how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)
I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.
It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be
you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.
and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.
I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.
if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.
Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?
3 days nearly 4 now
About 6 months now- I really want to self harm again.
I used to self harm at least four times a day and I started forcing myself to miss one time out each day and im now at two days clean after a month clean
I had been self harm free for 6 years up until the tuesday that had just passed.. I threw away that six years of not self-harming in one night. Everyday since tuesday I have been thinking about self-harming, I forgot hwo overwhelming the feelings associated with it can be. I am in the process of getting help and I feel hopeful. I am trying not to be so hard on myself but I was doing so well!
So I guess I have been self harm free now for 5 days.
19 days.
1 month today. The longest since I got ill. But I'm currently sitting with a blade in my hand and my first aid kit beside me. I can't decide what i'm going to do
135 days (4 months 1 week 5 days)
6 weeks 2 this day
1Year and 1month
My boyfriend helped me when we got together. Now hes leaving me...i dont know if ill stay clean now...