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Remembering Amelia

GlenM April 6th, 2020


I have some sad news to share with you. Amelia, a friend of our community has passed. She was one of our early listeners, a psychologist, the creator of our internship program and admin, and someone who regularly went the extra mile.

The older I get the more important I see how going the extra mile matters. Amelia always went the extra mile. I know she went the extra mile for many of you. She did for me and for that I will always be thankful.

Amelias passing is another reminder of how fragile we are. This is especially true as we all navigate COVID-19. We see all too clearly how delicate this life can be.

Lets remember Amelia and grieve her passing together. If you have a positive memory or story, then please share it here.

Im also trying to find her familys info so I can send them flowers on behalf of our community. We lost a good friend. Lets cherish those we love and honor Amelia by going the extra mile for that person that might be struggling more than we know.

Update: We sent flowers to her mother and pointed to this thread to help her loved ones know Amelia's impact here. Thank you all for helping this be a testament to her time here on 7 Cups.

sunsetparadise16 April 6th, 2020

Truly heartbreaking :( my condolences to her family

enchantingSky79 April 6th, 2020


RIP Amelia

I am sad she passed away even though I never met her personally because nobody wants to find out someone has died.

enchantingSky79 April 6th, 2020


My sincere condolences to her family!

Nenz April 6th, 2020

@GlenM This is incredibly shocking and saddening to hear. I am absolutely lost for words. Amelia spent a lot of time caring for the community and trying to make 7cups an even better place to be. She was so kindhearted, friendly and approachable. Her presence and aura will be missed. My condolensces to everyone who may be affected by hearing of her passing. heart

soulsings April 6th, 2020

@GlenM sorry to hear of Amelia's passing. She was a very dedicated person working in the hospital as well as working at 7cups. I did not know till much later on a chat she and I had, how much she really did in her life. She could have been a double for Wonder Woman they way she made things happen.

Amelia was always responding to my PMs, faster than any other staff member. It was amazing how fast she got back to me. And she always knew how to solve the problem without alot of fuss.

There was a kindness and generosity in how she responded to people that words alone fail to describe. Amelia was like a gardner that nurtured many leaders at 7cups. I know she helped my garden immensely. Thank you Amelia.

Amelia will be sorely missed by this community.

GrahZeymahzin April 6th, 2020


i don't think I ever got to meet Amelia but I see the comments here posted and my heart breaks for everything that this community has lost with one of its members. And though I might not be in the direct line I'm crying reading through, the impact that it's having here.
though we all know it's a really trying time between covid-19 and now a time of a lot of grief I want to also put a reminder that everyone here is important. And a lot of people here are breaking because of this announcement. But seeing others hurting doesn't mean that just because we are listeners we have to take a back burner. We are hurt and even amid time that others need us more, we can still say we are more important. Don't think for a second that the grief is less important than what anyone else may be going through because everyone else is also a vital key to the site. We are a community, we prove this again and again. So please, anyone that needs to grieve, don't do it alone. We are grieving together whether we directly lost a friend or just seeing the impact left behind.
I do grieve for the life that impacted so many here, and I understand this hurt. Condolences to the family and friends and anyone else that she made an impact on both here and in her personal life, we will never be able to replace her, she will always have a special place within us.

emsworld April 6th, 2020

This is so heartbreaking to hear, and has taken me into a bit of a shock. I feel privileged to have been able to interact and know Amelia for the time I was on 7 Cups. I came into 7 Cups when she was already at her prime, she helped me with my first failed attempt at the internship, and encouraged me to try again once I felt I was ready. She welcomed me back into the teen side after I aged up and made sure I felt supported. She was an amazing person, and I could tell from the get go how much passion she had for helping people. I'm thinking of everyone she touched during her time on 7 Cups, and her family. I know I'm not alone in saying, she will be dearly missedPurple heart


Vallicena April 6th, 2020

Godbless her heart! I send healing and prayers to her friends and family. This is too tragic...

