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My Diary place

AmalieAnne July 19th, 2017

Not sure who will read it or if anyone wants to, so I guess it is for me. I can put things here when I need to and if you are reading this remember it is just the ramblings of me. So I will put things here and it will not get in anyone elses way.

Avaray March 19th, 2021



AmalieAnne OP March 3rd, 2021

I know that recently many people have really suffered because of the Covid virus and in many different ways but hey… this is my diary so it has to be about me, sorry! I hate that I cannot do things, normal things, even to be scared of things that are kind of ‘lessons’ in life. Like finding me a handsome boy to kiss, and yes, that makes my face go a little bit red with embarrassment. Still, one can dream of things and perhaps I am not quite ready just yet. I am almost an adult, which is very scary and I have no idea how to do things, with no confidence in me, to commit to being one… yet! Perhaps I will never be able to live alone or drive a car but who cares, if I added up all the things, I cannot do then I would be forgetting the things I can. If I could be bold to suggest that everyone reaches my age and feels the same, they just fail to share that it felt pretty scary at the time to them as well. So, recently things have been scary, strange, weird and the rest and that is not how I want things to be. Perhaps most people did not at my age have a pandemic going on but hey to hell with it, this Ame needs to dream. I want to be thrown out of a casino for counting cards, to be so drunk I sing songs which strangers, to trespass in Area 51, to tell really rude jokes not just because they are things that will get me in trouble but because they would be fun. Plus, I want to see them aliens! So, if you will excuse me, I have to take all this heavy crappy nasty stuff off me and kick it in the bottom. Sod off… see my inner Lincolnshire girl is alongside my Catalonian need to kick things. Sometimes you need to say the F word and have a good shake. Let me dream…

“In this new world, I can be bold.
Show me Adventure and I will grab hold
I am a warrior, challenge me and I will scream
For I dare to Dream”
– Michael Mott

So, Listen Up we are going to do some history right now. Sit down unless you are already sitting down in which case, stand up! Why you ask? Because I am currently The Boss Lady so if you mess with me, then you will regret it. [I have the feeling I am being too confident but I am hoping to make it work somehow.] People think we discover history but that is simply not true, we create it but not like that. This is the very short tale of Easter [egg] Island and I have heard a whole lot of nonsense so you better listen up and get it right…

Easter Island: No Nonsense Edition
It is NOT a mystery; we know what happened so stop making stuff up and before you ask no it has nothing to do with aliens. Again, STOP MAKING STUFF UP. The Egyptians built the pyramids so you are being so silly by suggesting anything else. When I was little, I thought that if you went north through the arctic you would appear in Antarctica but I happened to be little at the time. And to be honest that works on the East-West axis so perhaps it was not too silly to think it works in the north-south axis. Ok… that is out now. I feel much better. Moving on, Easter [egg] Island is located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, in fact it was rather a miracle that the first Polynesians found it and then called it home. In 1722 on Easter Sunday the explorer Roggeveen was called to the main deck because the crew had spotted what was until then, in Europe, a mystical place. From the histories of Easter Island, Clive Ponting wrote that around 3000 people living in hunts and caves, engaged in warfare and then finally cannibalism which ended their own civilisation. Not only did they built strange heads made of stone but they pushed themselves to destruction by doing so. It was believed that since the 10th Century a small group had somehow found the island, built a society albeit a rudimentary one, that cut down all the trees which resulted in a lack of food and warmth. By the time Roggeveen in 1722 only a few thousand inhabitants remained and they were eating each other. This is a typical 18th century picture that any European would hold, to fail to see a rich culture but it is not actually true.

One of the most bizarre cultural examples is the islander’s language, the direction of writing is from left to right, the same as in English. However, when you finish the line you had to turned the thing you are reading it from upside-down, then read left to right, then at the end again turn it upside-down to continue and so on… This is called ‘Reverse Boustrophedon’ and you can read the Rongo-rongo by visiting Rome (when things get back to normal). The Dutch, Spanish and British from Captain James Cook, never reported encountering the Rongo-rongo or written Rapanui, the language of the Easter Islanders. Then again, European explorers had the very bad habit of not paying much attention and assuming that our, certainly my, culture was just superior despite evidence against this notion. So, let’s return to Easter Sunday in 1722, on approaching the Island one of the Easter Islanders got into a canoe and set off to inspect the funny looking Europeans. Once aboard, Bolton Corney said, the Islander was amazed at the great high masks, went around exploring this strange ship and then poured brandy into his eyes. I am not sure if this one individual represented all of the Islanders. Roggeveen and his crew did, however, get into their rowboats to return interest.

