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Discussion Writing -- We Need Your Help! 🦺

Rebekah August 20th


Do you like writing? πŸ“ Hosting discussions? πŸ—£οΈ Being in the chat rooms/forums generally? πŸ—’οΈ Feel passionate about safety? 🦺 Want to combine all 4 of those things into 1? πŸ’₯ with us, you can!

We need help with extending our Discussions branch of the Safety Team. What are the responsibilities? Good question! Here they are;

  • Hosting discussion content regularly, either in the forums or in the Safety Discussions room
  • Writing scripts, if necessary (to be done with Rebekah -- that's me!)
  • Being punctual (as in, turning up on time to host if in a room!)
  • Can dedicate at least 4 hours a month to the team (1 discussion per week, for example)

Don't want to join the team officially but want to help write the discussions? That's a-okay! Here are the topics we currently need help writing (will be updated with new topics/topics that have been completed will be removed):

  • Who Do I Contact?
  • Is This Profile Okay?
  • Why We Shouldn't Accept Donations
  • Safe Communication on 7 Cups
  • Reliable Websites
  • Most Chat Topics, for example;
    • Anxiety
    • Bullying
    • Depression
    • Eating Disorders
    • OCD
    • Schizophrenia
  • Listening 101
  • Privacy Settings
  • Room Rules
  • Opening Free Accounts
  • Downloads
  • Safety Scenarios
  • Website Security + Safety

All users who help with writing a discussion will receive +100 cheers! We are also working on implementing badges for users who join the Safety Outreach and Safety Discussion branches to the Safety Team.

If you're interested, please comment which topic(s) you'd like to help with, and I will PM you with a Google Document for us to work on! πŸŒŸπŸ’™

[@EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @KindnessMatters2020 @izzyy528 @MelodyoftheOcean @Rainboho @rubyjane00 @Rui00 @positivePumpkin22 @LittleBirdie30 @Jenna @Suryansh @InternalAcceptance @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @Sponge2 @fantasticJet1739 @magicalTree4461 @Arie3 @MidnightRaven999 @EmotionsListener @blissart @MistyMagic @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @fruityPond7887 @Hamstermum @AffyAvo @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @Raspberrycheesecake @radiantLight33 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @SparkyGizmo @niamh333 @LOOPHOLE @azuladragon34 @Mahad2804 @HachiBee @OllieRNLI999 @sweetmikayla @DanCat1128 @KatePersephone @El2002snow @Antonio7Cups @Kristynsmama @ThoughtLight @WeEarth @tuffattack @SweetAurora77 @Ivy229 @NotSeven @wishfulForest1871 @Damonchandio @MellowMusic @Ivebutterfly @Riri1616 @Coffeebean26 @whimsicalCloud4661 @Sealiously @Gargi07 @MydogLiz8 @MagicalFriend00 @KristenHR @halcyonCloud2036 @Harsvin @amiablePeace77 @comfortableNight4463 @EmmaE @hopedreamlove @Shadow @Coolvibes @Alambo905 @FawkesCare12 @LoveMyMoonflowers @HelpfulGem04 @sisterdj @KristinHelps @TabbyCat97 @J0ane @someonewhocares67 @PandaHelp000 @Happy900 @laurelou @Heythereletschat024 @PatientComfort4427 @Affliction1 @frostyOcean72 @CrowSpectre @Pizzaiscool]
daydreammemories August 20th


cool initiative, i hope more people join this branch :) ✨

Heather225 August 20th


words enough can't express how happy i am to see safety being prioritized and promoted as a community-wide effort. these initiatives pack the most power by consistently spreading awareness and the more folks can pitch in, the more ground we can cover to serve our global community πŸ₯° that said:

Omathewise August 20th


I will write about How to Handle Sexual SubjectsΒ 

Rebekah OP August 20th

@Omathewise, thank you! I'll send you a PM shortly.

DanCat1128 August 20th

I'll do Internet etiquette 😊 😊 

Rebekah OP August 21st

@DanCat1128, thank you!

communicativePond1728 August 21st

@Rebekah Hello! Interested in writing about:

  1. Triggering Topics
  2. Safe Communication on 7 Cups
  3. Reliable Websites

I'd like to start with reliable websites πŸ™‚Β 

Rebekah OP August 21st

@communicativePond1728, wonderful, thank you! Would you like to PM me? 🌟

ThoughtLight August 21st

I am a published writer and love to educate. Writing is a vital as air to me. I would love to finally have an outlet for this important aspect of my life for the use of keeping our community a safe place. I had never read the role worded so clearly.Β 

Rebekah OP August 21st

@ThoughtLight, yay, I'm glad to hear that!

