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October 2024 Community Update!

GlenM Tuesday

Dear Community,

How is it that October is already here?! The fall always seems to fly by for me.

I have been thinking about our community a lot. It was spurred by our response to winning the leadership excellence award. I could feel our collective pride in winning it. Like, hey we are working hard and doing a good job here and some experts noticed!

We’ve been quietly at work in our corner of the Internet. Laying down one brick after another. Leaning in when someone is struggling. Lifting them up and in turn being lifted up when we are struggling. Brick by brick we are building a safe haven. The old saying ‘Actions speak louder than words’ keeps cropping up in my thinking. We are not big talkers, we are big doers. We show up, roll up our sleeves, and get to work. 

And I think that is what people feel / sense about us when they join our community. It is our collective essence or the animating spirit that drives us forward. You can see it in our values, you can see it in the thousands of people listened to each day, or a forum post, but underlying all of these expressions is a strong community filled with compassion. The behaviors are an expression of that heart.

I’m still working on finding the right words to point to what I’m trying to articulate here. It is a bit slippery. I hope you get the sense of where I’m pointing to or what I’m trying to highlight.

More clearly, I’m incredibly proud of all of you and the work we’ve done. We have collectively built a great culture that brings healing and growth to millions. How beautiful! And shout out to @evelynerose for 11 years of dedicated service to our community!


Happy October (my favorite month)! I hope yours will bring you all the goodness and triumphs you’re anticipating!

We're actively looking for Verified Listeners to help support our brand-new members 1:1 with personalized greetings. Think of it like a 24/7 virtual concierge service providing coverage to ensure every newbie is seen and guided into our community. If this sounds interesting please consider joining our Welcome Committee and making a real impact (all the info here).

If you’re a member looking for a new listener or a listener looking for new members to support, I’d like to direct you to our Listener Classifieds post! Listeners, please leave your information in the thread for members to find you. I will be making a fresh new post each month to stay current on support availability.

And lastly, for the teen side, the Kahoots Team is looking for dedicated individuals to ensure Hosts follow all team protocols and guidelines during sessions. The Kahoot Sessions Team Supervisor plays a key role in ensuring everything runs smoothly! Find the details here.


In academy news, we introduced a new elective and honors option across all academy programs. The purpose of doing so is to create more external content that can educate people outside 7 Cups about the opportunities available at 7 Cups Academy. Now all academy trainees/interns can choose to write about their program if interested. You can read more here

On the forum workshop series front, our Conquering Your Goals series has come to a wrap! You have until October 6 to complete participation. You can learn more here. After fulfilling all requirements, all those who submit the form on or before Oct 6 will receive a certificate for the series. 

Our academy polls continue in academy sub-coms. You can join the tag list to be tagged in the master post! 

Lastly we updated our academy notion pages for Internship, LDP and QLP. You can find them here. 


In September, Group support organized Gratitude Week and I am thankful to the community for practicing gratitude. It is an essential aspect of our well-being. Join the “ThankYouChain” and take a moment to be grateful for all we have.  Also, we made a few changes to the Exploration Garden sessions to promote a more focused exploration environment. 

We also released the Teen Transition FAQs that cover the most common questions and their responses. If you know someone about to transition or transition as an adult, this resource will be helpful for them.

And, lastly, I appreciate all the participants for their support and empowerment in the Loneliness Guided Discussions. Loneliness Support Chat is open for support every Monday and Tuesday. 


September involved great content for self-care awareness month. Our “Be Well Bingo” game is a great way to challenge yourself to explore daily ways to practice self-care. We also published an expert article featuring a guide on self-care.  

I am also thrilled to announce our biweekly newsletter called Empathy Express - you can sign up here. This newsletter will include content by the community, for the community.

Lastly, our Wellness Accountability Huddles have gotten great interest and will be launched during the first week of October. Closed groups and connections hold good experiences and wellbeing progress and we hope to announce them for several other topics.


We have been doing exciting things on the quality front. 

Safety Team: Hosted 3 discussions, 7 new SP team members, 1 new SO team member, and 59 safety outreaches were conducted. They announced a new discussions schedule, so quite a busy and eventful month! 

Listener Coaching Team has been doing great this month. We exceeded our monthly goal, a Trainee graduated, a new Teen Trainee just started their training month.

Anna has been working on the QM team. We've onboarded 6 new QMs, she’s got a new PA (@Fueschin) and focused on check-ins with our QM's.

The Care Team has been continuously growing! We have welcomed back @ChillingRain and welcomed our newest teen member, @izzyy528 to the team! The team has continued to stay ✨refreshed✨ by completing a refresher quiz and we are planning on hosting a meeting and some fun activities soon! We are also working on setting up a monthly meeting for Care Team to increase communication and team building! Please reach out to @Snowtabby or @LittleBirdie30 if you have any questions or if you're interested in joining the team!

