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AffyAvo October 1st, 2019

My ratings aren't being counted.

I've had some really bad listeners who have only had a few ratings on their profile with 5 stars, after rating them their count doesn't increase and they stay at 5 stars.

I also notice when a listener has never been rated, mine doesn't appear, they don't get any stars. A written review will be published but the rating doesn't change.

I've emailed about this a few times and have not recieved a response.


TheCoolGuyNextdoor October 1st, 2019

@AffyAvo heyy!

7CupsCommunity October 1st, 2019


Ratings are currently tied to reviews, so they will not show up until the review has been processed. Are you saying that even after the review has been processed, the rating is not showing up?

AffyAvo OP October 1st, 2019

@7CupsCommunity Yes, I see my review published and the listener can still have 0 ratings. And if I write a review that isn't published because it's negative, what should I expect to see? Surely it shouldn't take more than a week for a listener's stars to change.

7CupsCommunity October 1st, 2019


I see. Even if a review is negative, the rating should still be applied once it is processed. We will look into it and get back to you!

7CupsCommunity October 24th, 2019


We have not been able to find anything in the system that suggests ratings aren't working properly. As you come across these examples, can you submit bug reports for each one? That will help us to narrow it down or maybe see a pattern.

AffyAvo OP October 25th, 2019

@7CupsCommunity I can try, one of the difficulties with this is I don't know when a negative review/rating has actually been approved, only positive ones.

7CupsCommunity October 25th, 2019


For the negative ones, I would recommend waiting a day and then sending to me so I can confirm if it has been applied.

AbbyHarris1976 October 1st, 2019

I've had the same thing happen to me as well. I had given 2 critical reviews to two different listeners and whereas in the past, I used to get an e-mail notification that my review had been processed, I have not gotten any such e-mails lately after these last two reviews.

I am also afraid to give positive reviews now because I'm afraid about them not being processed or mistaken for critical reviews. I rarely give critical reviews, but there have been times where I've had to in the last monthand a half, in particular.

EvelyneRose October 1st, 2019


Hey Abby! I think we talked a few weeks ago about something similar.

Two questions:

1. Were those reviews recent reviews? Aka when did you review (this week, last week, etc)

2. It's rare this happens, but if it does, it'll get fixed :)

You can always reach out to admin/@7cupscommunity if you're ever worried about it and they can direct you on what to do.

AbbyHarris1976 October 1st, 2019


Hey smiley

Yes we did ... about a positive review that got misprocessed surprise. The two critical ones in question were later ... I put one in on the morning of Sept. 18th around 5:30AM central time and I put the other one in about maybe a week before the one on Sept. 18th at most (I think I put in for that one on Sept. 12th or 13th but I'm sure it was that week). Maybe it was a glitch and these two reviews got held up somewhere and hopefully, they'll get processed. yes

EvelyneRose October 1st, 2019


If they weren't done yet, they will get done soon!

Laura October 2nd, 2019


i wonder if the emails had been changed up

AffyAvo OP October 6th, 2019

@Laura When I give a bad rating, I do get this:

Hello AffyAvo,

Thanks for giving feedback for [Listener]. We want to let you know that your opinion is valuable for us and we use it to help the listener grow.

We are sorry that you did not receive the support you were looking for. Click here to see some of our top rated and experienced listeners. We highly recommend that you connect with them to find high quality support.

Take Care!
7 Cups Community Team

This is automatic though, so I assume it's based on the rating. It doesn't mean that my rating/review was processed, and the listeners in the last while where I have done this I either see accounts that are no longer active or else their star ratings remaining where they were, I'm still not seeing my ratings having an affect. I have no idea if my criticism is being passed on as things they should be working on.

AbbyHarris1976 October 6th, 2019


Its possible 🤔. The good news is that I wrote a positive review for a listener last week and that one worked! 👍

AffyAvo OP November 25th, 2019

@GlenM this is still a problem and listeners are getting exaggerated average ratings because of this.

Shanna January 19th, 2020

I've been having similar issues in that members will tell me they've left a rating but my number of ratings hasn't changed (I don't ask for ratings at the end of the chat so I only know in a few cases when I was told that they did leave one and I didn't see it updated)

and from my member account a few days ago I left a star rating for a listener who had 0 ratings and my rating didn't show up

additionally, if a rating is given without a corresponding review is the rating still published? would it be published instantly?

it used to be that ratings would show up instantly but as others have said it now seems that aren't showing up at all in my experience the past month (I took a long break)

is there anything else you guys can look into to address this?



EvelyneRose January 19th, 2020


the ratings are separate from the text reviews, so they should be working no matter what. they dont show up until a review is published, but the stars should still change depending on the amount of reviews they have.