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Schedule: Discussions of the Trauma Sub-Community

audienta April 5th, 2023

Hello everyone,

The Trauma Sub-Community Discussion Team currently hosts seven discussions per week:

  • Monday, 9 AM/11AM ET (changing the time every other week): Guided Support Chat about DID/OSDD-1 (adults)hosted by InsightfulPhoenix
  • Monday, 1 PM ET: Open Support Chat about Trauma (teens), host needed
  • Tuesday, 4 PM ET: Open Support Chat about all Dissociative Disorders (adults), hosted by InsightfulPhoenix
  • Wednesday, 11 PM ET: Open Support Chat about all Dissociative Disorders (teens), hosted by WillingToHelpU
  • Wednesday, 1 PM ET: DID/OSDD-1 Safety and Stabilisation Group (adults), hosted by mytwistedsoul
  • Friday, 7 PM ET: Guided Support Chat about Trauma (adults), hosted by WillingToHelpU
  • Sunday, 3 PM ET: Open Support Chat about Trauma (adults), hosted by InsightfulPhoenix

Here's the schedule with the currently planned discussions for the coming month.

The discussions will be announced the day before they happen by the host who will lead the chat in this thread. If you want to be tagged for them, please leave a comment below. And if you need to convert the time into your time zone, click here.

The discussions take place in the trauma support room. To access this room, you need to have either the Chief Chat or the First Post plus the Compassion Hero badge. You can find more information on that here. The trauma support room is only open on Weekends and during the discussions.

In addition to the above, there are Listener Learning Discussions on Dissociative Disorders. You can find the schedules here.

If you want to become a host for these discussions, please fill in this form. Also, you need to make sure that you can access the trauma support room (info here).

Please comment under this post if you want to be tagged for future discussions. Also, my PMs are open if you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions.

Take care,


(last updated: 7/24/2024)

audienta OP April 23rd


If you have the badge to access topic discussion rooms, you're generally good to go. However, we currently don't have a host for teen discussions but we're working on it and will have one soon. You can subscribe to this thread to get notified whenever a discussion gets announced. 

christyparks420 May 8th



Please tag me in all adult trauma discussions! Ty!

audienta OP May 11th


We currently only have one taglist for all discussions. I'll add you to that one.

DCcat1989 May 12th

I would love to be tagged ☺️☺️

audienta OP May 12th


I'll add you to the list!

DCcat1989 May 12th



Amelia763 July 6th

@audienta I'm interested to participate, but I'm not sure how to jump over all the hurdles. It's all very confusing to me.

audienta OP July 30th


Hi Amelia,

I'm sorry that I've only just seen your post. Do you want to pm me? Maybe I can help you to get over those hurdles.

Take care,

Amelia763 August 9th

@audienta Sorry but I just don't have the interest or energy. 

mytwistedsoul August 9th

@Amelia763 Hey :) So I looked into it alittle and in order to join in certain chatrooms you need to have certain badges. You can find information about those here 

audienta OP August 9th


Okay, I can understand that. If you ever change your mind, I'm here for you and would be happy to help.

coolvibes July 30th

@audienta and lease tag me for this community

coolvibes July 30th

@coolvibes please

audienta OP July 30th


Hi coolvibes,

Do you want to be tagged for the discussions or all the community posts?

If you want to be tagged in all trauma support community related post, please take a look at this post. If you only want to be tagged in the discussion announcements, let me know and I'll add you to the list.

Take care,

coolvibes July 31st

@audienta I asked to be added to all Trauma post, but I would like to get notifications for the discussions.

audienta OP July 31st


I've added you to both taglists :)