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Let your emotions out!

AveryLove April 9th, 2018

Hey everyone :)

often there are moments where we want to scream, shout, cry and just let all of our emotions out.

But sometimes it doesnt feel possible or we dont want to show our emotions towards others or even towards ourselves.

but now i want you guys TO SHOUT :P

i wanted to make a thread where everyone can shout, scream, cry and let all their emotions out without being judged.

Holding emotions inside is never healthy and letting it all out helps a lot to cope with it.

I wish you all a great day! <3

PastelBread3 April 12th, 2018

@Hope3729 This thread is a blessing. Thank you.

I just wish my parents would stop fighting.

AveryLove OP April 15th, 2018

@PastelBread3 i understand it can be very difficult when the parents are always fighting :(

Booklover95 April 9th, 2018


Much love to you for creating such a beautiful threath! Thank you!heart

Right now I'm struggling. Sexually and emotionally. My ex and other males hurt me so much that my relationship with my boyfriend is very chaotic. I'm always with one foot behind ready , as in defensive, yet he never let me down a single time... Also because of my past I don't feel that I deserve any love or attention ... so I often make my boyfriend confused... :( Lately is so hard I can't even get out of bed and go to class....

AveryLove OP April 10th, 2018

@Booklover95 hey lovely <3

i see you are struggeling a lot to get close to others again after you ve been hurt deep down by other males in your past.

i want you to know - your emotions are completely understandable. you are may scared to let someone close to you again and dont want to risk getting hurt again deep down.

But i want you to know: you can make it work. it is definitly possible to have a healthy relationship after your past again! It doesnt mean you have to forget what happened, no, but to accept what happened. does your boyfriend know about your past?

i have to say at this point, commonication is the key to every healthy relationship. have you tried talking to him how you feel about this situation?

Dont give up darling. It is hard, really hard, but we are here to stand with you through this difficult time whenever you need it <3

wish you a lovely day and take care!

Booklover95 April 11th, 2018


Yes he knows and he's very understanding.

Thing is he sometimes reaches his limit and he gets frustrated. I understand why he does... I just wish I didn't make him feel that way. He's really supportive and kind to me, wish I was just better that's all.

But thank you so much. Sometimes is hard to realise I shouldn't be so hard on myself after all I went through.

AveryLove OP April 11th, 2018

@Booklover95 hey dont feel guilty! *hugs*

You experienced things that were so unfair and that you didnt deserve, got hurt so many times and still, you are here today and part of such a lovely community. I see how you help others and share so much kindness and support and i am truly proud of you for being such an amazing person, even after what happened to you.

Dont be so hard on yourself. You are doing your best darling <3 It wont get better overnight but it will get better.

Give yourself time to heal <3 you already made such a huge progress.

I wish you a great day and much love <3

Booklover95 April 11th, 2018


thank you so muchheart

Hope7879 April 11th, 2018

well hi my name is hope just wanted to say ....
and i want to say i want to hurt the guy that raped and sexually abused me when i was 6-10 ... it sucks i wish he would know that he hurt me then i found out i wasnt the only one because i felt loved and now i dont i hate it but i really wish i didnt have any of this but i feel i deserve it

AveryLove OP April 11th, 2018

@imsorryitry hey darling. thanks for coming here today and having the courage to open up and to talk about your feelings <3

i understand you are experiencing anger towards your abuser. but i want you to know something.

you didnt deserve the abuse.

i am not sure why it happened to you.

How things impact and affect you isnt within anyone elses say or control. but it has shaped you into the person you are today.

You saw things you shouldnt have. You experienced things that werent fair. You learned at such a young age, lessons that adults learn later on.

And i want to tell you I am proud of you. We are all proud of you!

The trauma fam is here for you <3

I wish you the best darling, take care <3

teleah70 April 12th, 2018

hate you gave me to him over and over, hate you used me to attract your own husband, hate i wasted my life protecting you momcryingI

ArianaMay April 12th, 2018


im so sorry for the pain your in right now. I wish there was something I could say to help make it better but I'm sure there isn't.

I may not know you but I do care and I hear you.

ArianaMay April 12th, 2018

I hate I can't express my emotions. I hate they build up and get stuck inside of me. I hate I've held in so much I don't even know what emotion I'm feeling most days except absolute anger and hatred towards myself. That or feeling completely numb inside. I despise emotions in general and knowing I am going to have to deal with them makes me feel overwhelmed and physically tired. I hate that all this keeps me isolated yet isolation is part of what keeps me safe from other people. What a mess. How did I do this to myself?

AveryLove OP April 13th, 2018

@ArianaMay hey there <3 thanks for coming here today.

holding feelings in is never healthy and i know how this numbness feels like and thats its something really difficult to deal with over a longer period of time. dealing with emotions can be really frustrating and helps to feel good for a short time.

but its sadly just a short term solution to deal with emotions. ignoring them seems like an easier option than actually dealing with it, and it is easier, but its not good for you and the only way to feel better is to accept emotions and to try to deal with them.

