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I deserve to Heal because.....

User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 December 29th, 2016

The journey to healing from traumatic experiences requires us to revolutionize our thinking about ourselves, responsibility, healthy relationships, trust, self-love, self-respect and self-compassion to name just a few....Self compassion often helps with healing childhood wounds. Traumatic experiences such as childhood abuse, assault, rape, etc can affect literally every aspect of a persons life., from your self-confidence, self-esteem, body image, to your ability to relate to others, cope with intimate relationships, and be a good parent, to your work performance, ability to be learn new things, and ability to care for yourself. There is often much self-criticism, self-blame; self-neglect; self-destructive behaviors (such as abusing your body with food, alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, self-mutilation,etc; believing you dont deserve good things; believing if others really knew you they would dislike, reject you or blame you. You may carry much shame or guilt. Through lack of trust which is understandable you may not allow yourself to get close to other people and even sabotage relationships along with support.

As judge and jury you may pronounce yourselves guilty and yet It was and never will be your fault...especially when traumatic experiences have arisen from abuse committed by others, no matter how this may have been justified, the responsibility for abuse lies firmly with those who have subjected others to it.....

I have heard many people over many years say they believe they dont deserve anything good in their lifes, that they are a rotten person etc etc...but I am here to say you are all worthy, you are all deserving and you deserve to heal from your experiences....Therefore I thought I would start a forum thread in the hope that each one of you can find one reason to start believing that you deserve to heal.....:) I hope you find this space safe and supportive and would love to hear your reasons as to why you believe you are worthy of a better life, of less pain, of happiness.......

All are welcome to contribute to I deserve to heal because........

@lyra @KristenHR @Anomalia @JoyCS @beYOUtywithin @Laura @7cups


User Profile: PacificSunrise
PacificSunrise December 29th, 2016

@dancingRainbow45 Thank you for writing this poignant post and encouraging us to find our self-compassion and worthiness.

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP December 29th, 2016

@PacificSunrise Only too pleased to do so and hope people will value this forum thread to find something worthwhile and valuable about themselves and their healing process :)

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User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR December 31st, 2016

I deserve to continue to heal because I didn't ask for the trauma, and I like feeling better about me and my life.

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP December 31st, 2016

@KristenHR You do deserve to heal and to feel better about yourself and your life. No one has the right to take this from you, to make you feel bad about yourself, to damage your self esteem and self worth and to make you question your value.

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection
– Buddha

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User Profile: BeeLeigh
BeeLeigh March 3rd, 2017


I deserve to heal because I didn't deserve any of what happened to me.

5 replies
User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR March 3rd, 2017


So true!

User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP March 3rd, 2017

@BeeLeigh OMG faints lol :) Can I hear that again please? Made my day that did. So good to hear you say this :) <3

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User Profile: BeeLeigh
BeeLeigh March 3rd, 2017


I deserve to heal because I didn't deserve any of what happened to me :)

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP March 3rd, 2017

@BeeLeigh Loving it :) Made my day to hear you beginning to say this for yourself <3

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User Profile: BeeLeigh
BeeLeigh March 3rd, 2017



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User Profile: philosophicalMap446
philosophicalMap446 March 3rd, 2017

I was born to be whole and well, and not the broken wreck I have turned out to be.

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User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR March 3rd, 2017


Looking forward to the time you're feeling strong and no longer broken. I hope you'll find support here to improve the resources and compassion to help with this.

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User Profile: philosophicalMap446
philosophicalMap446 March 3rd, 2017

@KristenHR Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I do hope to find the resources to heal here. Looking forward...

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March 4th, 2017

I deserve to heal, because I didn't deserve to be bullied.

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP March 4th, 2017

@IsabelleJ You do deserve to heal and you did not deserve to be bullied at all. We are glad to have you here Isabelle and hope you find this community really supportive. We are here for you :)

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I deserve to heal becouse I'm worth it

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP March 5th, 2017

@conscientiousPineapple1782 Wow! You are so worth it and its so good to you see and a few others here are able to hold onto that. Dont ever forget it!!! :)

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March 8th, 2017

I deserve to heal, because traumatic events should not have happened in the first place. The people who bullied/harassed me, made a conscious choice to do so. Those negative incidents did not have to happen. I didn't deserve to be bullied.

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP March 8th, 2017

@humorousThinker396 Very powerful statement. How did it feel to say that? You are so right, those experiences should never have occured in the first place, others did make that choice to bully and this was not your fault. :)

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User Profile: resourcefulPond1641
resourcefulPond1641 March 14th, 2017

I deserve to heal because I am good enough just as I am, and what happened to me wasn't my fault.

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User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP March 14th, 2017

@resourcefulPond1641 You are good enough as you are, always be who you are, and no you did not deserve what happened to you :)

User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR March 14th, 2017


Yes you are!

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User Profile: SaraLynn3004
SaraLynn3004 March 16th, 2017

I deserve to heal because I did not deserve to be verbally abused or chocked. I deserve to heal because I deserve to move on and recover.

User Profile: wontwakewontsleep
wontwakewontsleep April 7th, 2017


I deserve to heal because everyone deserves a chance to experience life as a healthy, secure, happy human being.

2 replies
User Profile: Rain45
Rain45 OP April 7th, 2017

@wontsleepwontwake They absolutely do and you so deserve this :)

User Profile: wontwakewontsleep
wontwakewontsleep March 23rd, 2018

@wontsleepwontwake - wow. I posted this last year and completely forgot about it. A year later, I feel much worse. Funny how that works out sometimes. I still deserve to heal. Maybe it is just getting worse before it gets better. I promise that I'm trying.

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