PenguinPower31 April 6th, 2020

@GlenM Terribly sad news and a shock to lose such a bright star. crying

The world is brighter for her having been here but dimmer from her loss. I hope Rocket is taken care of and will be okay too. Rest in peace Amelia my friend broken heart

holly29 April 6th, 2020

This is shocking, heartbreaking news. I had the privilege of working with Amelia during my time as a teen mentor leader. She was so wise and did so much for this community and i learnt so much from her. I will cherish the chats we had and I'm sending so much love to her friends and family.

Rest In Peace Amelia.❀

caringPanda45 April 6th, 2020

Rest in peace Amelia and condolences to the family.

She would pop in 35 from time to time just to say hello to people and leave behind a lightness and light in her wake.

Amy April 6th, 2020

I am beyond heartbroken. Amelia was like a mum to me and I am ever so thankful to her for who I am today. She made 7cups a better place to many of us and she will always be missed.

She was always there for everyone! She never failed to put a smile on my face and help me in any way. She always believed in me and helped me grow stronger, wiser and kinder. She brought the best out of me. She spent hours and hours awake just to be there for everyone to the point that I would "yell" at her to go to bed and take care of herself, that's how selfless she was! She was funny, witty, wise. She had the kindest heart and always so full of compassion. She was a strong believer of second chances. Always passionate and bright. I could poke her any time of the day, even with a silly question and she would give it all to find the answer and be there for me and everyone. I can't believe she's gone, but her legacy will live on. I will miss her forever. πŸ’”

My condolences go out to everyone grieving! πŸ’”

Sventek April 6th, 2020

She was always sweet to me, very helpful, always trying to find ways in which I can become a better Listener and even participate more on 7 Cups - including new programs. Her absence is going to be felt. I will remember her, for her generosity, caring spirit, and good heart. She was one of a kind on 7 Cups.

Guardian23 April 6th, 2020

@GlenM RipπŸ˜“

amiablePeace77 April 6th, 2020

I did not know her very much but it hurts to read she's gone, she was part of this family.

May she rest in peace.

AffyAvo April 6th, 2020

I first knew Amelia as RocketsMom, like many others here. She was also such a supportive listener, and then when she moved into some other roles I felt like she always had my back, even through disagreements.

She was such a sweet and caring person and I know many will miss her.

AffyAvo April 7th, 2020

@AffyAvo 1st picture didn't take.

General Neurology Team at RNI | Rowe Neurology Institute

Kathy1212 April 7th, 2020

Ohh, I'm so sorry. She sounds like a wonderful person who will be missed by many. I'm sorry that I didn't know her. My deepest sympathy to all of you who did. ❀️

rebecca947 April 7th, 2020

Wow, this is truly saddening. I don't think I ever got the chance to speak to her but by reading everyone's messages, she seems to have been a very special and rare person. I hope she rests in peace. ❀️

Zed786 April 7th, 2020


Thanks for sharing this sad news. Amelia listened to me when i first joined the site back in late 2015. I'll just share a poem that really says everything i would wish to share about the loss of this great soul.

When great trees fall,
rocks on distant hills shudder,
lions hunker down
in tall grasses,
and even elephants
lumber after safety.

When great trees fall
in forests,
small things recoil into silence,
their senses
eroded beyond fear.

When great souls die,
the air around us becomes
light, rare, sterile.
We breathe, briefly.
Our eyes, briefly,
see with
a hurtful clarity.
Our memory, suddenly sharpened,
gnaws on kind words
promised walks
never taken.

Great souls die and
our reality, bound to
them, takes leave of us.
Our souls,
dependent upon their
now shrink, wizened.
Our minds, formed
and informed by their
fall away.
We are not so much maddened
as reduced to the unutterable ignorance
of dark, cold

And when great souls die,
after a period peace blooms,
slowly and always
irregularly. Spaces fill
with a kind of
soothing electric vibration.
Our senses, restored, never
to be the same, whisper to us.
They existed. They existed.
We can be. Be and be
better. For they existed.

