Thank you active members of the Safety Patrol Team!
A MASSIVE Thank you to all the safety patrol members that have been flagging profiles and submitting the cheers tracking form!
With your help we are able to make sure we are consistently improving the safety here on 7Cups!
If you know anyone who is interested in joining the safety patrol team please send them to this post → Here
Thank you to the following members of the team for flagging and submitting the tracking form! �
I can inform you that all cheers have been awarded as of today 18th September 2020! �
@SophieWX, @SophTheListener2022, @HelpfulStarlight01, @marvellous70, @Tonijane, @ConnectingSoul, @leebas2019, @Jenna, @AnthonyNW29, @pizzaiscool, @CarlaRa, @MarissaHope, @GrahZeymahzin, @kateaala, @AddictedTealover98, @Affliction1, � @Aleks2, � @Amberbird, @AnnieMA, @Anotherfrenchtoastmafiaa, @Asherwolfice, @Asruu, @Asthebeesays, @AstronomySkies, @Austin904, @Avagracii, @BellatheHappyHelper, @Blissart, @caffeinatedcatio, @CelloandMellow, @CheeryMango, @chloe678, @cocoakrispies121, @competentArrow49, @cyci, @DayDreamWithYou, @Dinoprincess12, @DonaldDraper, @DreamTouch, @dtanushree, @EccentricPanda, @enchantedlove, @FinleyTews, @freehugs123, @GoofyJordan, @Goldenbutterflyofhope, @Haides22, @healingWhisper, @Hopedreamlove, @Hppinessstar, �@Ilikemacadamianuts, @JaimieF, @Jiminycricket91, @JoyfulUnicorn, @KatRebane, @KindMoment86, @KristinHelps, @KennethZ, @LifeIsABeautifulMelody, @Listeningsarinn, @LittleBirdie30, @LuLuRings, @Magicallykermit58, � @Mango3, @MichaelStarets, @Miracle17, @MiraclesHappenNow, @miraculousheart9815, @MsGoody2shoes, @mykenziemarie03, @NaomiR, @niceworldmnd, @omar98, @optimisticMagic0014, @Pamharley003, @PeacefulPasserby, @proud14, @QuietMagic, @rachsxo, @RebekahRebel, @rhlvrma94, @SevenSolstice, @serenityking25, @Saquib16, @Sealiously, @SevenSolstice, @shiningDay80, @shiningHeart10, @Snailpurple, @sophiasanae, @SparklyCierra, @SparkyGizmo, @Starmedia, @SummerBreeze00, @SupportiveMitch, @SynSavory, @tessie855, @TiaraLovesJaunsta, @tranquilbear14, @UnderstandingEmpath, @usefulSummer3139, @VerseArt, @WallFlowerRei, @wonderfulMango5023, @WonderfulRainbows2862, @wonderousMoon5570, @WoodytheListener, @YouLifeMatter, @zaatarHoney
If you are active and have still not completed the following form to stay on the team, please fill it in - the deadline for this is the 22nd September! Here
glad to part of it
good job everyone
Thank you... So Glad :) <3
Thank you to the following members of the team for flagging and submitting the tracking form!
@Affliction1, @anotherfrenchtoastmafiaa, @blissart, @caffeinatedcatio, @CaringMongoose29, @CarlaRa, @CercaTrova99, @CognitiveACE, @Connectingsoul, @DonaldDraper, @DreamTouch, @dtanushree, @enchantedlove, @FinleyTews, @Goldenbutterflyofhope, @hopedreamlove, @ImPuLsZ06, @Jenna, @Jiminycricket9, @JoyfulUnicorn, @Kateaala, @KristinHelps, @LiberalGuy, @LifeIsABeautifulMelody, @LittleBirdie30, @luminousBraid91, @Magicallykermit58, @Mango3, @marvellous70, @NaomiR, @NorahListens, @OliviaWilson5, @Pizzaiscool, @PositivePumpkin22, @Proud14, @QuietMagic, @rachsxo, @radiantScenery4114, @RebekahRoyal, @Saquib16, @shiningDay80, @SnailPurple, @SophieWX, @SophTheListener2022, @Starmedia, @SummerBreeze00, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, @SynSavory, @SupportiveMitch, @Textingpals, @ToniJane, @Uniquegrace8272, @VerseArt, @WonderfulRainbows2862,
I can inform you that all cheers have been awarded as of today 30th October 2020!
@Gracey Yay thank you so much.
Thank you!
@Gracey Thank you!
@Gracey Thank you! :)
Thank you
good job all <3
Keep up the great work everyone!
Thank you to the following members of the team for flagging and submitting the tracking form!
