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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

convivialAcai6291 November 4th, 2023

@AffyAvo hii

AffyAvo November 21st, 2023

@AffyAvo This thread isn't even appearing in recent posts from my post.

AffyAvo July 15th, 2022

Suggestion - allow us to see our notification history. I think many of us have clicked on a thread but mean to respond later and then forget about what it was. Even a week's worth of history personalized notifications (tags, replies to a thread we have subscribed to and upvotes) would be fairly useful.

mytwistedsoul July 16th, 2022

@AffyAvo Yes! This would be wonderful! Often something is deleted by accident

IsayUncle July 15th, 2022


glad to find this. ❤️

AffyAvo July 21st, 2022

I am still having some difficulty editing posts. Sometimes it works normally , other times when I try to I get the text box area twice and when that occurs any edit I try to make occurs at the very beginning of the post and the edit doesn't actually post if I try.

When it doesn't work, refreshing the page multiple times or going elsewhere on site and then re-accessing the same thread eventually works.

Optimisticempath July 26th, 2022

I'm having issues with needs reply filter

There are some old threads showing in the queue, like posts from February??

I am also wondering if it could be an option to have a filter within the NR that allows us to look for the oldest threads first without having to scroll so much?

@7CupsCommunity @CheeryMango

This is probably not a functionality thing but since I mentioned NR I have another concern to report, there are so many articles being posted in the forums , I feel these are too frequent and many times the topics aren't quite relevant to mental health or 7 cups platform , I appreciate the people who make these posts but it really clouds the NR queue and sometimes it takes away attention from the threads by members who need support

Is there something to do here? @SoulfullyAButterfly @theriverissinging @bookworm274

@FrenchMarbles I remember you mentioned this concern in NR check In once

theriverissinging OP July 26th, 2022


thank you emp, that's helpful feedback! forwarded the concerns with articles and others. for the needs reply queue showing older posts that shouldn't be there, that is being looked into and hopefully is fixed soon.

Optimisticempath July 27th, 2022


Thankyouuu River 🤗💕

AffyAvo July 28th, 2022

@Optimisticempath I agree with the articles. The people on that team usually have great responses to people. I would like to see less copy and paste and more things written for us, the entire community here.

The same sources can be used for references. It would likely slow the number of threads created by that group, but I would rather have quality over quantity.

Optimisticempath July 28th, 2022


Agree Affy it could be better that way, I prefer quality over quantity as well and it makes more sense too

IsayUncle July 26th, 2022


Why is my dog upside down? LOL My profile picture gets flipped upside down for some reason. Tried a couple pictures yesterday. 😜💚

theriverissinging OP July 26th, 2022

@IsayUncle ah oops, i am not sure. try doing it the opposite way? invert the photo you want to upload already so it gets uploaded correct?

IsayUncle July 26th, 2022

Thanks, I'll try that again today. I didn't have much time yesterday but I did try that and it still came out messed up. No Worries. I'll try it again later, I might've goofed. He's a goofy dog anyway, probably likes standing on his head


theriverissinging OP July 26th, 2022

@IsayUncle good luckkk, may the force/dogs be with you. 😛

AffyAvo July 28th, 2022

Some of the older threads are lacking a flag option.

I seem to have issues deleting at least one of them as well.

AffyAvo August 5th, 2022

Allow us to see all of our posts. I unsubscribe to some busy threads, but would still be nice to be able to pull them up easily in the future.

AffyAvo August 11th, 2022

Can we have it so the post box will always scroll? Right now, it does.

If I add in a link though, I lose the ability to scroll to post, this is especially an issue with editing. Often times I have to zoom out 4x just to be able to have the post button clickable again. Instead of the posting box scrolling, the background scrolls.

IsayUncle August 28th, 2022


Hi River, I hope you are doing well and have a good day today.

Maybe you can explain or help us here concerning the following thread.

On page 2 going into page 3 there are many post in an ongoing discussion between myself and Psalm139. Psalm139 has NO Reply buttons in her posts, and many times mine are missing too.

Are we missing something or is there a glitch in the system, if so, can it be fixed?

Reading other posts (here), I saw one that said you could turn your reply button on or off. I went into my settings and couldn't find that feature in my settings. ???

Thanks for any help you can offer! 😊

theriverissinging OP August 28th, 2022

Hi @IsayUncle, this has been an intentional change, explained a bit here --

“Reducing the amount of reply to a reply you can do to max 5. This is because too many threads of replies to replies were crashing big threads. Not ideal but necessary.”

People have expressed bringing the button back, although I am unsure if that would be happening. Similarly, I don't think we have any such official feature to switch on/off the Reply button, although that might have been a suggestion/feedback!

