and hopes for some type hope to resolve my internal conflicts with you. I know you are gone and I hope in some ways to a better place than you provided for me. I never intended to let you off the hook for all the abusive things you did to me. Even in death, you found a way to bring me more torment by not having insurance to be buried. You all ways told me you never wanted to go to a nursing home that you wanted me to give you a gun or pills to take your life. When I told you I would have no part in such a thing you got angry with me. I know the reason you did not want to go into a nursing home. Your meaness would have landed you the worst care poss Thank God for the Hospice Nurseible. The nurses did tuck you away where they did not have to listen to your abusive words.

When you called me to tell me you were in the Hospital. My husband and I wasted no time packing up to com We still came on in your room and tried to ignore over 300 miles to see you What did you do when we got there? embarrassed us in front of your friends by cussing us out for stopping at the hotel to drop off our luggage We came on in your room despite your rudeness. Then you told us the Doctor told you that you had a week to live. Mom, I really thought that it would be this moment that would bring us together. I brought you flowers and a gift basket full of things you could use there in the hospital. I do understand that it must have been hard to hear you only had a week to live. Making amends to people that you have not been kind to or an acknowledgment of your abuse would have given me some closure but you chose not to. Then you tell me you let your insurance go so you could have money to go to the race track really Pissed me off. Seeing I am the only child they want me to bury you. Ok, I was willing to try and do that but, mom you cuss at me and complained about everything we tried to do for you. I had offered you to come to stay here where we lived had an apartment ready and you said no. That to was fine because I had struggled with that and prayed about that for a long time that God would not let my heart turn so cold to you that I would never claim you or be there for you You have left such a horrible imprint in my head of the violent and traumatic things you have done to me.


March 13th, 2018


Mom, it was one thing for you to cuss me out but when you started lashing out at my husband that was the last straw. Do you realize how much effort and cost it took for us to travel that far to be there for you? In my heart, I knew you did not deserve the compassion we showed too you. Yet I went against the grain of my own soul and did what I thought God would have been pleased with Knowing you had one week you turned even more bitter instead of trying to get your soul right with those of us you hurt. For a long time, I was angry with God for having allowed me to be placed in your care. I know that you never intended to get me from Foster Care Home. I even tried to put myself in your shoes to understand what you must have felt. I still struggle with justifying your abuse. Do you remember beating me with that Cain? Do you? or burning me with the hot light bulbs? Do you remember the dark closets with red pepper on my tongue? Or maybe the ashtray you used me for to put your hot butts out on. I want to remind you, I don't want you to forget because I can't. However, I am choosing to Bury you forever. One thing that you don't know is that I knew how you always thought doctors use people for experiments? When you died I had some options, one being to donate your body to science. My first thoughts were to do just what you did not want to happen. I felt it would have been a fair trade. Then they would have cremated you and asked if I wanted the earn shipped to me? I was going to tell them heck no you never wanted to be with me alive and I did not want you dead. But the Lord God would not let me do that to you. He had to keep reminding me of the word COMPASSION. Something you did not have. Mom you know the things I mentioned are just a drop in the bucket.

PerfectStorm426 March 14th, 2018

@scarletPear1945... and that strength and power that you write with is why i admire you. You just tell it on the mountain girl. You throw it out there. On a lighter note. God put you there for a reason. It was part of his master plan for you. It is sh*tty and FUBAR. BUT, You are a pure soul because of it all. Anyone who is close enough to call you a friend knows that you were forged from hell fire and God admires that. You keep pushing on ward. Release tje chains that bind. I so hope i did not mess up here. You are so damn strong and powerful... you deserve to do this!

March 14th, 2018


Thank you so much. I am so ready to put this woman to rest I can taste it but not till I get my words out then I'll close the book on that chapter of my life๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

PerfectStorm426 March 14th, 2018

@scarletPear1945. You just keep it up

and do not stop. I am so proud of you and the lion that lives within. But ya know what? Doesnt matter to me what you have gone thru in the past ( dont read that like i dont care... read more). You ate a special girl that has values and morals. You are more human than most people in this world. You fight for righteousness. You fight for yourself and your morals. You stand tall in the face of hell. God bless you Scarlet. I support you thru and thru.

Ps i know ima bull in a china shop. But i say it all how i see it. And you deserve your inner peace. Because you are wonderful. I am hard to take at times. But i am serious. You have shown me more than you know. You are stronger than most. Which i flock to. You keep fighting. I know im not 'normal' for here. But i am not normal. I am just like you. Stay strong and keep pushing Scarlet. You have taught me so much.....

March 14th, 2018


OMG!!! Storm:

Don't make me cry, Your words are so special and hearing from you to encourage me and support me is all I have asked for in life. You don't know the value I place on my friends here at 7cups. My words are often times harsh and may seem cruel but I must be who I am. I have a need to get my story off of me and out of my head. So I can live the life that was stolen from me. Who is to say what is normal or not. Like the words of that Therapist that cut so deep to tell me I had Faulty thinking. Maybe I do and Maybe that is why I am here. But I'll be darn if I pay her to make me feel I am a total screwup. Or hang on to the words I speak and dice them up and dissect my words to the point I don't recognize my own words. I just got to be me.

