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Reporting Effectively

MidnightRaven999 January 17th, 2020

Hi everyone,

Today I want to share some helpful tips on reporting effectively! This is primarily for 1 on 1 chats.

Before we know how to do it, we must know what is blocking vs. reporting, and when one should use it. The button for blocking and reporting is the same, but they are different types of actions.

Blocking is a feature that allows you to stop a user from messaging you and generates a copy of the report to the community team to review. We use this feature as a last resort, not the first. If a user is causing discomfort (like requesting/sharing personal information, abusing, or harassing), request that they stop. If they do not stop after a couple of reminders and the behavior persists, you can block them as the last resort.

It's ok to block someone if it's not a good fit or they make you uncomfortable, but aren't necessarily breaking any rules. You can just list that in the block.

Reporting is when we want to report a users behavior.

How to report a user effectively?


When you click the block button at the top of the chat dialog box, a pop-up window will be opened. The first field requires the appropriate reason. Select the closest reason for the suggested reasons. In the second field, explain why you are reporting them. If you have a screenshot of the chat to prove the inappropriate behavior, include that too in support of your reasons to block them. It will help the community team to take appropriate actions against the listener. Screenshots can be submitted via a picture sharing link such as imgur.

The top four things people report with:

Reporting and writing random letters

Writing inappropriate chat

Just read the chat

Blank reports

Writing random letters doesn't give a descriptive view of what happened. A good description of what happened will give the team more details to work with to get a better understanding of what happened.

Writing inappropriate chat - this could have a variety of meanings and is again not very descriptive. What type of inappropriate chat? Was it just that the user didn't like the topic and reported, or was it a topic that was inappropriate to that person, but not actually breaking site rules? Was it an actual inappropriate rule-breaking chat? These are all things to consider.

Just read the chat - A full description is much more beneficial to the safety review process.

Blank Reports - These types of reports are ones with no information at all provided by the reporter. Remember: the more info the better.

What is an effective way to report?

If you report using full details on what happened, including any screenshots, time stamps, etc. A good report looks like this: On Monday at X time, I was chatting to this listener/member and they did Y action. I did Z action in response, and then the resulting thing XYZ happened causing me to have to block as a last resort.

Please do the same when you leave positive feedback for the listener.

Help us help you by doing your part to report effectively using this new knowledge. Thank you!

edit: Going to sneak in here and add an edit to clarify. As several people pointed out, the block/report button are the same, and this is causing a bit of confusion. I think Charlie said it best: "This thread is really about effective reporting. It does not really apply to simple blocking. It's OK to block without reporting, but if your intention is to report, then you need to provide clear information in your report." I have updated the post to reflect this, so hopefully it is less confusing. I apologize for any confusion it may have caused. - Evelynerose

edit 2: i am also going to edit this slighty to clarify; this post is mostly geared toward listeners and how they should block effectively (since we as listeners are here to offer support, we really should not be doing things like blocking right off the bat, there are other options we can try first). That being said, members are more able to block in a variety of situations (your safety and comfort is our number 1, so if blocking a listener helps you feel safer and more comfortable, that is ok, even if they're not necessarily doing something against site guidelines).

Formatting edits by ASilentObserver, 1/17/2020

edit and title change made by EvelyneRose for clarification 1/17/20

@Heather225 @EvelyneRose @Hope @ASilentObserver

EvelyneRose January 17th, 2020


I have fixed 1 and 2 let me know if you see anything else. Thank you!

3. any screenshot site like imgur or anything like that. If a listener blocks you first, there's currently no way to screenshot if the chat goes away, but that's the same on both sides. Instead you can report via if that happens since the block button is gone.

4. it's technically for both sides, so any user that wants to report basically.

AffyAvo January 17th, 2020

@EvelyneRose Thanks! FYi - I'm considerig doing one specific for members. I sent an email to get a bit of clarity on some things before doing so.

EvelyneRose January 18th, 2020


that sounds great too :)

zaatarHoney January 18th, 2020



goldenFan3349 January 18th, 2020

I still think the block/report feature is dumb. I don't know if it's the same for listeners, but can we just have two separate buttons in the end? I'm trying to find a good listener and I automatically get connected to an old one so I have to "block" by sending in a "report" where I have to say "not a report, just blocking" and it's kind of dumb. 1 same pop-up is fine, but we should have "block" and "submit report (and block)" buttons.

EvelyneRose January 18th, 2020


i definitely like that idea! passing it onto @AsilentObserver :)

TortueDesBois January 18th, 2020

We don't have choice between "just block" or "block and report" so I guess when they let it blank or write random letters, its because they just want block without report. we don't choose if we just block or if we report. i guess a detailled thing about what is happened is a report, while a random thing is just a block? We should have choice between block and report. mainly if i already reviewed them, i dont need to report in addition to it. if i reviewed them, i should can just block, i already provided the feedback/report in my review.

if a listener block me right away, I can't report them back. so if i take time to make a screenshit, put it on an external site and they block me during this time, its now too late for me to report. many people just "insult and then block".

