anyone having trouble posting to their feed?
hi all. i don't seem to be able to post to my feed today. i keep getting "post not recorded" messages. i've re-loaded, tried in different browsers. nothing. anyone else having (or have had) this problem? thanks!
Hi there, sweet @falconer42
It's so great to (virtually) see you around! Thanks for creating a post to address this concern; when in doubt, ask away! It sounds pretty unusual that I have no answer to, so please do fill in a support ticket here or email
I'll also tag in @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn, in case the wonderful tech pro can shed some light on this.
@ZaraSmiles awww, yer the sweet one, zara!
tried again just a few minutes ago. no problems posting, just posting to feed. is there a banned words list? maybe some word is no-go (but i don't curse in any post, or say other things inappropriate to a business meeting setting for example...)
i use a cellular hotspot most of the time, and it's worked with that (but not today). i switched over to an open wi-fi system, and it still gives me that message. i'll put in a ticket since it wasn't just a thing this morning but is continuing.
@falconer42 - i doubt it was a censorship thing. it could have been related to your network connection or to problems with the feed. is it working ok now?
hi all! just wanted to post a follow up here. support identified some phrases that the censor was picking up, the reason it would not post. they educated the filter, then posted my feed post. thank you to everyone involved!
@falconer42 - i'm so glad we got to the bottom of that, and thanks for bringing it up!