Thank youyes

PerfectStorm426 March 14th, 2018

@scarletPear1945 O please do not cry on my account. It wasn't my intent at all.

You may think that your words can be harsh and cruel, but in all honesty they are pure and no BS. Which is honorable IMO. You deserve to live the life that was stolen from you ten fold. And no one can define what is 'normal' in my world or your world or anyone elses. That definition of "our world" comes from our souls. Our lives. Above all else Scarlet. You sure aint a screw up. I admire your values and heart. All i or anyone that matters could ask is - that you just be you and believe in yourself no matter what. Totatally proud of you/ no matter how un politically correct this post was. No politics. Its all about you!

PerfectStorm426 March 14th, 2018

@scarletPear1945 ... -and i thank you

March 26th, 2018


Hello Storm

Where are you? I miss your support and encouraging words. Not trying to not reciprocate the love. Hope all is well I need you and so do others.

If you need an ear๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ‘‚ or just some๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ชstrength I am here. We can talk and share๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿ•๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿตsmilelaugh

March 14th, 2018


Mom, I called the hospital two and three times a day to talk to your Nurses and they told me how sorry they were that I had you as a mother and they did not even know me nor our sMy husband and I packed our bags and went home 300 miles away from you and I could not get home fast enough.The Embarrassment of how you acted toward us was so hurtful. I came with all good intentions yet I did not get your approval nor was I treated like your daughter. But now on your deathbed, you expect me to give you your final resting place. how inconsiderate of you. You and I never got to know one another as mother and daughter. I did not have any information about you for the obituary because you never talked to me. People thought that was so strange putting me in an even more awkward place. I had to pay to get your body removed to the funeral home. I am so glad for Hospice. They gave me grant money to have you cremated and they were going to send me the earn but I refused it, did not want it. If I was not good enough in life than I am not good enough in death. I do hope you find a good resting place and I hope you found the Lord and ask forgiveness. I really don't want your soul lost for eternity.

Now, mom, I was told that I could come clean out your apartment, But I was not making another drive there. I told your landlord to give your things away I did not want anything you had. So today I am closing the door and choosing to let go of my anger and bitterness. I take back charge of my life. I am choosing to forgive you. I give myself permission to bury you. MAY YOU REST IN PEACE

Your Daughter


PerfectStorm426 March 14th, 2018

@scarletPear1945 ...and who could ask for anything more... very intence, but you feel you did right, and i feel you have done right. I feel you went farther than needed. But thats just who you are. A very special woman. ( i aint suckin ass here... i am serious... giddy up and wow, all

i can say is "atta girl" and i hope that in some small way you get a bit of peace. You are a roll model.

PerfectStorm426 March 14th, 2018

@PerfectStorm426... ok just realized i am in your private diary ( my biggest apologies). Not really a conversation i guess. But i think ya needed to hear that tho. I shut up now. U keep in rolling. Sorry for jumping in

March 14th, 2018


u r fine

no problemheart

March 14th, 2018


u r fine

no problemheart

March 15th, 2018


I am feeling a big release from this. But now I think I am experiencing a griefing point. Been teary eyed off and on today for some reason but I feel lighterlaugh

PerfectStorm426 March 15th, 2018

@scarletPear1945. I understand. In all honesty, its probably just grieving for what you werent allowed to have. For what was stolen from you. For what you dreamed for. And for what you deserved to have that never was. None of it is your fault. U are finally releasing yourself from all of it. Self doubt is human nature. All i can say, is you are doing the right thing. It is time to work at putting this all to rest. It is time to focus on you. Its time to live. Every step is a step in the right direction. Ur doin just fine. And i am proud of you Scarlet. *hugs*

March 24th, 2018


Dear Diary: Today I have another piece of baggage to add to the firer. I am slowly gaining the courage to release these tormenting events that have kept my soul, my heart and my mind in captivity.

As I sit here today, I have tried so many times to get this out in the open and have failed. This is my day to unfold another event. My only regret in doing this is that I don't know who you were and you will probably never know the damage and pain you inflicted on my child and me. You don't know the years of struggling with this changed my life. I was so bitter and angry. Even as I write this letter it feels as if this event happened yesterday.

What you have done was to rip away my dignity in front of my child, To ashamed to even tell the truth about this even for shame.

I remember so well that Wednesday evening my son and I were going to catch the bus to Church. No one at that bus stop but my son and I. You pulled up to the bus stop as if to ask directions, but when I looked into the car you had a gun pointed at me. You said get in the car and don't scream or I'll shoot you here. You made my son lay down in the back seat and told him that he better not get up. Then you began to tear at my clothing and you took what you wanted me, Ravishing my body with your foul order and grummie hands.

