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Remembering Amelia

GlenM April 6th, 2020


I have some sad news to share with you. Amelia, a friend of our community has passed. She was one of our early listeners, a psychologist, the creator of our internship program and admin, and someone who regularly went the extra mile.

The older I get the more important I see how going the extra mile matters. Amelia always went the extra mile. I know she went the extra mile for many of you. She did for me and for that I will always be thankful.

Amelias passing is another reminder of how fragile we are. This is especially true as we all navigate COVID-19. We see all too clearly how delicate this life can be.

Lets remember Amelia and grieve her passing together. If you have a positive memory or story, then please share it here.

Im also trying to find her familys info so I can send them flowers on behalf of our community. We lost a good friend. Lets cherish those we love and honor Amelia by going the extra mile for that person that might be struggling more than we know.

Update: We sent flowers to her mother and pointed to this thread to help her loved ones know Amelia's impact here. Thank you all for helping this be a testament to her time here on 7 Cups.

ohanasystem April 7th, 2020

This is sad news indeed. I don't have any specific anecdotes to share, but when I first joined up as a Listener and was moderating the chatrooms (back when they originally opened), Amelia was someone I appreciated talking to and really looked up to. The world is a sadder and poorer place without her.

themoonandthemanx April 7th, 2020


I, unfortunately, didn't have the privilege to know her... I only recently started becoming active in this community. Still, it breaks my heart knowing this. Amelia sounds like a wonderful person. Much love and strength to her family, friends and everyone in this community who knew her. May she Rest in Peace, and Power. heart

CoachEllen April 7th, 2020

May my condolences bring the family and her loved ones comfort. May the soul of Amelia rest in peace.

Wildflower257 April 7th, 2020

This is incredibly sad and unexpected news. Very tragic. My condolences to her family, friends and loved ones. Maybe she rest in peace.

doog April 7th, 2020


I never knew Amelia, but I am thankful for her work described in this post. As she has lived her life for others, let's live our lives for her, by continuing her mission of making lives better. Rest in peace <3

(also sorry if this is insensitive, rude or mean but maybe not flowers as it may carry viruses, maybe you could just do digital thankyou letters)

AllieSunshine April 7th, 2020


Was it due to the virus?

AllieSunshine April 7th, 2020

Amelia helped my mother live and survive during her severe drug addiction. Losing Amelia is like losing family to me , I feel like I've fully lost my mother. I've also lost so much other people.

HopieRemi April 8th, 2020


drunk driver.

piercetheaiden April 7th, 2020

@GlenM She was such a genuine and amazing person. Rest in peace

piercetheaiden April 7th, 2020

@GlenM She was such a genuine and amazing person. Rest in peace

lucy2 April 7th, 2020


I am so very shocked at the sad news of Amelia's passing.

She helped me some time ago and went out of her way to send me information that would help.

I'm so sorry and send my love and thoughts to her family.

Bless you Amelia heart


YoUrNoTaLoNeSoReLaX April 7th, 2020

I didnt know her very well, but besides that from all the people i have heard who knew her, she was a great amazing person who gave her all to help each and everyone that needed her help. May she rest in peace and finally see God

Pondwalker45 April 7th, 2020


Rest her soul. I know she was an beautiful helpful personheart

Kitt2594 April 7th, 2020


Oh god!!!. I'm so sorry to hear the terrible news. Deepest sympathies to her friends and family.

iamyourso95 April 7th, 2020

@GlenM It's sad to hear that. My condolences

iamyourso95 April 7th, 2020

@GlenM It's sad to hear that. My condolences

faithlove1111 April 7th, 2020

So sorry to hear about Amelia. I have interacted with her in online discussions and forums. She was such a vibrant person. My condolences to her family and everyone here at 7 cups.

TheResilientDancer April 7th, 2020

Rest In Peace Amelia! I never got to know you but you are loved and will eternally be missed. Sending my love and condolences to the family during what is a very difficult time. It sounds like you were part of the furniture on 7Cups. Thank you for everything that you did. <3 :'(

Goldcherry2113 April 7th, 2020

I'm very sad to hear about her passing. I didn't know her but she sounded like an amazing person. Someone who inspires and is compassionate. I wish the best for her family during this trying time. May she rest in peace.

PoliteOcean April 7th, 2020


I remember Amelia fondly as she certainly did go above and beyone when she could... I didn't connect with her initially meaning she was just another face I saw in the community until I started to get to know everyone. I remember her initially as "ROCKET'S MOM" lol...Until she just started to use her own name.

I remember as she started to climb the ladder here fast, that she was so very helpful and VERY QUICK in being able to get done anything you needed!... I would no sooner message her, and she'd message me back almost directly, and whatever I needed was done and taken care of.

