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Remembering musicalMagic

GlenM July 19th, 2020

I have some sad news to share. MusicalMagic has passed. She was a vibrant, kind, and compassionate soul that filled 7 Cups with her own music. She taught us all how to better listen to others that are struggling; how to tune in and provide better support. This is especially true in her mentoring work.

I just read through her reviews and this one stood out to me:

Stayed around and gave me hug after hug to help me make it thru the night. Thanks Magic.

I love that quote because that captures her spirit to me. She stayed around, she didnt give up on people, she walked alongside them, and she helped them heal, grow, and sometimes flourish.

I was talking with the ambassadors about her passing this morning. Obs shared how she was always looking out and helping Obs each step of the way. Tazzie highlighted her encouraging work as a mentor and came up with the idea of honoring musicalMagic with a badge. This new badge will be made on Monday:

musicalMagic - For spreading kindness in the listener rooms.

Please share thoughts below to help us remember musicalMagic. We will also find a family contact so we can share these thoughts with them. If you have a contact, then please let me know.

Forever85 July 20th, 2020

@KaylaDances thank you for such kind words we are still in shock that she is gone

lovelyWhisper66 July 19th, 2020

I am heartbroken after reading this post. Magic was such a charming, kind person. She was such a delight to speak with. My condolences to her loved ones.

Pandahelp113 July 19th, 2020

She was such a sweet, warm and gentle personality. Everytime she talked it was always full of love and positive vibes. Her heart-warming words definitely made everyone feel so happy and calm in the LSR. And upon talking to her even personally, her kind and soothing words were enough to brighten up anyone's bad days. She will be definitely and thoroughly missed. heart

May Almighty give her soul peace.

TheResilientDancer July 19th, 2020

Glen- if you are able to find a family contact please ask what her favourite music genre was. I want to be able to try and make a piece of music in her memory.

Forever85 July 20th, 2020

@KaylaDances she loved all kinds of music she would love anything you put together for her

TheResilientDancer July 19th, 2020

Something very important to remember through these difficult times. Extra cookies for anyone who can tell me the name of this song and who sings it.

You're gonna be nowhere
The loneliest kind of lonely
It may be rough going
Just to do your thing is the hardest thing to do
But you gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along
So if you cannot take my hand
And if you must be going, I will understand

AutumnLeigh July 19th, 2020


It's called 'Make Your Own Kind Of Music', sung in the early 1970's by the late, great Mama Cass then rereleased a few years ago by Paloma Faith. 💜

TheResilientDancer July 19th, 2020

@AutumnLeigh Correct. 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

GoldenRuleJG July 19th, 2020


That is such sad news. May her soul rest in peace.

Prayers and strength to family and friends! 🙏

vivelespatates July 19th, 2020

my twinny :'(

AutumnLeigh July 19th, 2020



July 19th, 2020


This is a very sad news.. I remember her words in Listener Support Room, she was very kind and lovely. I can still remember her words.... crying

May she rest at peace

LexIris July 19th, 2020


Though I never got to meet them and never heard of them, may they rest in peace. I hope her family and friends find the strength to cope with this ❤️

~ Lex ☀️ | Take careo and eat oreos 👋🏿❤️🍪

CaringBrit July 19th, 2020

@GlenM not another fantastic listener to lose :( will forever be missed magic ( will DJ again for a grievance kind of set o honour any weve lost in community not sure when though

sad sad news and love the badge idea

TheResilientDancer July 20th, 2020

@CaringBrit Awww that is actually such a sweet idea and a way to celebrate her life. The loss has been such a shock to the community.

hopedreamlove July 19th, 2020

This is such horrible news. May she rest in peace. 💜 Sending my thoughts and deepest condolences to her loved ones.

windsong4444 July 19th, 2020

MusicalMagic was always so kind and supportive to me. She made me feel cared for even if I was doubting myself or just weighed down by concerns. She spent a long time chatting with me in 1-1s and she seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of love and caring. I lost track of her the last year or so. She had lots of challenges with her

wonderfulMagic99 July 19th, 2020

She seemed to be in LSR so often, and calmness often came with her presence. She seemed to care greatly for her members, I'm glad they are informed as I think musicalMagic would want that, not leaving them wondering when she would return. I will miss my Magic counterpart.

