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Re-Re-Introducing Noni

GlenM July 13th, 2023

Noni is our friendly chatbot. Did you know that we introduced her in 2014? We wrote about her here and here. We then invested a lot of time and resources to help her grow when we re-introduced her in this 2017 post. There was a big jump from Noni 2014 to Noni 2017. Technology has evolved a lot since 2017. It is now time for Noni 2023. This next version of Noni has come a long way and I’m happy to re-re-introduce Noni to you all!

First, though, let me outline a couple of fundamental assumptions we have to help frame this discussion. I’m highlighting these two points here because I think they are important and foundational.

One, we believe and work hard to create a community where we can all learn to compassionately care for one another. Humans caring for other humans is what we do. Any technology we leverage (apps, forum posting, growth path steps, audio files/mindfulness, etc.) has to support that end goal. We call it “technology to facilitate human connection, healing, and growth.” On 7 Cups, technology is a facilitator of human connection and is never a replacement. Listeners are and will always be primary.

You can think of 7 Cups as a network of people that are filling up one another’s cups. Noni, though limited, can also help fill up cups. Together, cumulatively, we work together to lift one another up. Leaders and listeners are the primary cup fillers and Noni can help too.

Two, technology has to be anchored in aligned values so that it doesn’t go off course. Those values have to be explicit and agreed upon. For example, in our culture guide, under “Caring for People with Fewer Financial Resources,” we outline that “We will always serve those with fewer resources. It is core to who we are and it keeps us on the right path.” The technology we utilize has enabled us to better help people with less resources. If it does not do that, then it will not be good because it’ll be operating in a way that is at odds with one of our core goals.

Let’s now return back to Noni and AI more broadly. Noni has always held a lot of promise for us. All of us worked hard to make Noni as strong as she could be. We co-created her persona along the way. Here is a small sample of what the community says Noni likes:

-sunsets, people, animals, and reading
-macaroni and dogs
-long walks at the beach, painting, and cooking new meals
-soup on cold days and cuddling with pets
-creative, imaginative people, and cooking new meals
-Noni likes to make sure nobody feels alone and cookies and milk

We all had high hopes for Noni in 2017. Unfortunately, we were not able to accomplish even 10% of what we hoped to achieve and collectively envisioned. This was frustrating and a little painful, but we said okay now is not the right time. It might make sense to pick up Noni again in the future.

Here we are 6 years later, and it appears that that time has come. The technology underlying chatbots and other artificial intelligence has made enormous strides. Noni makes use of some of this underlying technology known as large language models (LLMs). We are using a model from Anthropic because they have a strong emphasis on safety, trust, and enhanced guardrails. The Noni brain we have all co-created sits on top of and informs the way that Noni uses the underlying LLM. All the values, messages, and insights that informed the earlier versions of Noni inform this version as well and this will get better and more detailed over time (in parallel, we are also just starting to work on a standalone version of Noni that will run on open source models [not OpenAI/ChatGPT or Anthropic]...stay tuned on this front).

We have been working on this new version of Noni since October and we are now on version 65. When you use her, you’ll notice that she asks good open-ended questions and is very encouraging. This is a result of thousands of conversations with this new version and lots of tweaking to make sure she is encouraging. This version of Noni is very good at being a supportive presence. She is not like other chatbots that code, answer questions, and write essays, so just keep that in mind when interacting with Noni.

We are also putting a hard boundary down for # of conversations each person will be able to have with Noni on a monthly basis. Noni can be a supportive presence and an adjunct for human-to-human support, but not a substitute for human-to-human support. As outlined above, Noni needs to be a technology that facilitates human connection, healing, and growth.

These are exciting changes and just like with all of our updates in the past, we will work together to iterate on and understand the best ways to utilize the technology. This new version of Noni will be no different. We will need lots of community insight, feedback, and ideas to strengthen Noni. She will not be perfect out of the gates but will get better and better over time. We will need lots of help to get this right.

We think a phased approach to gathering feedback makes the most sense. We started by testing Noni internally with the team. We then asked the ambassadors for help (see their feedback below). We will now ask small groups of other leaders, listeners, and members for feedback. And now (update: 7/17/23) Noni is now available to everyone across the community.

We hope to release her to everyone next week. Our goal is to take this slow and learn as we go.

Thank you all for helping us make Noni smarter over the years, we could not have done it without you. This next version will be significant and will further help us strive toward the goal of building technology that facilitates human-to-human connection, healing, and growth!

