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Using the Multiple Accounts Profile Flag

Rebekah August 6th, 2023
Hi, team! Hope you're doing well 🌞

This is just a brief post for those of us who are unsure of when to use the multiple account flag option on a profile. All important information will be in bold and underlined.

As stated in the guide, flagging for multiple accounts does NOT mean flagging an account that you suspect is a multiple account, nor does it mean a person who has openly admitted to having other accounts. For these, we email, and NOTHING ELSE. Flagging a profile with this option is ONLY to be used for accounts that are clearly multiples of other usernames, such as;
  • JohnnyTruelove
  • vaibhavm
  • JasonBond
  • JonIGod
  • JohnOfGod
  • Nomales
  • JTruelove
  • IndianListenersOnly
  • idonotwantmales
  • idonotwantfemales
  • idonotwantindianmen
  • idonotwantmuslimmen
  • NaughtyMan
  • LonelySubmissiveMan
  • XYZGuyLookingForABC

Other clear examples include β€œtommy98” and β€œtommy89” next to each other in the general request lineup. This is clearly a multiple account and so can be flagged. If you are ever in doubt, do not flag and please contact Rebekah/tommy or

Please, DO NOT FLAG SUSPECTED MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. We only flag accounts that are 100% known to be multiples - examples of these can be found in the universal SP team guide. Click here for more information, or send me a message.

Thank you for reading, and for continuing to keep the site a safe place for all ☺️


🌞 PPC (Primary Points of Contact) 🌞;
- Ambassador & Team Lead: Rebekah
- ML & Team Lead: tommy
- Admin Oversight: EvelyneRose

🌞 Useful Links 🌞;
- Would you like to become a Verified Listener? Apply here!
- Interested in joining the Safety Patrol team? (Remember, you must be verified to join.) Apply here!
- If you'd like to become a SPOT member, apply here! (Remember, you must be on Safety Patrol for at least 2 months (1 month for mentors), and further requirements detailed within the application.)
Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 6th, 2023


Thankyou for briefing for this one!πŸ’™

SparkyGizmo August 6th, 2023


Hi Rebekah! 😊❀️ Thank you so very much for the forum post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts as well as your directives! Moving forward, yes of course, I will follow them. I would never want to disappoint you, be a problem around here, as my efforts on the platform are to always be of help and never a hindrance! I respect you as well as your authority. ❀️

I had some thoughts for you and it's simply in an effort to share and not to be adversarial in any way. You know I'm a team player! 😊

As someone that is part of the process and daily, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt I see multiple accounts and they are stacked one on top of the other, in tandem, in the new member line up. It could not be any more obvious than this. In an effort to be most clear, I report in a certain way to show "see next flag" and "see previous flag" and have a time and date stamp on my work, for it to be shown that clearly these are multiple accounts. Same derivative of the user name and my reporting is only seconds apart.

Also, I see the same user names show up at different times in the new member line up, all day and every day. I give it time, I wait to make sure that I see that the user name shows up at least three times to have the utmost confidence in what it is that I am seeing before I finally report it and when I do, I say why and label it as a "habitual offender". This would be for user names that are not stacked together in the new member line up together, at once but are, in fact, habitual offenders.

I wonder why it is that we are still only focusing on the list provided as multiple accounts without the additional ones added that I have clearly pointed out. If we never take in new information and add it to the list then we do not understand our current challenges and focus on them as well. We get stuck in years past (those bad actors) and never address our current situation which can change daily based on the behavior of others.

The old actors change their names and habits and just adopt new ones. So, we get "stuck' and then these people that are trying to be here and for all of the wrong reasons are free to roam? We exhaust the old ones down and so finally they might go away and stop but we have new ones that are doing this. Hey, but they are not the old ones, so....feel free to move freely?

As a volunteer here on this site and someone that puts a great deal of time into trying to be helpful and in a myriad of ways, and yes, on the safety patrol team as well, I wonder why we have to stop the flow of the process, switch gears, report to community@7cups when the tools are at our finger tips and we are taking the time already to send in the proper information for others to see.

The current process takes an inordinate amount of time and it's something that I am willing to do (2 forms to fill out, 2 steps in the process). If I see it, then I flag it. See something, say something. I have no idea how I could find any more time in my day to now report to community@7cups instead. I would have to log out of the site and into my em account.

I'm trying to help the cause of course, I am a volunteer, this is not a paid position for me as well as why is that others cannot see the "flow of my work"? I've put everything that you need in front of you to see the patterns of others and with the date and time stamp and because of my behavior and years of flagging, I would like to be trusted, that If I tell you something, it's gold.

If the "multiple account" option has been so very controversial and over so long of a period of time, why not just remove it? It has been a recent thing added. It could be in everyone's best interest to not have it any longer? Slogan..........if we can't use it, let's lose it! That's my vote! ❀️

As for me, moving forward, I will do as I have promised today. Multiple accounts are free to roam on my watch. ❀️

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

Jiminycricket91 August 6th, 2023


as someone who had to deal with VPN abusers I think the multiple account flag is an important tool to flag multiple accounts/ VPN abuse in a quicker manner than just emailing community.

