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Please Pray For Me!

RogueOne1983 September 8th, 2023

My health is very poor I am under constant attack.

My life is Bizarro World. My medical case has sparked a federal investigation!

I am tired of being walked on forgotten shoved in corners I need stuff too.

Please pray for me thanks!!!1000000881_1694155010.jpg

KindWolf2023 September 8th, 2023

@RogueOne1983 My Beautiful Angel...

You seem to be always be left holding the goodie bag. They meant for everyone to have candy and you helped at the event.

The kids ate all the cookies and candy and they finally realized when they started taking down the decorations no one had left anything for you.

I have seen this over and over so tonight storming Heaven because you deserve only the best!

KindWolf2023 September 8th, 2023


If no one will stand with you or for you.

I will.

We got work to do!

trueconfidant123 September 8th, 2023


Yes! We are always with you @RogueOne1983. ❤️

KindWolf2023 September 8th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 Much appreciation friend.

trueconfidant123 September 8th, 2023


Thank you for spreading kindness and warmth across the forums. 😊

KindWolf2023 September 8th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 Most welcome!

RogueOne1983 OP September 8th, 2023


My Heart!!!❤️❤️❤️

Love always!!!!❤️❤️❤️

KindWolf2023 September 11th, 2023


My Eternal Heart.❤️❤️❤️

Love thee always!!!❤️❤️❤️

trueconfidant123 September 8th, 2023


I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging phase, I can imagine how overwhelming it must be. It sounds like you've been dealing with a lot, and I truly admire your strength in opening up about your feelings. Remember, you have the resilience to overcome these difficulties, and you deserve to have your needs met as well. I'll keep you in my thoughts and send positive energy your way. Keep pushing forward, you've got this! I believe in you and I'm always here for you.


RogueOne1983 OP September 8th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 so grateful for you!!! Thanks so much!!!

trueconfidant123 September 8th, 2023


You're welcome. 🤗 Take care, my friend! ❤️

Yougotmyback September 8th, 2023

Always with you! 🤍🌻

RogueOne1983 OP September 9th, 2023

@Yougotmyback thanks appreciate it so much!!

OnlyDarkness September 8th, 2023

Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words about me I really appreciate it and I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.😎

RogueOne1983 OP September 9th, 2023

@OnlyDarkness it is ok no worries thanks for dropping a line here to tell me!! Appreciate that!!

OnlyDarkness September 11th, 2023

@RogueOne1983 Been the same situation for like almost 4 years now Rogue . My health care system is denying me service, delaying my medical sickness. What rough treatment of its member. They Are supposed to be a nonprofit. Yeah right 9.2 billion dollars . A year . So Sorry Mr Chance that We did

oare key

RogueOne1983 OP September 11th, 2023

@OnlyDarkness you aren't alone.

Contact your state health department tell them what is happening.

I am so sad you are going through this!!

WorkingitThrough2 December 12th, 2023


I am Missing you and your cheery spirit😊. I pray for peace over you and good health. I know how it feels to be left out and dismissed. I am so sorry.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.❤️

placidAvocado2692 December 24th, 2023


i hear your pain. I’m so sorry. Sending love and hugs (if ok)