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Our Growth Path Builder is Now Available!

GlenM February 25th, 2021

Hello Community!

I am happy to announce that our growth path builder is now live! Our team, led by Emre, has been working on this for several months and we are delighted to now share it with you.

When people are looking for help they need emotional support and also specific information on how they can overcome their challenges. For example, if I am struggling with panic attacks it will help me to connect with a listener to feel heard and understood, but listening itself will not have too much of an impact on decreasing my panic attacks. By learning breathing techniques, how my thoughts trigger panic attacks, and relaxation exercises it WILL help me decrease panic attacks.

This is where growth paths come in. They can help provide step by step guidance so people learn skills to better cope, manage, and overcome challenges they face.

In the past, each person gets a free growth path when they join 7 Cups. They can upgrade at $12/month or $100/year to unlock all of the premium growth paths. Now, any growth path built by a member, listener, or expert will be free.

You can begin to see why I am excited about this right? There are hundreds of health challenges that we all collectively face. If we work together, then we can create growth path steps and growth paths to find the best ways to help people across hundreds and hundreds of challenges.

You can see a video on how to build a growth path here:

The video walks you through the process. The same process can be made for training paths, which are basically growth paths for listeners.

You can access growth paths and training paths by clicking on “my paths” in the top left hand corner and then scrolling down and clicking on “community paths”

I’ve been talking with the ambassadors and other leaders about building out training paths to help listeners learn new skills. @Tazzie is also taking the lead in working with sub-community leaders to build out growth paths for each sub-community. Our goal is for each sub-community to have their own growth path (or many) to better help their members.

@SoulfullyAButterfly is also working closely with me and the content team to help researchers and scientists build out free growth paths. If you would like to help us digitize and build out protocols then please get in touch with Soulfully!

A handful of last points:

1. There are now over 500 steps in the growth path builder. Close to a 100 mindfulness exercise and hundreds of short videos. You can search these by topic, upvote, and hearts. You can also drag and drop these steps to build your own growth path. We will be adding a lot more soon.

2. We are rolling this out with trusted members, listeners, and experts to start. Individuals that have the following badges will be able to build growth paths. Anyone will be able to access them, comment on steps/paths, and upvote them. Here is the badge list: Admin, Ambassador, Forum Mentor Leader, Community Mentor Leader, Quality Mentor Leader, Group Mentor Leader, Chatroom Mentor Leader, Community Mentor, Chatroom Mentor, Support Room Mentor, Forum Mentor, Operations Mentor, Quality Mentor, Intern Mentor, Sub-Community Leaders, Leadership Graduates, Mod 2.0, Support Team Teen Star, Teen Chatroom Leader, Teen Chatroom Mentor, Teen Chatroom Star, Teen Community Star, Teen Quality Leader, Teen, Quality Mentor, Teen Quality Star, Teen Star Leader, Teen Transitioning Mentor, Transition Mentor Leader, Writer, Editorial Assistant. If interested in helping build growth or training paths, then you can fill this Interest Form to apply for the badge.

3. We closed a small grant to help us build the growth path and launch the H_Prize! (H stands for humanity, health, help and heart) to further build out growth paths on the platform. An expert panel will review growth paths across a number of categories. We will then be able to award prizes and cash awards to help celebrate our collective efforts. Look for more on this soon.

4. You can find (and help us write/edit!) a guide on How to Build an Effective Growth or Training Path here.

5. Other ideas for growth paths - If you want to help us build and are not sure where to start, please consider these posts as they highlight the songs and self-help books/talks that our community likes the most.

In closing, let me zoom back a little further and share a quick thought here that will help share how I see this growth path and training path builder. I think 7 Cups is an ecosystem. We lift one another up and in the process we as individuals and we as a community get stronger and smarter. The more helpful tools we can provide to help one another the more effective we become. Listening and supporting one another in 1:1, group support, and sub-communities are effective tools. The growth path builder is another very flexible tool that I think will help us learn how to better empower one another. I am excited about this and I look forward to working with you all as it evolves.

Please post any thoughts or questions here and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Update: To edit your path, go to My Path (top left corner) > Create Growth Path > My Paths > Select the Path > Edit

Update 2: Here is a rank order list of all the top paths that our community would like based on a survey we ran a couple of weeks ago:

Confidence and Self-Esteem
Moving forward with positive focus
Compassion / Respect
Grit / Courage / Perseverance
Relationship problems
Substance use
Eating Disorder
Financial Stress
Introvert Challenges

Update 3: Help us build a community created growth path on increasing confidence and self-esteem here.