You can take the easy or difficult path in life, thats up to you darling. but only one of them will take you to the goal <3

isolation makes us feel safer, but always staying in our comfort zone is also not good and experiencing new things is really important.

How can you know that if you stop isolating yourself you wont feel better? How can you know if spending time with friends isnt better than being alone? It seems scary to experience new things, but it also gives you the opportunity to see the good things in life.

i wish you the best <3 take care !

blissedNblessed April 14th, 2018

First of all: THANK YOU for creating this much needed thread!

and now for my venting:

omg - I can not carry this burden any longer.

I have no one to talk about this with ( except my energy healer who specializes in trauma work). I am in a program for eating disorders and trauma - but NO ONE TALKS ABOUT TRAUMA ( STAFF). The only way trauma is talked about is in group and I do not feel I have a right to talk about mine and I do not know how. So, here we go - I swill spew my emotions!

I am a survivor of incest from my father and my uncle that started so early ( i dont have memories of this not happening), I was bullied for years, my father physically abused me horribly so,and in a very sadistic way.

my step mom treated me inhumane and crossed the lines between sexual abuse and emotional abuse....I was treated like a dog by her - a beaten down dog. I am Still mistreated by her, my father and I hold onto this and allow it to continue bc im so scared that if i dont - my dad will leave me and he , besides my aunt - is all i have for family.

Growing up, my mother was chronically ill and finally, died: in front of me.

I hate myself so much - i destroy every good thing in my life, i have never been in love bc I am afraid of being abandoned or hurt. I vascilate between being a nasty slut to being terrified of of human contact bc intimacy ( physical) is NOT safe.

I have been raped multiple times as an adult - like I have some " victim" tat on my forehead. Like my words and boundaries MEAN NOTHING! And the rapes were so freaking violent that I thought , in all reality, they were going to kill me and atthat point - I didn't care bc it would at least stop.

Every time I try to let go of this, I hold on tighter bc in a way - this is a weird way of honoring the silent pain I endured for years. I don't know how to get this out. And I STILL freaking SEE and HEAR the warnings of my uncle and dad to NOT TELL. They voices are so loud in my head they are like audable. And everytime i TRY to talk to someone about this - i see/hear /feel it - and i slam my mouth shut out of fear and shame of being bad.

They have RUINED my life. I am NOT living my authentic happy life at ALL - I was robbed of that, over and over and over. I have tried to "off" myself so many times and spent most of my life, childhood onwards - planning my death - but this is NOT something I want. I want my life back - the one that was STOLEN FROM ME.

And my mother knew - she KNEW! She even punished me for some of it. And she was a freaking school counselor - how could she do that to me?

I am so angry and raging at what happened.

I am so sick of HATING myself so much that I destroy any help offered....I destroy my life:

with eating disorder, self harm ( bad) no self estemme, hypervigilance, constant fear andf mistrust of everyone. I always think that ppl talking near me or laughing near me - that they are making fun of me. I am at the point where I no longer can survive this day to day. I will NOT take myself out of this world without a fight! I have NOT fought for my life, my rightful life, back yet - and I am going to start doing that starting Sunday at my appointment with my energy /trauma helaer.

I have done NOTHING but slowly destroy myself and my life in every way I can think of - over and over - holding onto the hate, anger, shame, fear - but none of this is mime - but I CARRY THE BURDEN.

I am so embaressed to ever even tell people about what I went through but I am so tired of takling it out on myself and sabatoging myself and my life. I can NOT do that anymore. The time has come to heal from this crap and give it back to those who gave it to me.

I do not know how to do this - but god, i need to do this.

side note: if there are any listeners that are available to talk to me about this - PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME.

I can not seem to find listeners that know what to say or feel comfy talking about this.

I am dying , slowly, from the inside out.

I need help.

AveryLove OP April 15th, 2018

@blissedNblessed hey darling and thanks for reaching out today.

I am truly sorry to hear that- you had to experience so many horrible things in life , as a child and as an adult, and you didnt deserve what happened to you. We believe you and are here for you, here your voice will be heard.

i want you to know, you dont have to be embarrassed about your story at all - be proud you made it through it all and that you are here today!!

unfortunaly i am a teen listener on 7cups, so i cant reach out to adult members. But please, feel free to message me in this thread or reach out to adults listeners! I am sorry you feel like you havent found a good listener yet - but please dont give up! 7cups is full of amazing and caring people who would all love to hear your story and support you :)

i wish you an amazing day, take care <3

conscientiousPineapple1782 April 14th, 2018


I feel happy today

let go off fear



TeresaGreninja91 April 21st, 2018

@conscientiousPineapple1782 Hi, so sorry for interrupting, but thank you so much for sharing your true emotions in here and I'm grateful to find you on this thread. I'm happy to hear that you're feeling well on that day. and I hope you're feeling good now too. But don't worry too much even if you're not feeling happy now, and please just remember, that feeling would pass. Even though they are really hard, they would pass, eventually. I wish you would find something nice out of your day.💕

MsTeeBee April 16th, 2018

I just want to say i hate my ex, i hate him for what he did to me. I HATE HIM I HATE HIM !!! IM TIRED OF WANTING TO FORGIVE HIM because me feels no remorse.