Interested in getting involved? Contact @annasilverberg for QM information. 


We are currently looking for new additions to join our Communities Leadership Team as Project Agents. There are currently four focuses available for you to choose from: Events, Engagement, Community Building and Leadership. The application form and full details of what we are looking for can be found here

A friendly reminder for all forum supporters, community mentors and community mentor leaders are asked to fill out the Subcommunity Leadership Check-In Form for the month of September  so we can keep updated on what’s going on in your team and roles and see how we can offer our assistance. 

Lastly, if you notice or experience any difficulties while using the forums, please help us to track and report any bugs in this thread. A gentle reminder when reporting bugs or issues, please give as much detail like time and location as to where it was experienced and include screenshots or any error codes so we can properly investigate it. Thank you for your continued support and here’s to what the new month brings. 

dtanushree Tuesday


So much involvement and dedication ❤️

Thank you all for your dedication and support towards this community. 

Cheers to all the community members ⭐ ✨ ⭐ ✨ ⭐ ✨ ⭐ ✨ ⭐ ✨ ⭐ ✨ 

Antonio7Cups Tuesday


Thank you for your involvement and efforts put on the community, dear admins. ❤️


AnnaSilverberg Tuesday

Yay to us! 
We are such a fantastic and
wonderful community
and I am so proud of each and everyone here that dedicates 
their precious time here to support and help!

October is a month of beautiful colors, 
a season of change where we exit the summer and 
enter fall, or as some would like to call it,
Spooky Season!
I hope that we all can embrace the positive changes we make in our
and other's lives, celebrate the small things and enjoy being
in the moment. By appreciating ourselves and others, we bring our own 
colors into our lives, and it's also a wonderful way to bring some magic in it too!

SparkyGizmo Tuesday


Hi everyone! 😊 ❤️

Many thanks for the update! Thank you for all of the efforts and hard work in the front of the house as well as the back of the house. 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

hopefulDew435 Wednesday


Happy October, Glen, and to everyone! 🍂

I'm forever in awe of how our community is so interactive, welcoming and supportive. It wouldn't be possible without everyone's hard work, efforts, and dedication. Thank you all so much! ❤️

Sending lots of good vibes for the month ahead and looking forward to more wonderful community building initiatives/activities!  

calmMango9611 Wednesday

@GlenM Thank you for the updates.

HealingTalk Thursday


Thank you all for the great updates!

It’s stimulating to see all the wonderful initiatives that the Admin team brings us all the time, month after month, so creative and well crafted! 

Thank you for the passion and love you put into your creations!  It is certainly a powerful way to show you care, and as such, very supportive and therapeutic for the whole Community.

The “Award for Leadership Excellence in Digital Mental Health Implementation” is a milestone, I think, in the recognition 7 Cups has earned among the community of experts who research and try to find ways to use technology to expand high quality support in Mental Health to the vast population worldwide who badly needs it and can’t get it in any other way.

7 Cups was recognized as a paradigm of excellence, a way of supporting people through technology that was born from a bright initial idea, and developed, expanded and perfected through much thought, experimentation and trial-and-error over many years by a large Community of caring people. 

This is an invaluable treasure, and a generous gift to the world, in particular to the millions who need emotional support, and also to those in the mental health care community who are seeking ways to provide it using the best tools and practices available today. 

7 Cups is the best-practice case not only for using those advanced tools but also for the set of values and rules that make them effective for emotional support, and promote a caring and therapeutic Community to thrive. 

I share the same frustration when trying to put into words what 7 Cups is about.  It’s impossible for me to explain to outsiders the dense network of caring human connections that takes place in Cups. The intensity of those loving, caring, supportive relations within our Community. People get the technology, but not the human side.

It happened to me too. From the outside, I didn’t have the faintest idea of what a lively, humane Community thrives within 7 Cups. I was like Aladdin entering a nondescript cave, and finding uncountable precious treasures inside. 

Fortunately, even a small part of this awesome brightness, the part that shines through 7 Cups’ welcoming doors, is enough to attract the great numbers of wonderful people who join our Community every day.

Even if we can’t find the words, people do come here and experience it by themselves. This is the only way, I think, to realize what an amazing treasure the 7 Cups Community is.

May many more good people see this bright light in the middle of the confusion and dark clouds of this world, and join our Community, for their great benefit and that of us all!

David4C Thursday

That's one of the things I don't like about this time of year.  It always goes by way too quickly.  Meanwhile, Summer just drags on and on and...well, you get the idea.

I hate Summer, although I'm not too fond of Spring, either.

Another thing I don't like about Autumn is that Summer frequently invades it and makes it feel much warmer than it should.

And, finally, I'm usually too tired and miserable to get out and enjoy Autumn.  It's a long story, but the gist is that I'm chronically homebound.