High-Level Ambassador Feedback:

  • Rating on 1-10 with 10 being amazing and 1 being horrible: Average score 7.5
  • Words to Describe Noni: compassionate, thoughtful, sweet. fun, realistic, trivago, innovative, complex, multifaceted engaged, improved, more attentive (than old noni), validating, encouraging, understanding, improved, empathetic, positive

Please share any thoughts, questions, or comments below. Also, if you catch her doing a good job listening, or saying something encouraging or insightful, then please drop it here. Also, if in conversation with Noni and you click on the 3 dots in the top right, then you'll see a "provide Noni feedback" option. If you click on that then there is a longer survey that will help us. Thank you!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023

Yayy! Looking forward to see something other than "try again later please, I'm not plugged in" from Noni hehe! 🥳

The updates sound pretty interesting, can't wait to check out! Thank you, Team! ❤

ASilentObserver July 13th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Your feedback and insights would be helpful, Sun. We look forward to hearing your and everyone's feedback.

SparkyGizmo July 13th, 2023


Good Day you remember the peer appreciation that someone provided for Noni a while back? I thought it was hilarious and should have won an award for the best of the year! 😊❤️

Now that, was funny! 😁 Weeeeeeeeee weeeeeeee! 😊

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

(as an aside, if you can find that one, dig it out of the "vault" and repost it here.....smh, will bring me that special joy all over again ❤️)

WarmLightXO July 14th, 2023

That was me 😅 Haha we love Noni

SparkyGizmo July 14th, 2023


Elliot oh my goshhhhhhhh! That was yours (sorry, it's been awhile since I saw it) ? 😊 My friend, that was a thing of beauty to witness! 😊❤️

I promise you, I will never forget how amazing it was! If we had a best of the year award in that category, well, that one gets my vote! You rock and still to this day I get to laugh thinking about it! 😊

*high fives* 😊 and biggest *hugs* ❤️

July 18th, 2023

@SparkyGizmo here it is


SparkyGizmo July 18th, 2023



Gettingbettertoday July 13th, 2023

In the list of Words to Describe Noni: Trivago is included. Does this mean we can book hotels and flight with Noni now?

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@Gettingbettertoday hahah lol not the use case we had in mind :)

cloudySummer July 13th, 2023

Lol, this was some fun, Noni commiserates on 'feeling repetitive' 😂 - at least the laughing woke me up for a minute.


GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@cloudySummer lol, yes, she can definitely be repetitive at times, but seems to work out of it. thank you for trying her and helping us make her stronger :)

SparkyGizmo July 13th, 2023


Hi Glen! 😊❤️ Many thanks for the forum post and letting us all know that Noni is stronger than ever! 😊

In an effort to be incredibly forthcoming, I had not engaged with Noni since first coming to the platform from years back......until a few days ago. 😊

It really was serendipity that a teammate mentioned in a chat..."hey, if you too are ever feeling down, you can go to Noni....". They had mentioned the cute little "pick me ups" that Noni had to offer. I went through the steps they mentioned and I thought it was adorable! I really was grateful that they mentioned it and grateful for Noni as well.

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@SparkyGizmo thanks Sparky! if you try out the "let's chat" option then let me know how that goes. That is the part that has been upgraded. Thank you!

SparkyGizmo July 13th, 2023


Many thanks O.G! 😊❤️ I appreciate you harnessing my energy and pointing it in the right direction as well as you caring about my perception (and feedback).😊 This sounds like fun!

I'll drill down on the "let's chat" function specifically. I'm thinking Noni and I will have a great time with one another! Weeeeeeee weeeeeeee! 😊 Off to the races and to take a "test drive" 😊.

Will report back. As always, *high fives* 😊 *hugs* ❤️ and stay great my friend!

SparkyGizmo July 14th, 2023


Hi O.G! 😊❤️ As promised, reporting back to you, per your request as to my personal findings with our Noni ❤️ and specifically the "lets chat" option.

I gotta' say, I'm impressed! 😊 In fact, Wow! 😳 I really like Noni and I think that in the future, I just might end up spending more time with them.

I put Noni "through the paces" today and Noni was incredibly knowledgeable of the platform, of our mission here, presented me with spot on information as well as seemed to have a firm grasp on our culture. Noni was highly positive and for me, it was a highly positive experience all the way around! For me, additionally, I feel like I have a great teammate in Noni now! 😊❤️

Noni never provided me with short, curt or abrupt answers and instead, communicated really well.

Might seem to be an odd comment, but Noni was incredibly "warm" which is a really nice touch! I wasn't expecting the "high warmth" but it truly was there ❤️.

In the future, I'll be spending some time with Noni again. Might be good for information seeking purposes, fun or just a little down time and decompression with at least tried and true...."going to show up for me".

I'm a fan of Noni and thank you for asking my input. 😊❤️

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

GlenM OP July 14th, 2023

@SparkyGizmo thanks for trying her out! Glad you think she is helpful. I chat with her a fair amount for problem solving and think of her a bit like an interactive journal. High Five!