The crew saw a crowd gathering on the beach as they approached the island. Still, something was weird the Moai or stone heads could not really be understood. Actually, in Roggeveen’s logbook1 he wrote “we could not understand”. See I told you! Further adding “how it was [it] possible… [that] without construction gear, had [they] been able to erect them”. Kind of sounds like the same approach people have to the great pyramids of Egypt. By the time Katherine Routledge came to Easter Island in 1914 not a single Moai, stone head, remained standing complete or undamaged. So, what happened on Easter Island? It is thought that Polynesians did find the island sixteen hundred miles away from South America, in canoes around the 10th century. This is where it becomes again a very European story. When Roggeveen and 134 of his men landed on Easter Island, some got into a battle formation and without warning fired five or so musket shots, after some panic thirty more before they accepted the order to stop. As the islanders fled further inland ten people were dead, including the man who poured brandy into his eyes. Roggeveen was really mad but none of his men suffered any punishment, though later he and the other funny looking Europeans had a party with the islanders. It is not known if the brandy helped the situation or not, though I am guessing it might have been.

Spanish Galleons visited and claimed Easter Island for the king of Spain, later they dropped that claim as more pressing stuff was going on back home. Four years later an English expedition once again discovered the island, led by one Captain James Cook despite the whole expedition being based on the assumption Easter Island was just a myth. Cook did report that the Moai, the stone heads, had left to weather with many of the foundations were in decay2. A Russian sailor’s account in 1804 reported that most of the Moai had fallen over or perhaps been knocked over on purpose. Later several researchers wrote in the Journal of World Archaeology cited the idea of ‘cargo cults’ as perhaps what happened3. The name comes from mainly the USA setting up in areas and regions around the world during the Second World War, this altered the culture and beliefs of those that had lived there. Although this happened with other World War Two powers, the locals had no context and saw the army as ‘god-like’. In short, they dropped their customs and imitated the newcomers. This is what is believed to happen to the Easter Islanders, the Europeans successfully undermined local beliefs and changed long held behaviours. It was around the same time the island’s inhabitants started building European style houses.

But that is not the sad part; one day in 1862 the first slave ship arrived at the island, Peruvian slave merchants with 16 ships took 1407 of the islanders. Many of these kidnapped people died in either mines or through diseases that they had not been exposed to before. Half a world away the ideals of morality had been changing and, in the end, this paved the way for the end of slavery as it had been known for centuries and the deadliest revolution in France. By 1863 the Peruvian government after receiving pressure both internally and from the rest of the world agreed to return the islanders. The remaining 470 islanders were gathered in the port of Callao and then bored an American whaling ship. Unfortunately, one of the crew had small pox and by the time the former slaves got home, only 15 of the 470 had survived small pox and the lack of food. These 15 people who by now had been exposed to small pox sealed the fate for everyone living on Easter Island, by 1877 the pox killed all but 100 or so of the Easter Islanders. This marked the end of their culture and Easter Island became a mythical place that once existed4. A culture had been destroyed not by themselves but ‘us’ Europeans.

No aliens, no starving from cutting all the trees down, no cannibalism just plain and simple destruction. As for the Aztecs they definitely had alien help!


AmalieAnne OP March 18th, 2021

Avaray March 18th, 2021


Love the pic x

AmalieAnne OP March 19th, 2021

@Avaray Thank you

AmalieAnne OP April 4th, 2021

Yummy and chilli Marmite is amazing. Thank you Granny and Granddad

Avaray April 5th, 2021



Where is mine ? 💜

AmalieAnne OP April 6th, 2021


Well... I could share my chilli marmite. Would you like it on some toast? I hope that you are doing ok, it is a worry of mine.

Avaray April 6th, 2021


Hi Ames x

Ummm.... You are too kind but I would prefer the chocolates 😊

Otherwise bovril on toast.. Or plain marmite on toast or butter on toast with a nice strong hot cup of african blend five roses tea please xx Not rooibos tea it's healthy but disgusting.

I'm getting there kiddo x

Going to psy chiatrist next week to get an add on to my ad"s to see if that will help.

I resigned from my work at the end of last month as the stress and other things was too much for me and becoming toxic for me mentally and then physically ad the aftereffect of it all.

