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Making 7 Cups Sustainable

GlenM September 22nd, 2015

7 Cups is a very unique organization. We dont necessarily do things in what might be considered normal or typical ways. Instead, we tend to stay close to our community, keep our options open, learn, and evolve as we grow. We believe that this model allows us to discover the path that will most directly lead to us fulfilling our mission.

Some companies would have started with revenue right at the beginning. We didnt because we thought that focusing on income at the start would force us down the wrong path. Our vision is to be the emotional support system for the Internet. This is a hard goal. Focusing on money right out of the gates would have made it an impossible goal. We knew that and instead poured our energy into figuring out more important things.

Well, now that weve been on this journey for 2 years, it is now time to address the revenue issue. We have to take steps to make sure that 7 Cups cups exists and, indeed, thrives for years and years to come. This is not something novel to 7 Cups. Every organization has to address the income issue. It doesnt matter if you are a for-profit or a non-profit. Regardless, you have to generate income one way or another if you want to continue to survive and grow.

Fortunately, we are not recreating the wheel here. I wrote in another post that the organizations I feel that we have the most in common with are the Samaritans and Alcoholics Anonymous. We share many similarities, including: we are volunteer organizations, we help millions of people, and people get help and then give back as listeners/counselors/sponsors. These organizations have had unparalleled success in reaching people and accomplishing a tremendous amount of good with very little resources. Theyve also been around for decades. In the future, Id love for someone to be able to say the same thing about 7 Cups. However, in order to be counted in their company, we have to make sure that 7 Cups is sustainable.

We can look further to these organizational models for guidance. The Samaritans are sustainable because they raise $11,000,000 in donations each and every year. That sounds like a lot, but I actually believe it is pretty minimal considering all the good that they accomplish. We can learn from them here and create our own ways for people to donate to 7 Cups. We are still fleshing out the details. Itll be 100% optional. If people believe in our mission/vision and want to support what we are doing, then well give them the option of making a recurring monthly donation.

We can also look to for for-profit models for guidance. Software companies generate income by selling products to consumers or selling products to organizations. At this point in time it makes more sense for us to sell products to non-profits, companies, universities, and health systems. One product weve been working on is the student support system. In this model, we create a little 7 Cups island that a university can use to scale support for their students. They brand it and recruit listeners from their school to listen to other students at their school that are going through a hard time. The plan is to have a free version and a premium version. The premium version would include things like access to data/reporting, single sign-on, paths for specific issues, and custom branding. This same model works for health systems and nonprofits. We havent walked too far down this path, but there are some positive signs and some indication that we can use this as one stream of revenue to keep 7 Cups sustainable. Ill write more on this in a separate post this week.

Im not at all interested in advertising or any other options that would tax the system or make it harder for people to seek help. Streams of revenue will always be evaluated in the context of our mission. If it inhibits us or makes it harder to reach our mission, then we will not consider it as a viable option. If it helps make us sustainable and helps us reach our mission, then well consider it a viable option. To be clear, 7 Cups will always be free and accessible to all.

In reviewing the above, we see that we can learn from and incorporate elements from both the non-profit and for-profit worlds. 7 Cups as a social enterprise for-profit straddles both worlds. I set 7 Cups up this way intentionally, because I want us to be robust and antifragile. If your organization only accepts donations, then you can be significantly impacted when there is an economic downturn like a recession or depression. People simply give less during these times. If we were 100% dependent on donations, then that would threaten our organization if we were unable to keep donations coming in at a reliable rate. On the other hand, if your organization only sells products, then you can only survive as long as people continue to buy your products. If 7 Cups were 100% dependent on selling products, then our organization would come under threat if we were unable to sell enough products. The model I have outlined here incorporates both elements to increase the chances of 7 Cups surviving and thriving in both good and bad times.

We will be releasing the new design very soon. Once that is live and working well, well roll out some of the above options that Ive discussed. Look for another post soon on the white label version I discussed where any organization can launch their own support system. Thanks!