IsayUncle August 28th, 2022


Thank you, Like you said, "not ideal"... I agree. Now that I understand it, hopefully we can figure out a systematic way to follow an ongoing conversation. I think one of the big drawbacks of that is a lot of members like the obscurity of a lost conversation in a thread. This will force all conversations to be upfront, center and current on the page. (If I'm undersatding it correctly)

This was really helpful and thanks.

RarelyCharlie August 28th, 2022

@theriverissinging and @IsayUncle When I investigated this shortly after it happened in March, I found that the missing Reply buttons and the 5 reply-to-reply limit are separate and unrelated bugs (although historically, one may have led to the other).

It's pretty easy to fix the missing Reply buttons bug (without exceeding the 5-reply-to-reply limit, obviously). I would hope that one day someone will make the very minor code change needed to restore these buttons.

It's also possible to fix the separate 5-reply-to-reply bug, but it's perhaps more challenging. I suspect that fixing it would also also fix the ordering of posts in long threads, but I'm not sure.


IsayUncle August 28th, 2022


That's good to know that there other underlying problems with the reply buttons. Thanks for chiming in. That's good additional information to know.👍

RarelyCharlie August 28th, 2022

By the way, my enhanced editor restores the missing buttons.

@NotALaser Perhaps you might be interested in making BetterCups restore the missing buttons too? For what it's worth, the code I wrote is here but there are probably other ways to do it.


IsayUncle August 28th, 2022


Hi Charlie, I just checked out your posts and pages about the enhanced editor, Better Cups and Your code. Very impressive and Kudo's man. Thanks for trying to make things better.👍

The Enhanced editor and your actual code is a bit over my head but I like the Better Cups app. Question? Does the Better Cups app have any effect on other members or users that do not use it if I am using it?

RarelyCharlie August 28th, 2022

@IsayUncle In general, BetterCups features can only be seen by people who are using BetterCups (as far as I know). For example, if you use BetterCups to put a picture in your profile bio, then the only people who will see the picture are other BetterCups users.

But there are some exceptions. For example, if you use BetterCups to send a "quick reply" in a chat, then it's a real message and the person you're chatting to doesn't need BetterCups in order to see it.


IsayUncle August 28th, 2022


Thanks for clarifying

IsayUncle August 31st, 2022

Hi River, Hope your day is good.

Do you know or can you explain why the Stike-through feature does not work when posting a post.

It works fine when editing but then the Strike-through is not there when it posts.

I striked through this entire blue sentence and it showed up while editing but I'll bet it won't be there when I post._1661983445.image.png

I like striking through completed projects is why I ask. Thanks for any help. _1661983233.image.png

RarelyCharlie September 1st, 2022

@IsayUncle The explanation is that there is no way to prevent hackers from submitting harmful code to the forum. Therefore the forum must filter everything submitted to ensure that it's safe.

Whoever designed the filter seems to have started by banning everything except plain text, and then whitelisting some harmless features, like paragraphs, bold, italic, etc. But they forgot some, like strikethrough, block quotes, details, and others.

Personally, I would have designed it the other way around, blacklisting harmful features and permitting everything else, but I do acknowledge that designing an effective filter is more difficult than it seems.

Anyway, I agree that strikethrough can be useful. It would be simple enough for someone to add it to the whitelist.


IsayUncle September 1st, 2022


Thank you Rarely Charlie. (Well explained). Would you have any idea how I might follow through with this query to an appropriate department or person?

RarelyCharlie September 1st, 2022

@IsayUncle One way to report a bug is to Submit a request in the Help Center.


IsayUncle September 1st, 2022


Thanks a bunch, I'll look at it later. Have a great day!

theriverissinging OP September 1st, 2022

Thank you for the explanation @RarelyCharlie. Although, this thread is periodically reviewed by the tech team so @IsayUncle you have already sent in a ‘bug report/suggestion’.

IsayUncle September 1st, 2022


Thanks River, When might be a good time for a follow up if needed?

theriverissinging OP September 3rd, 2022

@IsayUncle thank you too! i am not sure either apologies, but it seems there is a juggling act to do about what gets prioritised with the tech stuff amongst the 000s of things in the queue~

Optimisticempath September 8th, 2022

The hearts/ upvotes seem to glitch for me, sometimes when I upvote a post and refresh it doesn't show and goes back to 0 ♡

Is it the same for others too??

RarelyCharlie September 8th, 2022

@Optimisticempath That was the first thing I commented on in this thread, although I haven't seen it happen recently.


Optimisticempath September 8th, 2022


Oh I didn't see 😅 Good you mentioned it too so perhaps it is something they are already aware of.

the same persists for me still too though!

RarelyCharlie September 9th, 2022

@Optimisticempath I saw it happen again this morning! Or something similar, anyway. A post showed 1 heart in the list, but 0 hearts when I opened it. Then I hearted it myself and it jumped to 2.


Optimisticempath October 10th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie been a month and it is still the same for me

in some threads when I upvote the posts, it turns back to 0 heart, upon refreshing too :/