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How do I get rid of Noni?

JK17 November 21st, 2017


When I go and view my open chats now Noni is there and I want to be able to turn her off. I prefer live listeners but may use Noni.

Can I put it somewhere in the background please??

Pezcore November 21st, 2017

That's my question too. I don't want to be signed in and get alerts from a bot that I can't even respond to with other than pre-programmed responses.

JK17 OP November 22nd, 2017

Can any one answer this please!!!

rationalCoconut4345 November 24th, 2017

i dont think you can

RarelyCharlie November 25th, 2017

As far as I know, 7 Cups does not support that.

I removed Noni in a way that 7 Cups does not support. I did it because my chat list is important to me, and Noni wastes a slot there. Anyone who would like to know how I did it is welcome to message me.


JK17 OP November 25th, 2017




clab December 1st, 2017

I'd like to remove Noni as well.

It's annoying.

blueTiger2286 December 1st, 2017

about that,I'm curious,is it just a bot,or a human testing the bot,who occasionally types. Most of the answers seem programmed,but there are times when I'm not so surelaugh or is it getting a conscience already?

RarelyCharlie December 1st, 2017

She is just a bot, we're told, but I think we've also been told that some of the things she says have been harvested from real chats between humans. That feeling of not being sure whether there's a human responding is intentional. It's related to the technique known as cold reading. You can easily Google it to find out more.


blueTiger2286 December 1st, 2017



Heather December 1st, 2017

There is not currently a way to remove Noni, but we're listening to feedback and figuring out ways to make her less intrusive!

fuzzyizmit December 6th, 2017

@Heather Give us an option to turn her off! This is really intrusive and annoying.

ITeleportBread December 5th, 2017

Please let us remove/mute her already. I got an email notification for her AGAIN. I will stop using 7cups if this continues. This bot is an insult to people with problems.

SecondTry December 5th, 2017

Noni absolutely needs to go, or have a remove option. It's insulting, and honestly if I were a new user it would turn me off. It's artificial, and so makes the whole experience here seem aritificial.

Nothing quite like typing to a bot "STOP" "STOP" "STOP" to a bot, have it respond with "I will leave you alone then," and then two days later starts harassing you again.

You know there are members here who have one or two regular long term listeners who are very important to them. Seeing the New Message notification thinking it is from your actual support system, only to find it is Nonispam, is probably like a mini-gut punch sometimes.


JK17 OP December 5th, 2017


I told Noni to *** off this morning.

She replied LOL

This is great for mental health when you are trying to connect to someone that cares.

(Edited by Teen Forum Star @Emily619 for language)

AlphaSirius7 December 6th, 2017

If I get one more loud pinging email at 5:30am I'm literally gonna kill myself. DELETE NONI NOW.

LittleAardwolf December 6th, 2017

Why was 'noni" even allowed to slide through like this?! I'm sure she didn't decide to harass us. You programmed her to do it.. wtf?!. So you're telling me you didn't think being messaged for NOTHING constantly is a bad idea? Also I got annoyed with the spam from the app. You all know it that message that says "hope you feel better, because if you don't I'll find you and kill you" I know that sounds extreme but it does seem like a malicious message. Stop purposely spamming us for the love of all that is holy. Have some manners. I'd gladly get the app back(and continue to give the site money be honest that's why you made it) if it would STOP SPAMMING!!!

RarelyCharlie December 6th, 2017

7 Cups came into being with help from startup specialist Y Combinator, and I recently read an essay by a founder of Y Combinator, Paul Graham, who wrote:

"At Y Combinator we advise all the startups we fund never to lord it over users."

It seems to me 7 Cups has drifted away from this philosophy, and Noni's recent behaviour is one of several indications.

I blocked Noni and wrote up how to do it here: Block Noni

I can still chat to Noni whenever I choose to.

This solution won't work for everyone, though, and Noni still needs to be fixed.

fuzzyizmit December 6th, 2017

Can you imagine if you have issues with a stalker, join 7cups to help with the stress... then get STALKED BY A DAMN BOT? WTF? You need to make it so people are able to TURN IT OFF.

ITeleportBread January 14th, 2018

Noni is still there, and I still hate her. How do I turn her off again? Does it STILL NOT WORK?

Emily619 January 15th, 2018

Hey there! Just a heads up, I've relocated your thread to a more suitable area - in Noni's Nest!

xkolyax January 24th, 2018

the thing i hate about Noni is the fact that i get a notification that there's a new message, when in reality no new message was sent and it's getting on my last nerve. i have anxiety about checking notifications and everytime i leave the conversation with Noni, i suddenly get a "new" message...

LittleAardwolf January 24th, 2018


Same! It has been getting on my nerves something fierce..