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Your Voice Matters: Quarterly Community Feedback Survey (Q4 2024)
by Heather225
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1 day ago
...See more Happy October, lovely people! Whether you're seeking support, listening, learning, or simply looking for connection, you're part of the 7 Cups community. Whatever you're here for, your presence makes a difference. As we continue to grow, we're committed to involving you in shaping the future of 7 Cups. Your feedback helps us identify areas for improvement, understand your needs better, and ensure this platform remains a welcoming and supportive space for everyone. Please take a few minutes to complete this quarter's survey: here []
September 2024 Forum Spotlight!
by tommy
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2 days ago
...See more September 2024 Forum Spotlight It's that time of the month again where we join together to celebrate the opportunities available to us across the forum. As of this month, there are two core purposes of our forum spotlight: one to spotlight forum discussions more widely and two to showcase the amazing work of those community users who go above and beyond to help ensure everyone gets a reply to their thread. Here is an overview of our forum discussions for this month: * What can I do after a sexual assault? [] * Celebrate National Suicide Prevention Month [] * Being a wheelchair user [] * Effective communication in resolving relationship conflicts [] * Living with hEDS and POTS [] * Is taking a break from social media a good thing? [] * Meditation and self-care awareness [] Looking to help us with forum engagement? Join our forum team by clicking here []. Here is our leaderboard for our monthly engagement challenge (with the number of needs reply posts): @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 281 @GentleHealingInitiative 41 @Phoenixthepoised 36 @KristenHR 10 @Aayla 8 @fruityHoliday63 7 @CouragousDragon0742 7 @theboymoana 7 @Optimisticempath 3 @strawberryshaken 3 @MistyMagic 2 @hematite43 2 @CuragousDragon0742 2 @theboymoana 2 @Mellietronx 1 @ThoughtLight 1 @CuragousDragon0724 1 @jesusredeemedme2425 1 @Faelwyn 1 You can find out more about this engagement initiative here []. Are you wanting to get involved for the month of October? Let us know about it by replying down below this forum spotlight! Please join me in congratulating our fantastic forum engagers down below! 🔗 Links * Do you want to join our taglist so you are notified of the next spotlight? Click here []! * Do you have a thread which you've recently posted that you feel could be highlighted in our next monthly spotlight? Or perhaps you've noticed another thread which you think could be featured in our spotlight? Let us know about it here []!
Taking Care of Each Other - Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
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...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done today/recently to prevent burnout in a fellow community user? This can look like: • Encouraging self-care • Reminding someone of the importance of boundaries • Covering for someone so they can take a self-care break
What have you done to prevent burnout today? Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
Last post
22 hours ago
...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done to prevent burnout today? This can a variety of things like: • Saying no to a task because you have enough on your plate • Taking part in self-care activities • Taking a self-care break from 7 Cups
Taking Care of Each Other - Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
by Hope
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...See more Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups' [] What have you done today/recently to prevent burnout in a fellow community user? This can look like: • Encouraging self-care • Reminding someone of the importance of boundaries • Covering for someone so they can take a self-care break
7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!
by Hope
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September 16th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth. We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience. You can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here [] * Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands. Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here []. To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps: Download the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it. Leave us a review on Amazon [] or Good reads []. Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits! We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.
Follow us on social media!
by Hope
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September 10th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you all are well. Did you know you can follow 7 Cups on your favorite social media platforms? Social media can be a mixed place, on one end we can find accounts/pages related to all of our favorite things but on the other hand, it can make us compare ourselves to others and sometimes interact with less than positive content. On our social media accounts, we share positive content focusing on inspirational quotes, the great things happening in our community, and what's up in the mental health world with a little fun in between. Our aim is to provide you with content that is good for your mental health. Following 7Cups social media accounts not only makes a positive impact on your feed, but it also helps us reach more people. More people can know about our platform and can benefit from our mission. That's quite a win, win if you ask me! To acknowledge and show our appreciation for the support you show you and us! Everyone who follows the following social media accounts will receive the ‘Super Supporter badge' Instagram - @7Cups [] Twitter - @7Cups [] & @7CupsTeen [] Facebook - 7CupsOfTea [] Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea [] LinkedIn - 7-cups [] You can also follow 7 Cups Academy on LinkedIn! 7-cups-academy [] Step 1) Hit follow! (We understand that not everyone has accounts on all social media platforms so you can follow the ones that you have accounts on) Step 2) Reply to this thread and let us know that you have followed us!