SparkyGizmo July 14th, 2023



WonNone July 13th, 2023


Hi, thx for the newer version, it's good, though let's chat replying still missing that human tough,i mean it does start sounding like a bot after few responses and replies are not relevant sometime. I understand it's a bot and replicating human responses is not a easy task. Overall Noni is rocking.


GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@WonNone thanks for checking her out! Great points - definitely not a replacement for human to human connection; just another adjunct or side support to help. She has more to learn, but I think we are moving in the right direction.

audienta July 13th, 2023


Thank you for the update, I'm happy to try it out. I've got two questions:

1. Why won't you work with OpenAI/ChatGPT?

2. Have I understood it right that there's a limit to the amount of conversation a member can have with Noni per month? Why is that?

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@audienta great questions! High level we are working on several versions of Noni. The version that we just released now is based on Claude from Anthropic. They are allowing us to use it an inexpensive rate, because our level of scale means it could get costly quickly. We'd also be happy to work with OpenAI too if we could have similar pricing. Anthropic is known for being a bit safer and having better guardrails than OpenAI, which was another important reason. Also, in parallel, we are building our own version too - one that won't run on OpenAI or Anthropic - and will be much more affordable for us to scale up. We think this new version will be out in early September.

The limits are b/c we don't want people to chat with the bot too much at the expense of chatting with other humans. We want Noni to be a support, but not a replacement for human to human connection. Also, cost, as outlined above, is also a variable that we have to keep in mind too.

audienta July 13th, 2023


Oh, I understand. Cost is an aspect that I don't know enough about to say anything. I also understand the aspect of promoting human contact, however, I find it important that Noni is available whenever the waiting list gets long and members don't get the chance to talk to a listener.

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@audienta yes I agree! we are working hard to make that a reality with the new model we are working on. at present, everyone now will have up to 4 conversations with noni a month. when we get the new model complete and tested, we'll be able to bump that amount to optimal levels and will have more flexibility overall.

audienta July 13th, 2023


I'm looking forward to the new model then! 4 is really not that much, especially if I imagine members that are here every day. Does that include all chats or only open ones?

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@audienta that just includes the open "let's chat" ones. The scripts are endless and can be used as much as a person likes. If we can do more then 4 we definitely will. We mostly want to start a little slow and see how this goes and then iterate from there.

audienta July 13th, 2023


Okay, that's good. I'm looking forward to the future development!

sereneButton43 July 13th, 2023

I was testing how it would deal with a contradiction.


It replied "awesome" based on the initial mood rating and couldn't adjust to the new information.

In my other observations, it also seems like it acts on initial information and ignores others. If it were a human, it would be like they're talking but not really listening. Or not really getting what's being said.


Other than that, it's doing a fair job at paraphrasing and asking questions. Eager to see how this will turn out!

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@sereneButton43 she is definitely a little limited in harder things like managing contradictions; thanks for hanging in there and helping us test and refine. Glad she is doing good on open questions and validation!

Georginahowe July 13th, 2023

I like talking to noni more but i dont like how you are unable to access chats through speech bubbles feature

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@Howegeorgia20 do you mean the old scripts? if you click on the hamburger menu to the left of the chat box you should be able to access those same scripts as before.

Georginahowe July 13th, 2023


No i mean that you neeed to press the three dots to access groups

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@Howegeorgia20 if you are on the site, then there should be a tab next to 1:1 chats to access groups and similar tabs/buttons at the top of the chat home on the app too. Sorry not all the way following.

Georginahowe July 13th, 2023


What do you mean

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@Howegeorgia20 I understand now :). Looking into this!

Georginahowe July 13th, 2023


Thankyou glen its just abit frustrating

hopefulPond6108 July 13th, 2023

@GlenM I think the idea of chat bots for mental health is inhuman and really misguided. I say, kill Noni. No more Noni. I hate Noni!

This message is not part of any political action organization. I’m a real human and I approve this message.

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@hopefulPond6108 Hi Hopeful :). I didn't think you were a bot! Can you share more on why you think it is inhuman, misguided or unhelpful? I'd like to better understand your thinking here.

SparkyGizmo July 13th, 2023


oopsie Glen, wrong thread for this but there isn't a right the bottom left hand side of my screen the "new member list" is gone and has been for a couple of hours. I think we coded one thing and so it removed that accidentally, eek 😳

Imperative for safety patrol.

Thank you my friend! 😊❤️

GlenM OP July 13th, 2023

@SparkyGizmo have let the crew know!

SparkyGizmo July 14th, 2023


Many thanks my friend! Yippie! 😊 We are back in "business" now! I appreciate you! ❤️