GlenM OP September 22nd, 2015

Thanks @Zedda, I think 40+ can be a category we add. I just responded above as well. No plans to get accredited, b/c there really isn't a regulatory body for what we do here. It is too new and novel.

Zedda September 22nd, 2015

Good to hear and thank you for your explanation @GlenM

uniquePresence20 September 22nd, 2015

Sounds like a good idea. This is a good site, and financial supports will keep it going. I like the two pronged approach. A mentor of mine used to use the table analogy when discussing financial stability. The more legs you put on the table (revenue streams) the sturdier a table is (organizational life). I hope this works and 7 cups goes the distance.

GlenM OP September 22nd, 2015

@uniquePresence20 - spot on and completely agree. More streams = increased ability to thrive.

Jadie September 22nd, 2015

Thanks for sharing this with the community, Glen! I really appreciate the transparency. Im excited about the school support feature - both my previous and current university have existing peer support and counseling programs, but like you mentioned there are still issues with accessibility. On the same page, just based off experience I know that music schools/conservatories especially would benefit from a support system, and thats an area Id love to ponder more about as the 7 Cups school program is introduced! I think like a lot of us here, Id love to share what we have at 7 cups with the communities we are building in our off-screen lives, and if that could help with the for-profit aspect in sustaining the site, even better :)

GlenM OP September 22nd, 2015

Thanks @Jadie, will definitely keep you in the loop!

amazingrea September 22nd, 2015

This sounds like a great idea, can't say I have much to offer as a teen, but I can appreciate it certainly. I love the idea about supporting students as for me, most of the requests I get some how centre around school. I really hope that 7 cups can be sustained as it clearly changes the daily lives of many and maybe more than that for some, it is an incredible community to be a part of and I thank you for even thinking of it! The love and kindness that is shown on this site is incomparable to any other place, whether that be in the real world or online. Many thanks and keep up the good work Rea.

GlenM OP September 22nd, 2015

@amazingrea, thanks ;)

lovelyOcean54 September 22nd, 2015


peacefulSoul8 September 22nd, 2015

Im 29, I could try encourage older listeners as I am older myself:) and I can listen to and help older members effectively too:). Great post Glen, keep us updated on this.

peacefulSoul8 September 22nd, 2015

The university systems sound great, I know two universities here in Canberra. Australian National University and University of Canberra. They would be good options.

GlenM OP September 22nd, 2015

Appreciate it @peacefulSoul8, will update you when we have a plan and more details spelled out!

Athena86 September 22nd, 2015

I think these are all very viable ideas in line with our mission. The reason I came to 7 Cups in the first place was because it was free. I needed help and couldn't afford anymore therapy. Without 7 Cups, my life would've taken on the same path it had been - emotionally exhausting and saving up for an ultimately costly solution.

I'm glad, though, that we are finding ways to evolve while truly taking into consideration what works already. This will help keep us relevant throughout the changes.

GlenM OP September 22nd, 2015

@Athena86, very good to hear that we were there for you. Thanks for being there for others :)

Pam September 22nd, 2015

@GlenM Great post. It has been amazing seeing all of the positive changes the site has made. We are reaching so many people and I never want that to end. Thank you so much for creating this site and always thinking about how we can improve and expand. I'm honored to be apart of this wonderful site.

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

Thanks @Pam!

mscoxie September 22nd, 2015

Great post @Glen!! I would love to help in any way to continue all the good we are doing here on 7cups! :) Keep up the amazing work!! :)

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

Thanks @mscoxie!

Sarah September 22nd, 2015

Thanks @GlenM I love the mission that 7cups has, and am so pleased that you will not compromise that. Sustainability is vital and looking at strategies to do this is just common sense. I really like the school programmes idea, it sounds almost like sub-contracting a 7cups model out to schools, which as far as I can see just enables more people to help and to reach support in the process.

I don't even think you have to limit to education facilities, a lot of businesses have an emotional support process for staff. The structure and process of 7cups could be implemented in a range of organisations.

I also think the knowledge that we have on the site could be used to our advantage. We have some really good training guides, informative threads and a vast collection of thoughts, processes and strategies from around the world. This could all be packaged and compiled as educational resources, or information/guidance packages, which I am sure there would be a demand for.