Heather225 February 25th, 2021

IT'S HERE!! 🥳🎈🎉 please do give it a try everyone and let us know what you think!

Heather225 February 25th, 2021

my PMs are open for questions and guidance too!

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@Heather225 thank you H for all the support here!

MistyMagic February 25th, 2021

@GlenM This is really great! I love it, I think that many more will use the growth path and this will become a valuable tool for improving mental health, and now it's free! AWESOME Penguin

Listening - One Step At A Time!

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@MistyMagic Yes! Great summary!

findyourself1900 February 25th, 2021

Great. :) So, do I have to earn the mentioned badges and I can build growt path? :)

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@findyourself1900, yes, any of those badges will work, but you can also message @soulfullyabutterfly and they can work with you to further explore possibilities prior to getting a badge.

enchantedlove February 25th, 2021

@GlenM yay! I was in the editor, and I was wondering! Would it be possible to add in a text box to a step? (Such as so they can type out response?) Thanks so much!

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@enchantedlove yes that is there! if you scroll below the text editor you can see a box that you can check. if you check that box an entry area will display. Want to try it and let me know if it works? Also, drop the link to your path here so we can check it out after!

enchantedlove February 25th, 2021

@GlenM Oh awesome! I wasn't quite sure what that box was for earlier! Thanks so much, and will do!

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

@enchantedlove How did you get to the editor?

enchantedlove February 25th, 2021

@AffyAvo in the post above, I believe it says you need one of the listed badges to do it! So i had that, and then I went to the top menu bar and click "My Progress" and the 2nd to last option was Create A Growth Path ❤️

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

@enchantedlove I have the leadership graduate badge, as far as I can tell, that's the only member option listed. I was a bit surprised that Forum Member Leader wasn't listed as we typically have the same permissions as Forum Mentors.

Thanks for letting me know what you see though! I don't have that.

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@AffyAvo added you!

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

@GlenM Thanks!

EccentricAnna February 25th, 2021


cant wait to check this out!

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@EccentricAnna thank you!

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

I don't see where to go to make a path, I can see some that others have made.

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

@AffyAvo The personalized paths are also still locked.

MelanieDaniels63 February 25th, 2021

Nice, sounds awesome. smiley

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

@GlenM How do members get access to the editor tool?

lyricalAngel70 February 25th, 2021


Super excited for this!

Thank you so much ❤

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 let us now if you have any thoughts or questions!

lyricalAngel70 February 25th, 2021


How to get started?

GlenM OP February 26th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 want to help me with this path?

neonSpring3394 February 25th, 2021

This is truly fantastic news. Great job guys. Thank you 👏🎉

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@neonSpring3394 thanks!

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021

It's fun to play with but not totally sure how to fix some of the issues with some of the steps I have created. Maybe we need a separate thread to help each other tweak issues?

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@AffyAvo, good idea. I'm happy to help, so please just post the link in this thread and I'll add it to the main post above.

AffyAvo February 25th, 2021


AnisiaCocanMA February 25th, 2021

This is wonderful !

Many congratulations ! yes

GlenM OP February 25th, 2021

@AnisiaCocanTherapist Looking forward to seeing some therapist paths emerge!

AnisiaCocanMA February 25th, 2021


For sure some useful ideas will come to life in a very user-friendly manner !

mystrawberrykitty February 25th, 2021

amazinggg !! (。・ω・。)ノ♡ awesome jobbb hehehe

GlenM OP February 26th, 2021

Please help share ideas and help me think through this idea. The number one requested growth path in the recent survey we did was: Increasing Confidence. What if we started a thread and asked people to share ideas, exercises, talks etc on all the best ways to increase confidence. We'd then ask people to upvote posts they like and we'd translate those to growth path steps in the new community built growth path on increasing confidence.

How does that sounds as a process? What I like most about it is that it is an easy way for us to start building together while we work on some of the other features we need.

Listeningsarinn February 27th, 2021


that sounds like a plan to me! The more ideas from the community the more useful it becomes for the community, would love to help with anything on this including reading and gathering all that could be useful on replies of that thread or with converting them to real steps on the path❤️

GlenM OP February 28th, 2021

@Listeningsarinn great summary! I agree with you and like how you said it.

Please help here:

lovingCup504 February 26th, 2021


Im a little confused, please correct me if I'm wrong.. so as a new member since I don't have those specific badges I can't personalize my own growth path and can only use the ones others created? I'm trying to look for how to personalize my own path but I don't see anything

GlenM OP February 26th, 2021

Correct! You can however contact @soulfullyabutterfly and apply for access.

lovingCup504 February 26th, 2021


okay thanks ! I'm new so how can I search for users?