I have another job, same field of work, but it allows me to work offsite at home or wherever i am and therefore i can cut my travelling down and i can be at home during the holidays with the kids.

It's quite an adjustment as I've been running on extreme everything for such a long time and now i have sort of hit a flat, like the adrenaline has been taken out and now you're pooped out kind of feel.

But i think it was the right move, one I believe God made a plan for me to get at the right time so i didn't totally crack. It will just take some time.

And I write my last exam in July so i need to get that into my brain.

How u doing, are you on holiday or at school?

Is your family keeping well?

Hugs amazing Amalie

AmalieAnne OP April 9th, 2021


Hello Avaray,

I can share chocolate begrudgingly however; I can of course make toast with marmite on it although we only have fruit teas or English Breakfast (we have coffee as well). I have never had a job but if you do not like it then I am happy that you did quit it. To be honest a good thing about the pandemic for me is that mommy is here which I kind of like, you would have to ask mommy if she likes it or not. So, it is a good thing for you perhaps to have a new job that means you can stay at home some of the time. At least you will travel less which of course reduces the risk of encountering a mischievous monkey with naughtiness in mind. Hopefully if you need some medicine then it will help you as well. I still do not know what kind of fieldwork, so I am guessing some sort of excavation of some tomb from a lost civilisation. Yes, that is correct, me thinks.

I am doing well, yesterday I had my Dutch speaking exam which went well, I think. I still have to catch up with spelling but I get extra time to do that. Having dyslexia sometimes is a good thing, the number if J’s in Dutch sometimes is an annoying thing. School is still weird because only half the class can be there at a time and my school is not that big to start with. I officially start normal school on Monday but I kind of like it smiley My family is well, when granddad stops telling bad jokes I know things are going wrong. So far, the granddad jokes are still very bad! Just my bestest friend (she is family) might be going away to school in the autumn so blah. We will see, *hugs* Be good and be on the look out for monkeys. Plus yes you can have some chocolate, I am not that mean.


Avaray April 16th, 2021


You are too kind sharing your chocolates. Thank u xx

Hugs my awesome little friend 💕

AmalieAnne OP April 28th, 2021

AmalieAnne OP April 28th, 2021

Not sure what that writing is there for 🤔

Avaray May 11th, 2021


Love the pic kiddo x

We often see zebra when we drive to school or on the way to Grandpa and Granny, also buck and ostriches and the one time we saw a giraffe but haven't seen one there again.

We went to a dam that friends of ours manage the farm and there were 2 little crocodiles swimming around eying us out while we were fishing. They said there is also a much bigger one and a python, didn't see those fortunately.

How u doing?

Hugs 💕

AmalieAnne OP May 21st, 2021


It would be very strange to see a zebra or giraffe on the way to school, we have really big mooses here which I have seen a couple of times. I know for if someone said there are two little crocodiles, I would not be going anywhere they could get me. In that picture honestly you cannot see them plus I read somewhere that their skin is bullt proof (no idea if that is true plus I do not have a g*n). So, I had the covid jab yesterday and it hurt, now it is making me feel really sick. Hopefully though it will be ok and that means people will not get really sick. I am just not looking forward to the second one at all. Any who, how are you? Plus, I check my shoes and wellies for spiders, snakes and other things that can bite or sting me. You should do that as well, if you are not already doing it. My brain is being somewhat naughty and things are going around fast, so I hope that I have made sense. Have a nice weekend free of crocodiles and snakes *hugs*


Avaray May 11th, 2021


Avaray May 11th, 2021


Avaray May 11th, 2021


We were standing on the grass fishing.

Avaray May 11th, 2021


AmalieAnne OP May 21st, 2021


*pets Benji* why doggies always find really strange ways of sleeping, I think that is why I like them smiley

Avaray May 22nd, 2021


He's a sweetie pie, but he can also snore and he sleeps on the floor next to my bed.

AmalieAnne OP May 26th, 2021

@Avaray I named your other doggy cupcake

Avaray June 12th, 2021


hey there xx
Which one, I have 3
maybe the ridgeback because she is crazy about sweet things so you have to make sure she can't get to them.

We have had additions to the family. 1 cockatiels and will soon have another 2 family members....
2 guinea pigs.
So in total we have 2 budgies, 2 cockatiels, 3 dogs, and 2 guinea pigs to come and 4 humans. We are turning into a zoo. We are converting a bookshelf into the guinea pig cage and then will make some toys and buy some things too.