Sometimes also i tell them that they arent responding my needs as a member, and instead to take the feedback and adapt, they just block right away because they are scared of a bad review, but if i do it, its because i was giving them a chance to adapt to my needs and did not want report right away, but then since they blocked me, i would be able to review or report, but its no longer possible.

We clearly need a way to report listeners who block for no reason or just for avoiding a review, WITHOUT HAVING TO SEND AN EMAIL.

MidnightRaven999 OP January 19th, 2020

@TortueDesBois if you get blocked by a listener, you can block back if the chat window is still open and report them that way (you can also screenshot the chat)

AffyAvo January 19th, 2020

@MidnightRaven999 I asked earlier if there was an update, in the past when a listener has blocked me, I have been unable to block back.

MidnightRaven999 OP January 19th, 2020

@AffyAvo that's strange, as far as I know youve always been able to block back

RarelyCharlie January 19th, 2020

I suppose the dialog really needs to make things clearer, because I imagine many people will never read this thread. Maybe something like this would be an improvement:

Working demo here: Draft block dialog


MidnightRaven999 OP January 20th, 2020

@RarelyCharlie this is awesome, i really like this format, and i agree it would be extremely helpful when blocking/reporting other users!

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@MidnightRaven999 I'm concerned that listeners are being encouraged to use imgur to screenshot a chat. Even if a member is angry or harasses a listener, should their private chat details not still have a certain level of confidentiality? Ie. Not be posted to a site where anyone can see it.

If people can upload, or copy an image it has the possibility of remaining confidential. It sounds like you're just encouraging people to post a link though, and if that's the case it means that there is public access on the internet, correct?

@Hope @Power @Heather225

MidnightRaven999 OP January 28th, 2020

@AffyAvo you're able to upload anonymously to sites like imgur, as well as

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@MidnightRaven999 If no password is required to see the link or something like that though, that private chat screenshot is now on the internet where anyone can access it, can't they?

EvelyneRose January 28th, 2020


it's possible to make private links

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@EvelyneRose If private and sharing the link via the block option, is a password being shared too?

Power January 28th, 2020

@AffyAvo You can find out more about imgurs privacy settings here:

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@Power My understanding from that is anyone can access the link. It no longer seems confidential.

Power January 28th, 2020


From their privacy page It says that images uploaded without an account are anonymous and hidden. They cannot be searched for, and Only those people with whom you share the URL will be able to see them. There are multiple ways to share screenshots with 7 Cups admins. Sending email attachments to is another option.

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@Power Anyone who comes across the URL can access it. I can type in a random link and get there. Just because something isn't connected with an account name doesn't make it ok to take someone's confidential chat and screenshot it and post it to other sites that don't have the same level of privacy that a 1-1 chat has.

RarelyCharlie January 28th, 2020

@AffyAvo ​I agree, there is public access on the Internet, but of course this is not a new concern.

It seems to me the underlying problem is that 7 Cups has always refused to admit that it stores messages in a database, and therefore problematic chats could be reviewed confidentially by authorized personnel entirely within 7 Cups. There is no reason at all to require screenshots.

But you are correct to point out that any URL at an image sharing website is public. The person who posts the screenshot can send the link anywhere. Links to screenshots of chats are posted in the forum from time to time, and also posted outside 7 Cups. It seems wrong to risk encouraging more of this.

I suppose that, under the circumstances, perhaps the best that can be done is to add some more advice like "Screenshots must be uploaded to Imgur anonymously, and links to them must never be shared in any other way."

The whole process is so complex! It needs a complete redesign. Who is going to read all this advice in the heat of the moment when a chat has gone badly wrong?


EvelyneRose January 28th, 2020


when I said private I meant that imgur has the option to upload a private link, but youre right it can be viewed by anyone it's sent to. The idea was in theory the link would only be sent in a report, so only admin would see it, but there is of course human error to consider I suppose.

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@EvelyneRose Or just anyone who stumbles across it on the internet. It's also really easy to find some 1-1 chat screenshots that have been shared to various sites.

AffyAvo January 28th, 2020

@RarelyCharlie Thank you! In general, I find the encouragement of getting screenshots from a private chat to be problematic.

turquoisePlum6945 February 3rd, 2022

I talked to this listener today only [removed] He and people like him are derogating the whole forum and its purpose. This place is not to pick girls and flirt with them, it was supposed to help those in need. [removed]

RarelyCharlie February 3rd, 2022

@turquoisePlum6945 I agree with you. People like that need to be avoided.

Reporting them here in the forum is ineffective and against the rules, however. You can report a listener officially here: Submit a request. It's great that you have a screenshot. Include a link to it in your report.


AffyAvo February 3rd, 2022

@turquoisePlum6945 Yes, as RarelyCharlie stated, please report and include your screenshot.

I edited your post, as this does break the confidentiality rule (even with inappropriate listeners) but listeners who behave like that do need to be removed.