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What are things that�s guys wish girls understood, and vice versa?

User Profile: ChillSy
ChillSy July 9th, 2019

If youre here, you probably read the title and get the idea.

Guys: what is something you wish all girls could understand?

Girls: what is something you wish all guys could understand?

Because some of us have usernames that are not specifically male or female, please put something along the lines of, I wish that guys/girls understood _____

Please be polite, understanding and courteous, these are not meant to call anyone specifically out, but are opinions that should be respected just as you would want yours to be.


User Profile: MonsterDev
MonsterDev October 6th, 2019

I wish guys understood that not all girls want to be idealized and put on a pedestal. At first, it can be flattering for a guy to think and say that you're perfect, but it quickly feels pressuring or fake. I'd rather genuine compliments that show a man appreciates me, and not some fantasy vision of me as a perfect girl.

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User Profile: rationalWater7635
rationalWater7635 October 15th, 2019

@MonsterDev what I am hearing you say is treat me like I think I am not what you think I am. If I hate myself you should also hate me.

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User Profile: MonsterDev
MonsterDev October 16th, 2019


I understand why you would think that I was saying, but I didn't mean that. I was saying I'd rather hear "you're beautiful" than "you're the hottest girl I've ever seen" because it's more believable that way.

I know I'm not the most beautiful, funny, kind, amazing girl in the world, so if someone says that to me, I know they're not being realistic/honest.

Maybe not all girls agree with me. It's been my experience and that of some of my friends as well.

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User Profile: GiveYourBest
GiveYourBest November 14th, 2019

@MonsterDev Easier Said than done. Usually a girl accepts the fact that a guy is being honest about everything and being realistic and the girl feels optimistic about it. With time, there is saturation and there is that craving of wanting something else that usually leads to wanting being wanted.

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User Profile: goldenJar412
goldenJar412 October 30th, 2019

@ChillSy I wish that guys understood that sending a simple hello text can totally make our day. Just to know that in the daily caos of life, you are able to take a minute to think of us and to let us know that. Makes us feel special.

User Profile: peacefulforest75
peacefulforest75 October 30th, 2019


I wish that guys understood that women don't really want you to solve our problems for us. We usually just want to be respected and understood. If I want your help, I'll ask.

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User Profile: convivialKitten4243
convivialKitten4243 February 5th, 2020


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User Profile: brightWalker2481
brightWalker2481 November 10th, 2019

Personally to me this entire year the only thing I wished for and hoped for is that by the end of the year I would get a long hug from a woman that I havent met yet just to feel like I'm not totally invisible by most women who dont know me. To feel cared about in that way by a woman...funny how something as simple as a hug can mean so much to a guy.

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User Profile: 0HealingHeart0
0HealingHeart0 April 5th, 2020

@brightWalker2481 hugs mean soo much to girls too! it gives warmth, loved and feeling of protected

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User Profile: Sadsap0108
Sadsap0108 March 29th, 2020

I wish men knew when to take a hint regarding the intimate aspect of relationships. Maybe I feel this way because of the man that I'm with but it is very frustrating when you want to be intimate with someone and you always feel rejected because you two are only ever intimate with one another when they want to. Maybe it's just me, but I feel so insecure when he rejects me and he always makes me feel rejected. "Never in the mood" . It's hard being with someone who never makes you feel wanted. It's like he takes pieces of my womanhood away every time he complains that i want to be intimate.

User Profile: BabyCowboy
BabyCowboy April 10th, 2020

I wish guys understood that girls don't like it when they act like dicks when they're around their friends.

I wish girls understood that they don't have to put up with shit from boys and they need to raise the bar a little.

User Profile: RaggyDoll84
RaggyDoll84 July 14th, 2020

@ChillSy I wish that guys understood that sometimes the things you don't do (or very often don't do anymore) can hurt just as much as things you may do which are upsetting. As relationships go on, little gestures like surprising us with flowers, or offering to brush our hair or *insert loving action here* tend to fall away in my experience. However, our longing to feel cherished and to see your love demonstrated does not fade over time and the absence of these things can make us feel less loved or wanted. Those little things cost nothing and go a long way.

I feel like I picked one which could work either way but oh well!

User Profile: ColdFireBurns
ColdFireBurns October 17th, 2020


Old thread it looks;

the questions was, what do we wish girls/women/lady would understand.

Wish they would understand themselves. Those that do really well, learn to understand themselves and emotional control using the feminine emotional nature for good. Some never learn about this nature of self and the emotions control them. I wish they would be able to learn what/how and why and the peace that can come from that. Maybe being in 7cups helps with this.

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User Profile: philosophicalLychee9841
philosophicalLychee9841 October 18th, 2020


Very very well said. I feel like this is exactly something that my ex want to tell me now. yes

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User Profile: Dancingwithnoone
Dancingwithnoone November 11th, 2020

Something I wish guys knew are the small things we do for them. Like how we dress up in a way that we know they like or write notes.

User Profile: Thaya
Thaya November 20th, 2020

I wish guys knew that when it doesn't matter if a thousand guys tell her she's beautiful, she only really wants to hear it from that one guy.