Pictures that make you feel hopeful
by Hope
Last post
August 19th
...See more Go out into the world and take pictures of things that inspire hope, that make you feel better! This can be a plant, a pet or even an item that you cherish. Share with us by responding to this post!
Learning about cognitive distortions
by Hope
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Did you know not everything we think is actually true? I know, shocking! But it turns out that is the case. However, it does not stop us from believing everything we think. According to the National Science Foundation, 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of our thoughts are repetitive. If we are thinking negatively so often, we must equip ourselves with tools to help weed out the thoughts that are not true. This brings up the topic of cognitive distortions. Harvard Health describes them as ‘Internal mental filters or biases that increase our misery, fuel our anxiety, and make us feel bad about ourselves’ Examples of these distortions: * Everyone hates me * Everything sucks * I will for sure fail this test * Life will never get better * This always happens * I can never resort to anything There are many distortions but they all have one thing in common, they magnify the worst, minimize your ability to deal with negative outcomes, and make you feel pessimistic. Everyone falls victim to them but some of us more than others. But how do you save yourself when you don’t know what they are? That is why if your life feels all negative, if your days feel only gloomy, or if you feel no hope, it's worth following along with this post series and identifying these distortions to improve the quality of your life. I will be making a series of posts addressing one distortion at a time, hopefully once a week. What we will do is look at one distortion at a time, notice it in our thoughts and slowly cultivate the habit of challenging negative thoughts with more realistic less flawed thoughts. If you wish to be tagged in the posts, please fill out this form. [] All the posts made so far are linked below: * Catastrophizing []  * Mind Reading [] * Black-and-white thinking []  * Personalization [] * Emotional Reasoning [] * Fallacy of Change [] * Comparison [] * Labeling [] * Should statements [] * Mental Filtering  [] [] [] []
Distortion No. 4: Personalization
by Hope
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are well. Thank you for participating in our cognitive distortion series. You can check out all the previous posts in this series here [].  Today we will be talking about a very important cognitive distortion. I believe reframing this type of thinking can greatly improve the quality of your life. It is ‘personalization’. Personalization is one of the cognitive distortions where you believe that things are connected to you even though you have nothing to do with them. Another way people fall prey to personalization is when they believe they are responsible for things outside of their control.  Examples of personalization and in the brackets are what usually is the reality:  * My friend did not pair with me for this project, he does not value me. (In reality the teacher asked the friend to pair up with X person to ensure X person is well supported) * I was 15 minutes late to class. My professor must think I am so tardy (so is half the class, the professor realized the traffic must be bad.) * My partner broke up with me because I am not a good enough person to stay in a long distance relationship with  (Your partner broke up because she was moving away and did not wish to do long distance, which had nothing to do with your worth) * If I had only reminded my sister to carry her sweater to her practice, she would not have caught this cold (There is no guarantee the lack of a sweater caused the cold, nor are you responsible for preventing it) * My boss has been so reserved and quiet all day. It must be that I could not submit my report on time (Your boss is sick and does not have the energy to communicate more than needed, your boss does not even remember the report delay) The key thing in this cognitive distortion is taking things personally. It's important to understand that a sense of responsibility/accountability in life is important. It helps you lead a fulfilling life. However, to be able to take responsibility and be accountable for what is truly your responsibility, you need to learn what is related to you and what is not. Here are some areas/examples where it is