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Day 24: End of the Year Gratitude Jar: A Collective Celebration

SoulfullyAButterfly December 26th, 2023

This month, 7 Cups launched video and audio therapy! To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth. Read more here.


As the year winds down, it’s a perfect time to pause, reflect, and appreciate all that we’ve navigated, learned, and achieved. Gratitude, an act of recognizing and expressing appreciation for our blessings, has profound effects on our mental and emotional well-being. It not only encourages positive thinking but also helps us cherish our experiences and moments of joy, no matter how big or small.

As a community, let's bring an exciting twist to the traditional “gratitude journaling” approach with the "End of the Year Gratitude Jar" activity. This isn’t just a jar, but a vessel of our collective positivity, a source of community celebration.

Participation Guidelines:

Visualize a virtual, collective jar. Now, imagine folding a tiny piece of paper, writing a note of gratitude - something you are thankful for this year - and placing it in our collective jar. Your note can be about anything - personal growth, achievements, moments of joy, lessons learned, or even the challenges that made you stronger.

In the comments below:

1. Share something you're grateful for from this past year. Try to be as specific as you can; the tiny alleys of our lives often hold the greatest joys.

2. If comfortable, share why this particular aspect has stirred a sense of gratitude in you.

3. Feel free to share more than one note! The more notes of gratitude we gather, the richer our collective jar becomes.

We look forward to witnessing and sharing in the beautiful expressions of gratitude that truly make our community special.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 26th, 2023

❤ Grateful for life, love ones and most things in between.

KatePersephone December 26th, 2023


1. Share something you're grateful for from this past year. My former partner and good friend.

2. If comfortable, share why this particular aspect has stirred a sense of gratitude in you. Because he was always there for me when I needed him.

slowdecline48 December 26th, 2023

At the risk of boasting (I don't mean it that way), I am grateful for:

  1. the price of gold going above $2,000/oz. in late September after seeing it fluctuate between ~$1,890 & $1,970+, & for it mostly staying above that since then. Previously $2,000 was the level of resistance for the price per oz; now it is the zone of support.*
  2. my being in a position wherein it's worth my time to pay attention to market data such as described above.

*support and resistance are technical terms that convey limits on the price of a tradable asset. This price is tracked on a special chart. If you want to know more, you can read up on it here.

Quintessence16 December 26th, 2023

Grateful for my life and the life of my loved ones

Grateful for success in every exams

Grateful for support from my family

GoingInCircles365 December 26th, 2023


I am immensely grateful for my friends. I don't have a whole bunch of friends, nor am I part of a large community of buddies, but I have a few close friends and they are sooooo important in my life. I am very grateful for all of our interactions, conversations, and mutual support throughout this year. 

enthusiasticOrange2210 December 26th, 2023

Grateful for my health and my body for carrying me through some tough times this year ✨️

CherryBerryPie December 26th, 2023


Grateful for all the opportunities/experiences I had through out the year. Majority of this year was bad but they have taught me to learn and adapt. 

amicableox0685 December 26th, 2023

I am grateful for my hardworking spirit and I am grateful for my small little apartment that brings me peace and joy. I am also grateful for the support of the 7cups community and all the people that I've met over the past few years. They've impacted my life a lot.

Trinity369 December 27th, 2023

Thankyou for your end of the year gratitude jar @SoulfullyAButterfly

•I'm grateful for my instincts that made me choose the right paths.

•For choosing positivity and light instead of the opposite,

•For my my loving and caring family.

•For the understanding of world and human life on earth that God gave me.

•I'm grateful for my BFF for being on my side in my highs and lows.

• For the ability to transforming my life of misery to meaningfulness.

•For the universe for which made me think the other way, from a revenge story to a story of forgiveness and love.

•For making me understand rare life lessons like: bullies are not loveless but they are the ones who need it the most.

helpfulKiwi4855 December 27th, 2023

I escaped from a toxic living situation . It was just like when I wished badly, the universe conspired . I am getting better, and grateful for every body around me, who stood by me

ValiantJosh December 27th, 2023

Great full for the opportunity to listen to members on 7 cups, especially this time of year.

compassionateCar7091 December 27th, 2023

I'm grateful for home and my kids, because they give me purpose and my home is my comfort zone

VIVI1989 December 27th, 2023

I'm grateful for my family, my privilege (in having good food, being able to attend school, being able to go on vacation, etc), my friends, my books, and more... :)