How dare you have done this to me with my son in the car. I can't even imagine what was going through his head as he heard my whimpers and cries When you had got your groove you told us to get out of the car and turn our backs to you that you were going to have to kill us. Yelling and telling us not to turn around to look at you. I was so afraid, Shaking so uncontrollable as I held my son's hand. Tears rolling down our faces with the anticipation of you firing that fatal bullet into our bodies.Fear was so intense that nothing else seemed to matter. But you raced down that dark ally leaving my son and me alive and I was too focused on getting out of that ally and getting help. We ran and banged on a couple of doors before someone let us in. It was a little Caucasian woman. She called the Police for us. I did not report the rape just a robbery as he had my purse and money. But they took us to the police station and filed the report then took us home.

My son and I never talked about what had happened. Today I put you to rest. No more harm can you do. You are out of my closet.

March 24th, 2018





March 27th, 2018


I find myself in a place of blissfulness and yet my stomach is bouncing around like someone is dribbling a ball inside my gut Taking this trip for my husbands birthday gift. I want to go but we have a cabin together and will be sharing a room together which makes me so uncomfortable and edgy.

I am going to have to find a constructive way to keep my anxiety and panic attacks under control. I need to feel at peace and able to enjoy the trip.

Because of past trauma, I do not occupy the same room as my husband and in fact, I don't sleep in a bed but rather find sanction in a recliner or couch out in out in the open space. I guess I will have to stay awake and on deck and sleep during the day. I don't know what to do as of yet. I only have 2 weeks to figure this thing out. My husband is really going to feel like it's his birthday. I am not up for itindecision

November 27th, 2019


I am still unpacking so much bottled up crap that I have never spoken before as these memories keep invading my mind and bring these flashbacks and bad thoughts. Stuff resurfacing from nowhere. Therapy has not been productive at all. I think my stuff has been so intense that they just seem not to have a clue of how or where they need to start. Maybe I am hopeless.

Amandisa16 March 24th, 2018


Oh Scarlet heart so sorry that you went through this, and that your son had to witness this. I'm feeling lost for words at the moment. All I can do is send you a BIG HUG heartheartheart. I hope that you will become fully healed, and fully recover from this horrific experience.

March 24th, 2018


Thank you. a Tarnish of degrading in front of my kid. Hard memory to put behind me. But it's got to lose some power for tellingcrying it

PerfectStorm426 March 25th, 2018

@scarletPear1945. You are so strong scarlet. I have no words.... except i hope God grants you internal peace and the strength to continue on.

March 12th, 2018


Lady, I am honored to be the recipient of your hugs and your words which have meant so much to me. You were with me at the beginning of my journey and you are still here by my side. I appreciate that so much. A true friend indeed. That is from my heartheartsmiley

March 14th, 2018


Thank you, I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulderslaugh

March 29th, 2018

Hello You,

I am back with my latest moving on check-in. I decided that since I was rather in a better state of mind that I would stop Therapy. My New Therapist was a great lady and very much listened to everything I posted and messaged me back with answers. I like that. Really not sure I made the right choice to stop, but I am going on how I am feeling now as to when I first started with the other therapist. I think that having made the choice to move to another one help me find my way in a much clearer way. She calmed my spirit and told me that I had positive strengths that I did not notice. Well anyway, what I am saying is that I did not feel like I was a loser or a total basket case with no direction. It may not have been the intent of my other therapist, but that was how I felt and it was taking my stress level to new heights.

Saying that affirms the fact that we need to shop around for the best fit possible. I am glad that we now have the right to choose who we want to try. That was not an option when I first started. Yea" for 7cups improving that feature.

I really appreciate all the people that work behind the scene to make this website a great place to be. Those whose names never appear or show up till there is a problem. I want to give you your flowers now๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ’ฎ๐Ÿ’ฎ Thank you

August 1st, 2018


Every time I think I am back in the piolet seat, something comes to uproot my security and sense of well being. Just as I felt I was placing my feet on a study stable ground I find that I am sinking in quicksand.

I well understand how Trauma can affect a person, but it's like a never-ending story in so many ways. Like a story that has been written that never seems to get to the plot. Yes, My emotions are running high and a bit out of control.


Took a 3 day weekend with my husband, for the sole purpose of relaxing and just getting away from all the demands that were running me ragged On the other hand, I guess my husband had other plans for the weekend away from home.

Arterial motives almost wrecked my emotional state of wellbeing He never mentioned his intents for taking me. But it sounded good to me We did not leave the state but rather found a quaint little hotel on the outskirts of our town. This was my time so I thought. As soon as we got checked in and up to our room. The first thing came out of his mouth as he grabbed the TV remote

They don't have HBO and I can watch no Porno. I looked at him in sheer surprise. Why do you want to see porno? that is something I never expected. Putting two and two together, this man wanted or planned a booty call weekend.

This just automatically sent my head whirling in flashbacks. I got real quiet and literally began shutting down, First feeling Panis, Fear, Anger than I felt this brewing rage bubbling up from the pit of my stomach.

My husband noticed the change going on within me and asked if he had messed up. I could not respond at that moment as he had caught me totally off guard.

I am going to have to finish this insert later, even now I am yat feeling my emotions rising.