SparkyGizmo August 6th, 2023


I hear you and completely. ❀️ I understand these concepts, first hand and more than you might know. What you say is true and yes, I have seen this type of behavior as well (with no mention of user names).

I have to understand that the platform has it's limitations with IP's vs. VPN's and I respect that. I don't think that the site is at fault for that. I think any site would have difficulty managing such an issue. The VPN issue and multiple account flagging mechanism could be 2 different topics even though, yes, they are clearly related in a way.

I imagine you would like to still use the multiple account reporting option. Do as you like with what the leadership advises. I understand that. I can be a bit confused also at times for why or why not things are asked of me or not handled in a different way.

I'm a very positive person and I don't go up against authority here. 😊I have to understand that it's not "me Cups" it's "7cups". I feel comfortable with stating my case and how I feel and why I feel that way simply because I care just as you do. Ultimately, I don't make policy, I simply need to abide by it.

For me, I just know that I had the chance to express how it is that I feel and now I will let it drop. I expressed myself, I feel like, in a cogent way, being highly rational and giving examples and now it's time for me to be quiet.

Sometimes, as people, it can feel good to let certain things go. To stop caring as much in certain ways. To understand the things that we can effect and help with and the things that we just cant. With acceptance comes peace.

big *hugs* ❀️

Jiminycricket91 August 6th, 2023


Unfortunately we have to allow VPNs since a lot of members in different countries have to use them for safety reasons.

So the multiple accounts flag is one of the few tools we have to deal with VPN abusers.

Jiminycricket91 August 6th, 2023

Personally, I’ve also been keeping notes on my phone so every time that I report I can copy and paste the growing list of username links.

Especially if they created more than one account at the same time, it makes flagging and removing these people easier.

Rebekah OP August 6th, 2023


Hi, Sparky! Thank you for reading and for your very interesting pointers 🌞

I'm happy for you to send a message to me with new users who are purported to be using multiple accounts in a more habitual sense. The above list is not a complete limit, more of a guide. There are certainly more types of multiple account usernames that are not on the list, which is something that can be altered.

Thank you for stating how you flag these accounts. This post is not targeted at anyone, far from it - it's just a general guide for those who flag at a rate that is more appropriate for them. I greatly, greatly appreciate the amount of time you put into the SP team (as do my co-leads), and you flag at a phenomenal rate! Some team members are more inclined to flag at their own leisure as/when, which is a primary reason as to why the quota was removed recently.

You are right when you say that users do change their names, sometimes tactfully, other times not so much. This is something that I personally monitor, and I update the list on the guide as/when I can definitively say that the accounts match and are multiples.

We ask that multiple accounts that are NOT clearly multiples be reported via the email provided because... they are not clearly multiples 🌞 we don't want to misflag accounts, and unfortunately, while this does happen, we try to limit it as much as possible. Some accounts are clearly multiples - others are not. Like I said, I'm more than happy for you to message me with users you feel are multiples and should be updated on the list.

I understand that flow of work. However, misflagging is an issue that we see from time to time (not directed at you personally, of course), and again - we want to limit this. You are trusted - we trust everyone on the SP team.

Removing the option personally doesn't make a lot of sense to me at this time, as it isn't the only option that gets confuzzled. It works when used correctly!

Thank you, again 🌞

SparkyGizmo August 7th, 2023


Thank you for your response Rebekah! 😊 ❀️ I appreciate you caring enough to do so and I also appreciate you! ❀️ No worries my friend. I imagine all roles and areas of the platform have their special and unique challenges. While I enjoyed the time and I appreciate you I have decided to step down from this role.

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

Jiminycricket91 August 6th, 2023


What about multiple accounts with the same profile picture of the same person?

Rebekah OP August 6th, 2023

@Jiminycricket91, it's best to email!

Jiminycricket91 August 6th, 2023

Isn’t the new reporting form quicker?

Rebekah OP August 6th, 2023

@Jiminycricket91, I'm sorry, I think I'm confused :O what form are you referencing?

Jiminycricket91 August 6th, 2023

This one. I was told it is much quicker than the email.

Rebekah OP August 6th, 2023

@Jiminycricket91, ah, the help desk! You can do either, I believe 🌞

LittleBirdie30 August 6th, 2023

@Rebekah Hi! Thanks for this! So basically, if we see very similar names in the queue being used repeatedly after they are reported, we email

Rebekah OP August 6th, 2023

@LittleBirdie30, I think in those cases it's okay to flag them! So, for example, if you see accounts that have the same name with different numbers ("Rebekah" with different numbers each time, say), we can profile flag these 🌞

SparkyGizmo August 6th, 2023


This is not what the original post stated.

tommy August 6th, 2023

We have updated the thread to help clarify this πŸ’™

If anyone else needs any clarity or has any questions please do let us know. We are so thankful for all of your hard work and want to ensure the guidance is clear and effective


SparkyGizmo August 6th, 2023


Thank you Tommy! 😊❀️

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

LittleBirdie30 August 7th, 2023

@Rebekah Thank you!

heathermarie95 August 8th, 2023


thank you for sharing πŸ˜€

AffyAvo August 9th, 2023

This is the forum post for the process for reporting in general (not safety patrol specific)