When Great Trees Fall
by Maya Angelou

aeris156 April 7th, 2020


i adore maya angelou's work and that poem speaks volumes. thank you for sharing and i hope your pain eases soon heart

Zed786 April 7th, 2020

@aeris156 thx for your words. God bless, keep safe and well ❀️

bomnaz April 7th, 2020

@GlenM - May she rest in peace. Thank you Amelia.

peacefulLion4751 April 7th, 2020

@GlenM what happened to her?

BumblebeeHeart April 7th, 2020

Sorry to hear that, she sounded like a real special person who made invaluable impacts here.

aeris156 April 7th, 2020

though i never had the chance to speak with her personally, i had heard of her through the many wonderful people i have had the pleasure of getting to know on 7Cups. i send everyone who is grieving my love, and amelia's legacy lives on in the people she has touched here heart

TheAtticusFinch April 7th, 2020


I never got to know Amelia unfortunately, but I hope she rests easy <3

azuladragon34 April 7th, 2020


I don't know what to say. I'm shocked and saddened by her passing crying

my sincere condolences

GodOnlyKnows51 April 7th, 2020


my heart goes out to those who knew her i never met her but she sounds amazing, if anyone needs to talk I'm here

enigmaofhearts April 7th, 2020

I am devastated to hear about Amelia's recent passing. She was one of the great moderators and managers who gave us the benefit of the doubt, and heard out our side. She would stay up late, to talk with me about my fears, and reassure me, as well as helped me overcome a lot. I hope that she rests in peace, and is in a better place now. She was taken from us too early. Thank you, Amelia for everything you have done for me, and countless other people. You will be missed.

wishfulMoment42 April 7th, 2020

May her fine soul rest in peace.

brightPerspective3802 April 7th, 2020


May this beautiful soul rest in peace. πŸ’“

RainMarieMFT April 7th, 2020

@GlenM. I'm so sorry to hear this. Condolences to her family. I hope everyone is staying safe!

cyanPlatypus6370 April 7th, 2020

@GlenM - First, for you Glen, thank you for letting us know! I really do appreciate that.

It feels so strange to read your message just now/tonight. I was actually just talking with my counselor about Amelia briefly this afternoon! Yes, today! wow (sad eyes)

Amelia (aka RocketsMom) listened very well. I mean I know this is "only" online, but it was like if we were in person she was actually *actively* listening. Some people can listen, but they do so only with their ears. Some people listen with their ears AND their eyes. Some people listen like with their whole body, somehow (this is the hardest one for me to explain). But even though we were 'only' chatting 1-1 online, on ... she still listened to me very well. I am, and will be for a long time, very thankful for that.

Glen? I hope that you are able to find the correct contact information for her family. Please express our sympathies (with empathy) to her family. Even if just from me. I would like to tell them, thank you for lending your Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Mom, G'ma, wife(?), dear friend to us here at 7cups. I'm sure there were times when Amelia would be in a 1-1 chat or group chat and was being called by someone for supper, or help tie shoes, or 'here's my leash mom, outside now?' wink Take care of yous, dear family of Amelia! I wish I could offer more assistance, but I'm not even sure where y'all live! I do invite you to come to the Grief and Loss section of 7cups. If you write there, I'm sure someone/s of us will write with you. ((Sending just the right kind of *hugs* that you need in this moment)) ~ Platy

P.S. ((Puppy snuggles)) Love you too, Rocket! Be a good boy, ok? ((asks your extended family, then Platy gives you a treat)) Take care my canine friend! ((kisses kisses and a hug))

sootspritez April 7th, 2020

I didn't know her but I send my condolences to the family and her loved ones, no one deserves to die or lose someone.

incognitoknight0101 April 7th, 2020

May her soul rest in peace

CrazyFireFighter April 7th, 2020

Rest In Peace Amelia

HopePolarBear April 7th, 2020

@GlenM I didnt know her personally but I know this community.We all lost fakily by loosing her. May her soul rest in peace and I wish strenth for her loved ones to remember her in fondness and not grief.

Xxcrybaby24xX April 7th, 2020

@GlenM i'm really sorry, even tho I haven't met her, she seems to be someone really generous and kind knowing that she was in the community. May her soul rest in peace πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ»