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Some clarification on Reports

Heather225 October 22nd, 2020

Hey, everyone! I wanted to take a moment to address a few concerns I am hearing about filing reports.

I am reporting but I feel like I am being ignored.

Reports are reviewed by the Community Team. Once the report is processed, an email is sent to the reporter. We do not detail what action we have taken for confidentiality reasons, but we can guarantee every report is taken seriously.

Please note: L-L Reports are used for serious matters only. For less serious/urgent matters, please review this post for a list of all the other report forms so you can be sure you're going through the right channel.

What kind of action do you take?

We follow the Behavior Reporting System protocol when deciding what steps to take to address infractions. All communication about this takes place through email, and you will always be informed when you have violated a rule and accumulated any points.

I am afraid of reporting because I donโ€™t want to get in trouble.

No one ever gets in trouble for filing a report. Your reports are also kept anonymous.

I am worried about favoritism.

We view all reports objectively. Again, we do not disclose what action we have taken, but that does not mean action is not being taken and consequences are not being faced.

Weโ€™d like to note that there are times when we donโ€™t have enough information to make a full decision, so we urge you to provide us with as much information as possible to validate your claim. Screenshots are immensely helpful.

If you have any questions, or if you just need some guidance or moral support or reassurance in reporting you may PM me or anyone on the Admin Team. We're here for you!

Hope October 23rd, 2020


Thank you, H for this important clarification. I hope this post helps people feel more at ease when they are reporting a legitimate concern. As H emphasized, please provide proof where possible (like screenshots).

firebird361 June 24th, 2021

@Hope Is this talking about reporting specific accounts? Because I thought you could only report in the group chat rooms.

ASilentObserver October 26th, 2020

@Heather225 Thank you, H!

We want to keep our community safe and supportive for everyone. So, if you encounter any listener who isn't behaving as per community standards, please feel free to report them. Your report could contribute to keeping the community safe for all.

MistyMagic October 30th, 2020

Thanks Heather! I know many people do get worried about things like reporting and this post will help to reassure them.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RideaRainbow June 24th, 2021

Hello Heather Appreciate your post on the reporting matter. But I have to put on record that in my 6 years here as listener and having performed practically every role of responsibility which I gave my ๐Ÿ’ฏ to, I must have reported over a dozen members and not ONCE did I get an email from the leaders concerned. Leave alone email I never ever received even a comforting PM. I'll be honest this did give me a feeling of being ignored and that no one really cares... I had wonderful listener friends who offered rock solid support. I have brought up this issue umpteen times but even then NOT ONCE did any bother to PM me to find out how I was doing.... Not even when a member trolled, insulted, cursed me and my family for months at end... ๐Ÿ˜” Support from 7Cups would act like a healing balm if someone just wrote back with kind words. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Tani

TaranWanderer June 24th, 2021

@RideaRainbow from what I understand, the reporter (person who sends in the report) is not contacted through email about the issue, only the reported (person who the report is about). And, I don't think there's any tracking of how many reports one person is making, but only how many reports someone gets (through the behaviour tracking... it's tracking "bad behaviour" rather than the behaviour of someone looking out for bad behaviour). So, I imagine it's entirely possible that no one reviewing the reports has any way to keep track of someone who has to send in a lot of reports, and therefore couldn't possibly know to contact them about it. Honestly that sounds more like something a peer support chat would be about, when you're having troubles with members as a listener, rather than anything the report community team would do. It sucks that sometimes we have to deal with a lot of bad things :( and it can feel so lonely... but, I don't think it's necessarily a failure in the reporting system that you never received any notice/ words of support, because that's not exactly the right channel for receiving support as a listener, if that makes sense? Maybe it would be a neat feature if it was, but probably another big thing to make work/ keep track of :s

RideaRainbow June 24th, 2021

To add... I have never shied away from reporting whenever the need arose though I did it as a last resort and with utmost responsibility.