Now, not that people always have the time to just do things on the whim like that for someone, BUT... She made every effort to do so! And that is how a "leader" should be! And she was certainly a good one. She was certainly missed when she left from her Role here at 7cups... and I'm sure she will certainly not be forgotten as well by those who knew her here.

RIP AMELIA. Prayers for your family heart

gentleRiver9663 April 7th, 2020

It's really horrible news. Rest in peace, Ameliaheart

ArrabellaGodwin April 7th, 2020

RIP Amelia. May you rest in peace.. 😞 My condolences to her family and close and loved ones

LozzaLou April 7th, 2020

I took a break from here for about a year and when I first started listening a long time ago Amelia was always there for any questions, its funny because you could give me many listeners that i'd met on my time here and Amelia was one that always stuck out and i remembered. I'm so sorry to the family for their loss - I hope this thread can bring them some happiness remembering what a beautiful person she was and how many people she helped. <3

admirableTree2399 April 7th, 2020

May she rest in peace.

CelloandMellow April 7th, 2020


Rest in peace, Amelia. Life is a wonderful gift, and she really made the most of her gift by sharing it with all of us.

redPlane4700 April 7th, 2020

@GlenM Hello,Mr:Glen,that really seemed like a 'special friendship'.From what I hear from you and others,Ms:Amelia meant business when it came to being dedicated.As someone who has learned so much from 7cups,its undeniable that being a part of the early 7cups staff,Ms:Amelia's contribution was very important in 7cups growing.Without ppl like Her,7 cups may not have grown as much which means it would have been a site unknown to the world.Then I would never have been able to learn all I have so far.So I take this moment to 'Thank her' for all these things she did here.May Her soul rest in peace.........And I like the way you talked about 'how 7 cups users can honor Her work here';i.e by going the extra mile for those you serve.Thank you for appreciating Her work and for the 'sweet gesture' towards her family........

Aayla April 7th, 2020

When we do something good in our life, we're never really gone. We leave a mark that will be our permanent presence in this world. Thank you, Amelia. May the good you've done keep growing, as other people follow your steps!

GlenM OP April 8th, 2020

@Aayla this is beautiful and I agree ❤️

zaatarHoney April 7th, 2020

I sadly did not know Amelia very well but in my interactions with her— she was always kindhearted and knowledgeable. She was dedicated to 7Cups and ensuring a peaceful and purposeful atmosphere.

This caught me so offguard, I can't even imagine what her family must be going through. May peace surround her spirit and family, and everyone impacted by this deep loss.

Probius April 7th, 2020


That's a real punch to the gut. I had no idea. Amelia was my quality mentor when I was just getting started as an active listener and I worked with her in the internship. She was a real friend and I really miss her. This is making me really sad. Does anyone know what took her? She was so young.

PaolaGiordaniMA April 7th, 2020

@GlenM. Let her rest in peace and have a good place in heaven which she deserves for all the good she did! My condolences!

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AllieSunshine April 8th, 2020

-For Amelias Family and listeners-

I lit a candle tonight and went outisde and prayed for all grieving. Not much but .. hope it helps.

CaringIndividual101 April 8th, 2020

@GlenMI have never met Amelia nor spoken to her, but this is very shocking. After reading your replies, I really wish I could re-do yesterday just to get an opportunity to talk with Amelia. It is sad hearing this, but I know that we can all get through this together!

Stay safe everyone and take care! :)

TheHelpingCaptain April 8th, 2020

@GlenM I am sure that she will rest in peace because of all the great stuff she did on 7cups.

SamanthaFlowers April 8th, 2020


I am so sorry for your loss. She did wonderful things though that help out listeners and members. For that, I thank her and appreciate her.

comfortingRabbit47 April 8th, 2020

Although I never know her. I am feeling sad that 7cups community have lost one of the core contributors. Rest in peace

SmileyPower April 8th, 2020


So devastating to hear... I hadnt worked with Amelia neither talk with her that much but one thing i remember was how kind she was when we talked in pms. Rest in peace Amelia

theheartproject April 8th, 2020

May her soul rest in eternal and perfect peace. sending hugs and prayers to her family. <3

CaringBrit April 8th, 2020

@GlenM will miss you Amelia she definetly did so much for me not news i needed to come back too

magicallySoul1274 April 8th, 2020

I'm new to the 7Cups community and despite the short time I've been here, I've seen so much love and compassion from fellow listeners. A love and compassion I never in a million years thought I'd see in one place. It instantly felt like home. I didn't know Amelia, but I'm very sorry to hear her passing away. From all the posts I've read here so far, she almost seems like a mother to this community and to us all. Thank you Glen for writing this post and sending flowers on our behalf. I find the existence of a god to be very unlikely, but tonight, I'll pray for her and hope that if perhaps, a god and an afterlife exist, her soul rests in heaven and in peace. She does need it after all the wonderful things she's done for this community. Rest in peace Amelia ❤💐