reasonable to feel accountable/responsible: * How you process your emotions/feelings (Getting angry is not up to you but how you process your anger is up to you) * To arrive on time for a meeting (even if the other person is late, you are only responsible for your time management) * To leave with a reasonable time gap for something important (Even if you meet unexpected traffic and end up getting late, so what? Happens to all of us) You taking responsibility for your actions does not save you from unexpected detours in your ideal plan. Take them as an expected and consistent part of life and these should not deter you from doing the right thing! The reason why this post has also explained what responsibility/accountability can look like is so people don’t confuse a lack of accountability as correcting personalization. So we need to separate what is not our problem (in simple terms) so that we can have the energy to deal with the very many problems that are our responsibility.  We will use the same technique for practice as before. The reason for the same technique is so we can get very used to thinking this way when we are faced with unhelpful thoughts.  📢Points of Action: * Find out your personal hit rate (how accurate your negative assumptions are), don’t just assume, look into your past and get an accurate percentage. (You can skip this if you recall this from our last post) * Counter your stressful thoughts with positive thoughts based on logic/facts/experience.  ⭐After practicing this with at least one thought. Tell us about your experience with this exercise. ⭐ How often do you engage in personalization and how does it impact your life?  Further Reading/Resources Video explanation of the distortion [] Responsibility Pie worksheet [] (Highly recommended)
Distortion 3. Black and White Thinking
by Hope
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are well. We have covered two distortions so far, catastrophizing [] and mind reading []. Please check them out if you have not yet.  Today we will talk about black-and-white thinking, also known as polarized thinking, all-or-nothing, or binary thinking. It is the tendency to think in extremes and ignore grey areas. Either something/someone is great or horrible, no in-between. Healthline, in this article, makes a good point ‘There’s a reason most people don’t live on Everest or in the Mariana Trench. It’s hard to sustain life at those extremes.’ Examples of black-and-white thinking: * Seeing people as good or bad. X is a good person, Y is a bad person. Failing to see grey areas, areas where X is acting poorly or Y is acting in a good manner.  * Seeing something is smart or stupid. Your peer presented a project in class, you failed to see its value and deemed it as entirely stupid. On the other hand you presented a project and dismissed a valuable constructive critique as you believed the project to be good and therefore it has no flaws.  * Thinking you are a failure because you don’t do well in school. You disregard your other strengths and focus on the negatives that weigh you down.  * Thinking someone hates you because they were rude to you once.  * Thinking you have no friends as you were unable to meet your friends for a month due to busy schedules.  The reality is that most of life happens in grey areas. People are far more complex than being good or bad. Similarly, situations we face are often not all good or bad. There are times when we face exceptions to this rule, something tragic happens or we lose someone we love. However, in this post we are talking about the tendency to think black or white in general, creating a pessimistic point of view in life.  We will use the same technique that we have been using in other posts where we train ourselves to not think in extremes.  📢Points of Action: Find out your personal hit rate (how accurate your negative assumptions are), don’t just assume, look into your past and get an accurate percentage. (You can skip this if you recall this from our last post) Counter your black-and-white thoughts with counter-positive thoughts based on logic/facts/experience.  ⭐After practicing this with at least one thought. Tell us about your experience with this exercise. ⭐ When was the last time you engaged in black-and-white thinking and what actually ended up happening? Further Reading How Black and White Thinking Hurts You (and What You Can Do to Change It) [] 🗒️If you are interested in making a post or more in this series. Please reach out to me via PMs. 