Tinywhisper11 December 27th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly I'm grateful for freedom, I'm grateful to share this safe place with people from all walks  of life, that I call my family. Thankful to see love and faith in others eyes, they keep the spark of life alive ❤ thankful for the colours God paints the sky, and our hearts with ❤❤

Nightfrost December 27th, 2023


Grateful for all the delicious food bought by my mother for me

Grateful for my father who tries to mediate when there are conflicts between my mother and me

Grateful for being able to get on some foreign websites unavailable in my country with the help of Cloudflare

Grateful for my teachers who are knid and helpful to students

Grateful for a chance to visit the nuclear power plant

Grateful for netizens friendly to me

Grateful for all inspirations occurring to me when writing fan works

Grateful for myself when I choose to live to the end of this year instead of giving up (I am not ill. I am just tired and afraid of so many things that I have thought of giving up more than one time)

LovelyFrog8934 December 27th, 2023

I'm grateful for being healthy and having a healthy body for letting me do the things I want to do ❤

Grateful for for love and for from others 💕💕💕

Grateful for traveling and making adventures explore new things and places

Just a few so far on my list I'll add more later 💕❤💕

steph8402 December 27th, 2023

grateful for me finally being assertive. i think before this year always let people take advantage of my depression. but now i’m finally taking control of what i want and my boundaries. so grateful even though not ideal to have such big bad situations. grateful they happened because they made me grow! :) happy new year everyone

rainyForest24 December 28th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly Grateful for my parents, they make my ship sail every day even through the most turbulent waters I find my anchor in them.

mikenaiwc December 28th, 2023

I know my physical and mental health has not been at a good place for a while, and hence aeventful saga happened to me this year without choice. (Sorry I would not like to share for privacy reasons)

Despite me strongly hurting, tormenting, disturbing, stressing my family, they stood strong and most importantly they didn't give up.

I don't know the best words for them to share my gratitude, other than the easiest "Thank you". But still I think what they probably prefer would be that I take care of myself, than self-neglect.

PriyankaMukherjee December 28th, 2023

Grateful for my daughter, my work and my courage to move forward

amiablePeace77 December 29th, 2023


I believe nothing is more precious in this world for a parent than the child. Courage is definitively something to be grateful for too!

bloomnLove0766 December 28th, 2023


I love the tangible idea of the Gratitude Jar. Thank you for that good thought to encourage us to stop and write out the things we are grateful for even amidst the hardships of work, home life, and complications of relationships. 

I am grateful for my health and that I have my basic needs met. I am grateful for my friends and family, especially my daughters and many grandbabies. I'm grateful for the peaceful country that I live in and my faith to give me meaning and hope. I am grateful for the bright sunshine on a cold winter day and the holiday seasons to celebrate, like Christmas and Easter. I'm grateful for a day of rest where I can stop work, have a cup of coffee, and dream about the good things that are in my future ahead. How could I stop this great list of thankfulness when there's so much more, I just have to stop, look, and notice everything around me. 

HealerRecel02 December 28th, 2023


I am grateful for myself💜 the people that supporting me too! especially the books and nature that gave me comfort the most made me feel like home💜 I love everything about my life😆💜 negatives or positives both teach me something as always💜 I am grateful i can be there for my members too💜 making them happy also made me happiest they deserve that💜❤️🤍🩶🩷💛💙🩵🤎💚🧡

astralight December 29th, 2023

I believe that I am grateful for my children's health. I am grateful for my partner's support in my health issues. I am gratefull for the food I can still provide for my family. I am grateful for not being harmed during the big fire that occurred in Greece. I am grateful !

amiablePeace77 December 29th, 2023


Those are wonderful things to be grateful for astralight. I feel sorry for all the people who suffered from the fire but glad you were not harmed. 

amiablePeace77 December 29th, 2023


I'm grateful for my growth in the past year. The challenges I had which I did not know initially how to deal with made me stronger and more confident for the future. 

Apart from that I feel grateful for having been safe from hurricanes, having clean water to drink, the food my garden produces and a roof over my head.

evieats December 29th, 2023


Grateful for:







-linked in












-palm trees

-country air





-past, future, present



-jhene aiko


-mental hospitals

-experiencing the "college life"

-candy, ice cream

-black cinema and films

-black community


-jobs and careers





Zeraphim January 5th


On my note, I'd write about my partner, how grateful I am that he's in my life. The support of my father also matters a lot.

Finding community is vital and I'm trying to expand on this in the future.