Itisbailey July 19th, 2020

I am so sorry to hear this! I am here is ANYBODY needs to talk. Hugs to you all!

ifyouknowtocountcountwithme July 19th, 2020

@GlenM Wow! I ... am speechless... she was waaay too awesome. A great mentor indeed. =(

Kunoichi91Warrior July 19th, 2020

My deepest and most sincere condolences .

May Her Soul Rest In Peace .


I didn't had the chance to know her , in order to get to know more about such amazing soul I read every single post I saw on this page , in her memory . What an amazing human she was , and she still is in our heart as a reminder that no matter what you always have a choice to be kind and supportive,no matter what, if you are willing to , you can always spread love and kindness.

I do believe I saw one post written by her and I admired her positivity , her courage and her amazing ability to find happiness ,

positivity and share it with everyone around .

One moment of silence to respect for another fallen warrior's soul 🛡

ASilentObserver July 20th, 2020

@GlenM She was a wonderful soul. May she rests in peace!!

It is heartbreaking news for me. I am short of words to share who she was.
She was my first mentor on 7Cups. Not really official. But, she was such an incredible leader and I always witnessed her magic in the Listener Support Room. The moment she entered the room, it was filled with greetings, hugs, and well-being check-ins while supporting others. She never missed a single person to greet while she was present in the room. Even if she going to be the bed and someone reaches out for help, she used to stay there and support them first and then leave.

As a mentor and a 7cups friend, she always encouraged and believed in me.

Whosoever I am today on 7Cups and whatever knowledge I hold about 7cups, it is all because of my mentors. And, she was one of them. An incredible mentor and leader.

She lived exactly the way her username is- MusicalMagic!!
Red heart

Thyselfbetrue July 20th, 2020

I'm completely heart broken, I didn't speak to her a lot but I remember her talking with me and helping me out through some sings when going through a hard time. She was such a wholesome and beautiful human being. I am very sad and in disbelief that she has passed away. I will never want us to forget how special of a person Musical magic is and will always be on here and in our lives. And I wish I had spoken to her more.. I was always happy to see her in the chatrooms.. :( I hope you are resting well, Music. Heavenly soul.

CATastrophizing July 20th, 2020

My dearest Sheree (musicalMagic),

I was speechless when I first heard the news. I have cried for hours. Simply do not know what to say. Contempary Christian Artist Michael W Smith says it best.

Love you forever my friend,



Packing up the dreams God's planted

in the fertile soil of you

Can't believe believe the hopes He's granted

means a chapter in our lives is through

But we'll keep you close as always

it won't even seem you've gone

Cause our hearts in big and small ways

will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever

if the Lord's the Lord of them

And a friend will not say never

cause our welcome will not end





HoneyBubbleTea July 20th, 2020

@justHurting02 Oooh Brenda :') giving you tight hugs, Sheree was the most amazing person I still can't believe that she was a great person, but we know she's resting now, she probably is singing up there watching us and giving those hugs she only knew how to give <3 Loaf choo sis, Im still crying

CATastrophizing July 20th, 2020

Here is the song, best sung by its composer:

sweetrosa1987 July 21st, 2020

@justHurting02 Beautiful!!!! crying

Jeremy93 July 20th, 2020


I am so saddened to hear of her passing. There are no words to describe how warm, caring, and encouraging Magic was. My first time engaging with her, she instantly made me feel like I had known her for a very long time. She always greeted me in a way that made me feel genuinely welcomed and that she was truly glad to see me. Her presence instantly made any room brighten with positivity and warmth. I wish I had let her known how much I appreciated her when I had the chance. Oh, Magic, I wish there was a way for you to know that your magic will live on forever in the hearts of all the people you touched in so many wonderful ways.


DylanletterR July 20th, 2020

I actually got to meet her once. I am sad to see her gone. My deepest condolences to her family and friends 💔

Anomalia July 20th, 2020

I am absolutely heartbroken to hear this. MusicalMagic was one of the very sweetest, kindest, and most compassionate people I have ever met and was such a bright light on this site. An incredible friend, a gentle soul, and truly beloved by so many here. I am so happy to hear there will be a badge in her honor - I think she would absolutely love to be a part of honoring other listeners who bring light and joy into the rooms the way she always did.

