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Childhood trauma

SloshyFrog10527 August 12th

How do you even start to tell someone like a therapist stuff that has happened to you. Like physical things if you don’t want anyone to get in trouble

blitheSun94 August 15th


Hello, Frog,

I like to start with what’s challenging me the most and come up with solutions. Therapists have an obligation to maintain confidentiality. 

The only exceptions to confidentiality are in cases mandated by law. These exceptions include: Imminent danger to self or others, in which case staff contact medical and/police personnel.

It’s okay to tell your story with no names. I hope your therapist makes you feel safe enough to do so. 


SloshyFrog10527 OP August 15th

Thank you, I wasn’t sure. But what if it’s like someone close to me. For example parents or family

blitheSun94 August 15th


I believe that will depend on whether you’re an adult or a minor. 

Depending on where you live, the health care provider is not permitted to inform a parent or legal guardian without the minor’s consent. 

In my case, the therapist actually asked my mother to leave the room. 

SloshyFrog10527 OP August 15th

Thank you @blitheSun94

jonghyunnie August 16th

@SloshyFrog10527 if you would like to you can message me and i can share my experience with this exact situation, myself. 

SloshyFrog10527 OP August 16th

How do I start a message ?

jonghyunnie August 16th

@SloshyFrog10527 can you try to go to my profile and see if you can send me a message?

SloshyFrog10527 OP August 16th

Doesn’t show up as an option

TipTipTip August 18th

If you are a minor be awere and stay safe, could be worse, I know you are probably lookin for a validating space and a hug, but therapist have the duty to call the law if you are a minor, I know is awfull, you may feel like ther's no safe place to share, my personal advice based on my experience is that you may find other help, from people as caring as your therapist, as capable and nice but without any duty, so they could not keep you away and worst the situation, you could go in therapy later, in the major age, pls stay safe, you are valid, so do your emotion, and it's not your fault, but pls don't fall in trap!

TipTipTip August 18th

Didn't want to scare, you should find help, and you deserve it! Just I suggest to be carefully, whish you love