Distortion 2. Mind Reading
by Hope
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. In our learning about cognitive distortions series, today we will tackle ‘Mind reading’. If you have not taken part in the catastrophizing post, please do so here [] Mind reading like the name suggests is when we assume we know what someone else is thinking and are convinced that it is the case and there is no real verification/fact checking of it. It is important to acknowledge that this is not all bad, at some level mind reading can help us read a situation like when your friend smiles, you know they liked your joke. Similarly, if someone’s jaw drops we can tell they are surprised. But these ‘assumptions’ are based on something more concrete like a physical action and are not negative. It becomes a problem when we have nothing to base our assumptions on and they are negative in nature.  Examples of Mind reading: * I failed this test, my teacher must think I am so stupid * I was late to my friend’s birthday. He must think I don’t care for him enough to show up on time * I was supposed to get the callback yesterday from my job application, but the interviewer must have failed me.  * My partner has been quieter than usual, he must have gotten fed up with me.  To help us reframe this distortion, we will use the same techniques as the last post! These techniques can help you reframe all sorts of distortions and repeatedly practicing with them can help us get in the habit of using these models.  📢Points of Action: * Find out your personal hit rate (how accurate your negative assumptions are), don’t just assume, look into your past and get an accurate percentage. (You can skip this if you recall this from our last post) * Counter your mind-reading thoughts with counter-positive thoughts based on logic/facts/experience.  ⭐After practicing this with at least one thought. Tell us about your experience with this exercise. ⭐ When was the last time you engaged in mind reading and what actually ended up happening? Examples  * I thought my friend was mad at me but it turns out he was just having a rough day * I thought my teacher hated me but I misread her firm approach as personal dislike. It turns out her firm approach helped me get a better grade.  Further Reading/Recommended Resources How to stop worrying and start living chapter 4 [] ------------------------- Join or leave the tag list here []
Learning about Cognitive Distortions: Distortion No.1: Catastrophizing
by Hope
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Last week I announced the cognitive distortion series. You can read about it here. [] Today we will be looking at the first cognitive distortion of the series, ‘catastrophizing’. Catastrophizing is when a person focuses on the worst possible outcome and treats it as likely, even when it is not. Some common examples: * I am not feeling better after this treatment. I will never get better. * I will for sure fail this test because I forgot to study chapter X. * I could not keep up with my exercise regime, I will never become physically fit. * I have not been able to keep in touch with my friend. I bet he is no longer my friend * I forgot to put the right spacing in my essay. That's it, there goes my A in this course. Other names for the distortion are magnifying, and negative fortune telling. We get what catastrophizing is now and it's likely we all do it, some more than others. But how do we tackle this, how do we stop assuming the worst possible outcome? We can do this by engaging in the following: (Taken from Glen’s post on How to Worry Less and Not Panic []) * What are the odds: On a scale of 1-100%, how likely is this to happen? “Okay, if I had $1000 in my pocket now, would I bet that $1000 that this would happen?” If the answer is no, then it is likely that I am worrying too much about it. * Your Personal Hit Rate: Think about how often you are right when you think of the worst-case scenarios. Don’t be selective and remember the times you were right, try to think of all the times. Chances are it's less than 2%. Then does it make sense to consider something as true when your past predicting success rate is just 2%? To truly practice reframing your thoughts when it comes to this cognitive distortion. Let's experiment for a week together! * Start a doc/take out a notebook. * Write down your personal hit rate on top of the doc/page so you can remember your level of accuracy as you look at your daunting problems. * Every time you are thinking of the worst outcome, write down what is on your mind. * Then write down another opposing (positive thought) that you believe to be true. This can be hard but if you think enough, you will find it! It helps to look into facts to support your case Due to the nature of these exercises, it is advisable that any interested listeners use their member accounts so they can freely share their experiences. What we are attempting to do is to nudge our minds away from jumping to the worst possible conclusions and present some realistic alternatives that cause us less anguish. 📢Points of Action: * Find out your personal hit rate, don’t just assume, look into your past and get an accurate percentage. * Counter your catastrophic thoughts with counter-positive thoughts based on logic/facts/experience. * After practicing this with at least one thought. Tell us about your experience with this exercise. 📝To help us get started. Let's all share about a time when we truly believed the worst possible outcome or a very bad outcome was likely but it did not happen. Recommended Resources: * Forum Post: How to Worry Less and Not Panic [] * Book: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Chapter 1) (the book is long, the most relevant chapter to this post is Chapter 1). []
What personality type are you?
by Hope
Last post
July 31st
...See more Take the Myer Briggs personality test [] and tell us what personality type are you?
Research Opportunity July 2024 (Closed)
by Hope
Last post
July 12th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. You can participate in another exciting research from Carnegie Mellon University.  In the research, you will explore and test virtual members/ chatbots with the researchers to gain feedback on how they could integrate them to train new volunteer listeners. Please note the following criteria have been set by the researchers and we are unable to amend it.  You can take part if you are: * Located in the USA * Are 18 or over * Listener account * Have done at least 10 1-1 chats with members (where each chat is 30 messages exchanged, this number is given on your profile under chats) * No behavior reports in the past 6 months.  * Available in the next few days for the interview/participation You will be paid 20 USD an hour (most likely in the form of an Amazon gift card). The research participation usually takes 1 hour to 1 hour 30 mins.  Express interest here []

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