@aLightInTheDark3 @anotherfrenchtoastmafiaa @Asherwolfice @Asi1 @blissart @caffeinatedcatio @CaringMongoose29 @CarlaRa @Chevy81 @CognitiveACE @DonaldDraper @DreamTouch @dtanushree @FinleyTews @GrahZeymahzin @HazelStars286 @itisbailey @ItsZaylee @Jenn7Cups @Jiminycricket91 @JoyfulUnicorn @Kateaala @KatRebane @KindnessMatters2020 @Leebas2019 @Listeningsarinn @luminousBraid91 @Mango3 @marvellous70 @NaomiR @PositivePumpkin22 @Proud14 @QuietMagic @rachsxo @RebekahRoyal @shiningDay80 @Skyglider @SnailPurple @SophieWX @sophiasanae @Starmedia @SummerBreeze00 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Textingpals @ToniJane @Uniquegrace8272 @VerseArt @WallFlowerRei @watermelonSugar22 @WoodytheListener
I can inform you that all cheers have been awarded as of today 7th December 2020!
Thank you to the following members of the team for flagging and submitting the tracking form!
@Anotherfrenchtoastclub @blissart @CarlaRa @Chevy81 @Dinohorus @DonaldDraper @dtanushree @enchantedlove @FinleyTews @freehugs123 @hopedreamlove @Jenna @Jiminycricket91 @Kateaala @KatRebane @LifeIsABeautifulMelody @LittleBirdie30 @LuLuRings @luminousBraid91 @Mango3 @marvellous70 @marvelloustree1111 @NaomiR @NorahListens @PositivePumpkin22 @Proud14 @QuietMagic @rachsxo @RebekahRoyal @shiningDay80 @Skyglider @SnailPurple @SophieWX @sophiasanae @Starmedia @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @ToniJane @Uniquegrace8272 @VerseArt @WallFlowerRei @watermelonSugar22 @amazingNutella24 @Listeningpanda341 @Colorfulcatsofhope @PuzichkinCat @CosmicCat17 @frothyReeds999 @RealisticVision @healingTime2480 @mxmes @Ines1229 @natashaemilyy @IqRAwords @NimoSayeda @fairyava @Heythereletschat024 @kieran000 @emmaishereforyou88 @richuyulin
I can inform you that all cheers have been awarded as of today 27th February 2021!
@Gracey Thank you!
@Gracey Thank you!
@Gracey Thank you!
Yay!! Thank you!
@Gracey, thank you Grace! I was wonering why a lot of cheers came my way at once. Thank you again!
Thank you to the following members of the team for flagging and submitting the tracking form!
@AmazingNutella24 @anotherfrenchtoastclub @AriJoseph @AstronomySkies @blissart @CarlaRa @DaisyDaph @DonaldDraper @EmmaE @FairyAva @FinleyTews @Ines1229 @KateDoskocilova @Kindstar45 @LittleBirdie30 @Mango3 @pamharley003 @PositivePumpkin22 @PuzichkinCat @rachsxo @RealisticVision @RebekahRoyal @richuyulin @Skyglider @SophieWX @Starmedia @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @VerseArt @watermelonSugar22 @WoodytheListener @shiningRainbows65 @anonhelp123 @LilacKalypso9 @MishiS @sia1325 @AnnaListens06 @EmikoKokoro @Heythereletschat024 @jovialSunshine5049 @ShiningStars1 @whenitsdarklookforstars @ShneurZ @bubbles2025 @ConsiderateParadise6717
I can inform you that all cheers have been awarded as of today 22nd April 2021!
@Gracey Thank you!
Thankyouuu @Gracey 🤗❤
Thank you Amazing gracey 💜💜
@Gracey Thank you so much... Can say, it was worth the wait.🙌🏽🧡
Thank you. :)
@Gracey Yay thank you!
Thank you @Gracey
Thank you!
thank you gracey❤️
Thank you Gracey!!
Great job everyone!
@blissart @caffeinatedcatio @CarlaRa @DonaldDraper @EmmaE @FairyAva @FinleyTews @Jiminycricket91 @KateDoskocilova @Leebas2019 @LittleBirdie30 @NaomiR @PositivePumpkin22 @PuzichkinCat @rachsxo @RealisticVision @RebekahRoyal @richuyulin @Skyglider @SparkyGizmo @Starmedia @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SuryanshSingh @WallFlowerRei @watermelonSugar22 @LilacKalypso9 @sia1325 @jovialSunshine5049 @ShneurZ @bubbles2025 @ConsiderateParadise6717 @Schrody @Kara13V @lueurspace @DigitalKnight @SweetDreamer69 @itssoren @Star001 @lemonbot @FlourishingDimensions @mentalspace7cup @FairyPrinceSasha @sereneButton43
I can inform you that all cheers have been awarded as of today 28th June 2021!
@Gracey Thank you!
@Gracey So amazing to see how much progress you make in each milestone after two months! Thank you😁
@Gracey, thank you Grace! 🌞
"Gravy" () *high fives* and many thanks my friend! For me, I've been flagging all along but only recently started filling out the form. Many thanks for awarding the cheers!
@Gracey Thank you for this!
thanks for the update!
Congradulations everyone and thank you for keeping cups safe <3
@Gracey Thank you Gracey! I am honored and happy to help!