TeresaGreninja91 April 21st, 2018

@MsTeeBee HI MsTeeBee, thank you so much for sharing your honest emotions and I'm so happy to find you on this thread. Of course it's okay to feel anger and resentful feelings. They are your authentic emotions and you don't need to deny them. I think it's truly natrual that you feel in that way after your ex did that kind of things to you. Please do take really nice care of you and get emotional support if you need. I'm here for you.

ArianaMay April 17th, 2018

I feel abandoned

...let down

...stupid for making myself vulnerable and paying for it again...

And despite the fact I feel these things I also feel like it doesnt matter ... I just dont care anymore

TeresaGreninja91 April 21st, 2018

@ArianaMay Hi Ariana, thank you so much for sharing your emotions and I'm so happy to find you in here. I think it's always good to feel our emotions as they are, though I don't think you're stupid or something😅. You don't need to conceal them or try not to feel them. I truly do hope that you are feeling a bit better now and would find some comforts out of your life.

quietSugar2316 April 18th, 2018


I wish I would actually start feeling emotions again.

TeresaGreninja91 April 21st, 2018

@quietSugar2316 Hi Sugar, sorry for interrupting, but I just wanted to let you know that it's okay to take your time for that. We need all of the steps of healing and it's okay. I really do wish you would find some comforts out of your day.

plumField5702 April 18th, 2018

I'm just really burned out, weirdly sad, and lonely.

TeresaGreninja91 April 21st, 2018

@plumField5702 I'm truly sorry to hear that plum, that you've been having that tough time. Are you feeling a bit better now? I hope so, but you don't need to pretend to be in good mood in here. We are all here for you and you're welcomed, always. I really do wish you would find some comfort out of your life.

plumField5702 April 21st, 2018


thank you. still not really but i'm trying. i reallyy hope for that as well.

AveryLove OP April 22nd, 2018


Hey lovely <3 i understand its not always easy to fight but you have our love and support here from the trauma family and we will help you through your journey heart wishing you the best and a great day!

plumField5702 April 22nd, 2018

@Hope3729 thank you. it means a lot. ❤️

conscientiousPineapple1782 April 22nd, 2018

I am so anoyed

don't know what to about being anoyed

anoyed by being insecure...


AveryLove OP April 22nd, 2018

@conscientiousPineapple1782 hey and thanks for coming here today <3

i understand you might feel confused about your annoyed feelings. if you

conscientiousPineapple1782 April 23rd, 2018


idk I think I keep my dark cos scared to belive

but all I do is awful sceptic person

TeresaGreninja91 April 29th, 2018

@conscientiousPineapple1782 Hi Pineapple, I do appreciate that you shared your authentic emotions with us. It's super natural to be annoyed when you're feeling insecure, and it's okay to get annoyed. Maybe writing and talking your emotions can be a bit helpful? We're here for you and I really do hope you would feel a bit better today.

nolongerafraid April 22nd, 2018


AveryLove OP April 23rd, 2018

@MaschaV youre doing great!! let it all out heart

TeresaGreninja91 April 29th, 2018

@MaschaV Hi Mascha, yeah, I agree with Hope3729. Let those emotions all out. It's okay to shout or sing sad songs loudly. Furthermore, it's truly important to feel our emotions as they are, if possible.

nolongerafraid April 29th, 2018


I try, I really do

conscientiousPineapple1782 April 23rd, 2018


I hate how much toxic friend made me

GOD who are you?

Why I DON'T TRUST myself

I hate everything


TeresaGreninja91 April 29th, 2018

@conscientiousPineapple1782 HI Pineapple, I think it's absolutely understandable that you hate everything in the whole world sometimes, just because I feel in the same way in my life😅. It's okay to be overwhelmed when we're in crisis, as long as we're safe. Treat yourself nicely and get substantial support for yourself. It's okay to stay in your bed to have some rest, if you'd like to. I hope you would find some comfort out of your day.

conscientiousPineapple1782 April 25th, 2018


I feel like I lost my mind

at least I know I JUST lost my mind

AveryLove OP April 25th, 2018

@conscientiousPineapple1782 it is okay to sometimes feel lost <3 the trauma community is here for you darling!