@MusicalMagic - you will be very dearly missed. I'm sorry we haven't been able to speak as frequently lately, but I hope you know how much I treasure our friendship and how loved you are. Rest in peace, dear friend Red heart

Anomalia July 20th, 2020

@GlenM - if you find a family contact, could you also share all of her reviews - she had such an impact on so many members, and I'm sure her family would love to see how much hope, healing, and happiness she brought to others here

GodOnlyKnows51 July 20th, 2020


:'( oh my goshhh nooo she was so kind to me and was so amazing and always encouraging, my heart is breaking, oh gosh i am so sad now.. she was always there for me when i was struggling as a listener. I hope her family is ok

Forever85 July 20th, 2020

I just want to thank everyone for all the kind words you have said about musicalMagic she would be so great full that she has touched so many of you. I am her family/friend and I appreciate how much she meant to you all of you she loved the work she did on her at 7 cups you all helped keep her alive. I'm going to miss her but I also know she is no longer in pain. If any of you would like to leave a tribute to her at forever Sheree Stone is who you look for again thank you all for the kind words

brilliantTurtle89 July 20th, 2020


Thank you. She was indeed such a special person and very much loved. She is out of pain now and smiling on us all. I send my love to all of her family and friends. I know she loved you all very much. Give a big hug to Pepito from me❤️

Forever85 July 20th, 2020

@brilliantTurtle89 I will he has been by my side Through all this pain

HoneyBubbleTea July 20th, 2020

@Forever85 Magic was a role model for lots of listeners in here, she was soo strong and for everyone that was close to her she's a warrior and we'll spread her magic and love for others. Give to lovely Pepito lots of hugs from me <3 sending my condolences to all her family and friends <3

cyanPlatypus6370 July 20th, 2020

@GlenM Thank you for letting us know (even as I type this in tears).

To you, Magic,

You can't be away from Earth and not returning! For I miss you too much and I've only just read Glen's post like 10 minutes ago. As others have already said, you showed us what kindness is. Kind when angry? Yes. Kind when hurt? Yes. Kind when the member or other listener in your 1-1 conversation says something mean or hurtful just because they know it will hurt you, the listener? Yup, kind then too. Magic, I'm not sure what you would say as far as what your personal mission at 7cups was. But I think it might have been: to teach us to be kind to one another (meaning EVERY one another). When I was a 'baby' Listener, when I first figured out what a mentor is or what they can do, you were a mentor to me. When I felt stuck in a 1-1chat, you would help me know what to say. I think I had like one and half Mentors at the beginning there - the half because I so rarely talked with that person. So ... for mentor for Platy as (L)? Thank you for your help, Magic. For staying up too late, for talking me down after I was highly triggered, for helping me to think of options to "take care of yourself, Platy," and for just being you and not apologizing about that. Thank you for showing us the way into better listening - often by *just* doing the 'better listening' that you wanted us to grab onto.

If I ever get to be a mentor here at 7cups, I have had a wonderful example in Magic and I will do my best to honor her by listening well and reminding my listener buddies to take care of themselves too.

*Hugs* to you, our dear Magic. *Hugs* and *Tea* with heart , your friend Platy

"For an empty tea cup cannot pour out kindness, love, and compassionate listening (or anything else!), without first being filled up with more delicious tea!"

TheResilientDancer July 20th, 2020

Reading all of these lovely messages of love, support and amazing memories are bringing tears to my eyes. It shows how much of a loving and supportive community 7Cups is. heart

We definitely should have a DJ/Music Therapy session dedicated to her and just loss in general. Thank you for that amazing idea @CaringBrit

TheResilientDancer July 20th, 2020

Love, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as many spiritual leaders did,
This difficult world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that love will make all things right,
If I surrender to love,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with love in the future.

Let it be heart

Yes I know this is the old version of the affirmation used in Sharing Circle but it has some very important words to remember. I call it an affirmation as it is the non-religious version of the Serenity Prayer.

TheResilientDancer July 20th, 2020

(Now the new version is just up to "And the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.") Then it is Let It Be (or the other versions users have made up.)

Let it be

Let it bee

Let it go

Let it grow

Let it blah

Let it banane