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blueTree4814 July 21st, 2019

I haven't been with this guy for months and so much ahs changed. I've moved to a new area and made a completely new start for myself. But I cant get him out of my head. I don't want him back I don't miss it but it's like hes always in my head some where.

When he kicked me out him and his new gf said some really horrible things to me that have really been making me doubt myself. I know its sounds stupid but they really did make me feel like I deserved all the things he did to me (yes it got physical) I cant help bit wonder why I got pushed around but he didn't fo it to her.

I know all this sounds crazy but sometimes it's all I can think about and maybe it was my fault for putting up for it for so long. Maybe I was to gobby and argumentative sometimes. I wish I could just forget and be happy with all the posative changes to my life.

BrightTriangle775 August 1st, 2019


MistyMagic July 22nd, 2019


Hi, Welcome to 7Cups and the Domestic Abuse Forums. I am so sorry to hear of what has happened to you. There is no easy answer, I feel that you are strong, you have started making a change just by posting all this here. Now just one step at a time you can move on and find the person that will treat you in the way you want. It's great that you have moved away.

Have you ever tried a 'Memory Box'? Visualise in your mind a box, it can be any kind, strong wood, or metal or like a pirate's chest, or a safe. Then visualise putting all your unwanted feelings and memories into the box. Then close and lock the box. Now you have a place that you can open and visit the memories if you want, they are there but safely contained so they can't upset you unless you choose to open the Memory Box again. Maybe try it and see if that helps? Let me know Slightly smiling

Listening .... One Step At A Time