How u doing that side.

Hugs awesome one 💕

AmalieAnne OP June 25th, 2021

@Avaray Hello,

Three doggies are quite a lot but then you have other pets as well! The ridgeback is called Cupcake and the third one I would need to see a picture but I am thinking maybe Fluffy if it fits. I am not sure why I am naming your pets despite them most likely already having names. In one country, forgot which one, it is illegal to have just one guinea pig, because they need a friend. I think that works for the humans as well smiley

We are doing alright in the northern part, still a ‘European trapped in Canada’ but hopefully soon we can go see everyone. I am looking after my God Sister on Saturday night, my kind of, first official duty. Mommy is here umm… as a consultant… kind of! I have three exams in a couple of weeks which I am not worried about, well apart Dutch exam because spelling is difficult. Hopefully my brain will behave himself. How are you doing down in the South?


Avaray June 27th, 2021


Hi there xx
How did the first official 'babysitting" go, not sure how old the winkle is but we call it babysitting.
and fluffy although a cute name, umm.. He's a long legged fox terrior, with one eye, that can be very grumpy, and for some reason, maybe because he's highly strung, he's never really learnt to play properly. He likes to be stroked and rubbed but seems to be a "stiff type" dog not a cuddly one. He thinks he can fight anything I think. Maybe Rambo or something like that.. 😁

Totally agree on the guinea pig thing, I think with any animal there should at least be 2 so they have company, that's the kind thing to do, so definitely getting 2 guinea pigs. The bookshelf conversation is taking place into the cage and we have made and sewed tunnels and snuggle bags and beds for the little souls for when they arrive and have just ordered in a few guinea pig toys.
we are trying to get frames with mesh type inners made up and the bottom part extended for a bit of a play pen section.

We have gone back to lockdown 4 as of 28 June 21. Our president just announced it tonight.

How's the studying going for exam?

Hugs awesome Ames xxx

Avaray June 27th, 2021

still have to extend the lower level into a play area and put up cage doors etc, so still work in progress.
AmalieAnne OP June 30th, 2021


Good Morning Lady Avaray,

It is so HOT here that now I know why Molly just jumps into the water, she can swim very well for a doggy. We have been going for walkies later on, when it is not so hot but I always have the Mommybeast attack me with sun block and I wear a hat of course. The thing I do not like about summer are bugs, if they could leave me alone that would be lovely angry My babysitting went ok, Button has just turned 1 years old a couple of weeks ago and she has a lot of energy. In the end she slept in my bed and that made her sleep. I did enjoy reading a bedtime story to her though, its ok to get a little mixed up, she does not mind and I do not get nervous.

When you said fox terroir, I was not thinking of him like that, perhaps more fox like. If I can find it, I will put the video of foxes laughing because it is so cute. But he is allowed to be grumpy, you said that he never learned to play so I am thinking you adopting him. Which is lovely and now he has two other friends to play with when he is not grumpy of course. He is very handsome as well. I really love the guinea pig cage, if you go buy one it costs money and is kind of boring but making your own. So, they have each other and lots of things to do in their cage. Once you get the mesh thing they can move in smiley. I knew someone when we lived in the UK, their guinea pigs, rabbit and cat at night would all share the sleeping area of the cage. They got along, the cat I think played during the start of the night and then got tired so he went to see his friends for a little sleep.

You have gone back into lock down, which is pants. Here, I want people to be safe but I also need to eat fish and chips with granddad. So, I am hoping that soon we can travel without having to isolate for a month. I am even missing my annoying sister. We talk and write of course, also the whatsapp on mommy’s phone or computer. It is just not the same. My exams will be fine, I am just worried by the Dutch written exam. The Dutch put a j in everywhere because of sneakiness. Any who *hugs*. Best regard,

Emperor Ame angel

AmalieAnne OP June 30th, 2021

Oh found it: it is really funny

Avaray July 12th, 2021

very cute 😀💕

I'm sure you've heard that South Africa has gone nutty and scarier than normal and just wanted to let you know although a lot of violence and bad around. We have been ok staying in our house. We have been praying also for God's protection. So just wanted to say I'm ok incase you were maybe worried xx

Hugs Ames x

AmalieAnne OP July 16th, 2021


Hello Avaray (banana),

I asked mommy about what is going on in South Africa and hopefully things will settle down now or very soon. They arrested some politicians which is the same thing they did in Catalan, so hopefully there will be a peaceful outcome. Hopefully it will never come to this, but I trust Benji, Cupcake and Foxie’s bark and teeth to scary people off. I believe in the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau so I am less worried but be safe *hugs*


Avaray July 18th, 2021

hugs Ames ***

AmalieAnne OP July 21st, 2021


*huggles* I hope things are a bit better now because if they are not, I am coming over there and then all the naughty people will regret it. I will go full Spanish on them and I will also send Mama, they have been warned.