ThoughtLight August 21st

@Rebekah do you want me to do the application for that?

Rebekah OP August 22nd

@ThoughtLight, I remember we discussed in PMs you'd think about which branch you'd like to join, if you're 100% certain you'd prefer the discussions branch over the outreach branch now, then yes, please feel free to apply 🌞

peacefulSunrise8888 August 21st

I would do, good communication and importance of anonymity

peacefulSunrise8888 August 21st

@peacefulSunrise8888 I am an educator, I love hosting discussions on various topics!

Rebekah OP August 21st

@peacefulSunrise8888, thank you!

SparkyGizmo August 21st


Hi Rebekah! 😊 ❀️   

Great initiative my friend! I love how you have determined what it is that are our current needs, whether that be in creation of content or execution of the plan! Well done!Β πŸ’‘

In addition, I think it's great that you have reached out to the community at large, opened the floor for anyone to contribute, to allow everyone an opportunity to get their "creative juices flowing".

If you find the need for someone to work in tandem with you behind the scenes, for editing purposes of proposed scripts, I will gladly assist. There could be opportunities to add to the original content (flesh it out a bit ) as well as opportunities to consider if the original content is in alignment with our rules, core values, culture, mission statement as well as our standard operating procedures.

It would be a fun experience to work with you personally, brainstorm, toss around thoughts and ideas and I'm confident I could learn a great deal from you along the way! None of us are expected to be walking encyclopedias of 7 cups knowledge and so, once again, team work makes the dream work! 😊

If the specific content presented to me at any time is not my forte', I will gladly admit my ignorance on the topic. There is much to be said in regard to "lead, follow or get out of the way", lol 😊 Takes a great deal of discernment to know the difference. I can tell you what it is that I know, all day long and I can also tell you what it is that I do not know.....all day long 😁. 

Here if you need me. Happy to support you as well as all of your efforts. 😊 ❀️

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

Rebekah OP August 22nd

@SparkyGizmo, thank you, Sparky 🌟 feel free to send me a PM with the preferred discussion you'd like to work on (if there is one)!

SparkyGizmo August 22nd


😊 ❀️

Perhaps it could be best to see what contributions are made by those who wish to write content first? You may have those who wish to contribute, some may decide not to. Me picking and choosing would be a mute point in that instance. Some may need editing, some might be quite solid at first blush.Β Β 

If you need me, I would be happy to review the content before it goes to "press" and add to it if need be, suggest other alternative phrasing, suggest removal if some things are not in alignment to what it is that we are trying to achieve. I can review the content and if I have nothing of value to add to it, then of course I would say so. 😊

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

MistyMagic August 22nd

@Rebekah I can do 'Importance of Anonymity' if that's ok.

Rebekah OP August 22nd

@MistyMagic, perfectly, please do!

MistyMagic August 23rd

@Rebekah I'm now working on these two. It's nice to make sure we get lots of good discussion on Safety topics.


Clicking on links

Rebekah OP August 23rd

@MistyMagic, thank you! Obs has completed a 'Cliques' discussion script, but you're welcome to send yours over to me and we can maybe integrate them together? 🌟

MistyMagic August 23rd

@Rebekah You know I thought that Obs was allocated that one but then it appeared free again but it's fine I have refreshed my thoughts on it and will send over the 'Clicking on Links', (or is it Clinking lol I can never remember!).Β πŸ˜‰

Rebekah OP August 23rd

@MistyMagic, eeeeeeep. Clinking or Clicking, both are/were accurate at one time 😭🌞 thank you so much!

unassumingEyes August 22nd

@Rebekah hey! Im interested in writung any of these, but to specify i could help with:Β 

  • Triggering Topics
  • Good Communication
  • Importance of Anonymity
  • Safe Communication on 7 Cups

Rebekah OP August 23rd

@unassumingEyes, thank you!

peacefulSunrise8888 August 24th

@Rebekah I would like to write on Understanding Cultures!

Rebekah OP August 24th

@peacefulSunrise8888, thank you! Our lovely Obs has already completed this discussion for us, I'm sorry πŸ’™