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

Thanks @Sarah! I actually just made a post earlier that outlines this titled 7 Cups for Organizations. Would welcome your thoughts and feedback :)

Sam September 22nd, 2015

Thanks @GlenM - everyone has pretty much said everything I want to say! I love how much the site has grown in just the last few months and I'm thankful that through all that growth and change we've never lost site of the mission. And I'm confident we can move forward in the same manner. Exciting times and I fully support you on this.

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@Sam, we have a great community and that helps to keep us on track!

Pali September 22nd, 2015

Thanks for this post and for being so open with the Community as usual! I'm looking forward to this, the University idea sounds very interesting smiley

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

I appreciate it @Pali! I'm going to add share buttons to the organization pages so it'll be easier to share directly. Thanks again for helping us get the word out!

n0thing14 September 22nd, 2015

@GlenM I've had the idea of having like a "premium" membership for 7 Cups, where people who want to pay get extra benefits and those who don't want to pay can still use the site as usual. What do you think of this idea?

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@n0thing14, I think that is an interesting idea; the tricky part is figuring out what benefits to add to the premium account.

Chromium September 23rd, 2015

I didn't see mention of Grant writing as a source of revenue.

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@Chromium, I think this is also a good option. The challenge with grants is they take a lot of time and there is no guarantee that it'll work. We are in initial talks with researchers with a proven record that may use 7 cups as a part of future grants. These are nice to have options, but nothing we want to lean on too heavily as they are too unpredictable.

HelpfulNick95 September 23rd, 2015

Something to consider is a message that comes up with the user of the website when the listener/user closes the chat saying something along the lines of "Donate to help support the continuation of 7 Cups of Tea". I'm sure users would be more than happy to donate a dollar or two sometimes. I mean a dollar for a voluntary donation is a lot better than an actual therapist's hourly cost, and I think we could get a lot of revenue for site resources that way. Kind of like where the users can choose to donate to the listener, only this would donate to the company 7COT completely.

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@HelpfulNick95, great point - we've got something like this that we are fleshing out now. Ill keep you updated.

mutter3 September 24th, 2015

Donations to "listeners" on imalive are used for their training cost only. Not to fund the site.

HelpfulNick95 September 25th, 2015

I realize that, and that's why I said it would be to fund the site. It's somewhere in my post, I promise you :)

tryingtofarm52 September 23rd, 2015

Maybe premium members could have access to private members only chat rooms?

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@tryingtofarm52, see above comment on premium accounts. I think they could work, but they feel challenging to me. I can see it as a potential option in the future, but not on the immediate horizon.

Luka September 23rd, 2015


It was a relief to read this thread, I personally had some concerns about the future because it was not clear to me, but this sounds safe and amazing. I love to see 7 cups growing more and more. Cheers n_n

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@LukaSilver86, glad it was a relief! Getting all this positive feedback feels very good :)

SimonTheGr8 September 23rd, 2015

@GlenM thank you for posting this! I agree with everything you mentioned above, and even though 7 Cups is taking on an extreme number of members each day, we still have room for so many more. You mentioned businesses and universities, maybe we could download some kind of flyer which we can put up in our local convenience store, or fish and chip shop, places like that, because I think by raising awareness of the community, we are aiming further towards our mission which is changing the world, and helping more and more people too reach out for support, with 7 Cups being their first step.

EvelyneRose September 23rd, 2015

or possibly in organizations that help people with issues too :)!

GlenM OP September 24th, 2015

@SimonTheGr8, you got it - 100% spot on. All of these elements fit together and provide different and related ways we can fulfill the mission.

KiteDancer September 23rd, 2015

I haven't read all of the other answers, so sorry if I repeat what has been said. Glen, I like both of your ideas, and want to suggest another. Not everyone who comes to 7 Cupswill become a member, but most will feel they have received help. How about a little button for single donations? It could take them to PayPal where could choose from pre-set donation amounts, with the smallest being $5. I think most people would be willing to give that for 30 minutes or more of compassionate listening. 😀