Avaray July 22nd, 2021


Oooh thanks Ames, I think they heard your warning, things seem to be a lot quieter... Thank you 😁💕

It was a very bad time with so much destruction, I'm still kindof numb and tired.

But on a positive....
we found our latest family members. Layla and Chloe.
We will collect them on Saturday.
My daughter is so excited as it's an early birthday present.
see picture attached. Also sent picture of our cockatiels, Charlie and Annie.

Hugs my friend xx

AmalieAnne OP July 23rd, 2021

@Avaray God they are behaving themselves, it was either me or the threat of Mama. Hopefully, things will be back to kind of normal now and then you will not be worrying, so you will start to feel better. I am going camping tomorrow just to let you know. I love the names of your birds and new family members smiley Hopefully they both house that you made for them. Any who, *hugs* if I do not return assume I have been eaten by a bear sad

AmalieAnne OP July 23rd, 2021

Err.. Good not God

Avaray July 23rd, 2021


I will sort any bear out that tries to eat you, you and your mom can sort out this lot in SA, I will sort the bear out, just tell it Ava will wax his hair into checker board square shapes and paint his toenails luminous pink, that should scare the Dickens out of him. 💕

I hope you enjoy your camping trip, i would like to do that some day when i feel brave enough. I thought I would love to get a camper van and travel to different spots and do whatever I would like to. It would be a big adventure.

Yes we fetch the 2 new members tomorrow.

Hugs awesome Ames xx

AmalieAnne OP August 8th, 2021

I forgot to say I hope your daughter had a nice birthday; it was in my brain but it forgot to come out. I hope she had a nice birthday. Hopefully, the new family members are settling it and loving their new home. I am happy to report that I did not in fact get eaten by the bears, even the bugs knew I would be grumpy if they decided to bite me, so they did not. It was kind having the parents there for the first night though. I think we should make a deal; you deal with troublesome bears and I will sort out the naughty monkeys. If we go next year than you can be part of the parent night and be bear control master. I am the least outdoors person in the world so I just pretend to know what to do and see whatever everyone does. Plus my bestest friend tells me and makes sure I do not get lost. Maybe at some point you can get one of those American camper van things, the big ones and then travel around. I nice one though with a bathroom in it. Any who, I had my second jab for covid which was not nice but I am one step to seeing granny, granddad and mama. Be good *hugs*


Avaray August 9th, 2021


Oohh Avaray is cross
I just wrote you a long reply and pushed post and it gave me an error
"502 gateway"?? !!!
I will rewrite tomorrow as it's almost 23:00 here.

hugs Awesome Ames 💕

AmalieAnne OP August 9th, 2021


That is it *kicks it* owwwwwwwwwwwWW I normally write things in Word and then cut and paste just in case it does that to me. Plus it kind of helps with the spelling smiley

Avaray August 11th, 2021

yes it needs a kick! Hope your toes are ok 😬😂
It's sounds like you had a great time camping with your friends. Proud of you! And I sent a message via the jungle beat for those bears and bugs to behave, I'm glad they listened.
Is it something you'll enjoy doing again? What type of things did you do. Did you sing around a campfire roasting marshmallows? That would have fun.

And definitely bathroom in the campervan, and a nice shower.
I'm glad you are a step closer to seeing your grandparents, I know you love and miss them. How you feeling after your last vaccination?

My daughter had a lovely birthday thanks xx and those guinea pigs that we called Layla and Chloe... Well we have since discovered that the petshop made an oops and we actually have a Jake and a Chloe instead... And some little ones on the way we think. Jake will need to go have a little operation so that we don't end up with more later. We didn't want to breed but it will be an adventure anyway. The problem is they are so cute!
So we now have 4 birds 2 guinea pigs with little ones we think on the way and 3 dogs. It's starting to feel iike a zoo 😂

Hugs amazing Ames,