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I want a family

purpleBunny9255 December 27th, 2020

I'm 24 years old and feel like my life is as together as it can be. My SO and I have been together for 4 years known each other for 7. I want to start a family, I don't have a dream job other than to be a mom. I've told my SO what I want and how I feel but he doesn't want kids for a long time. Every holiday we go to I have to listen to jokes of how we aren't having kids until I'm 60 or how I'm eating for 2 (me and a tape worm; this made me cry). His side of the family already has 3 babies (all unplanned all parents 19 or younger) so I also have to hear about me just having baby fever and leave with hurting ovaries. It's hard for me watching these people with what I want by accident while everyone makes jokes about me. I don't have baby fever I want a family and at this point I feel like I'm praying for an my own accident. I just don't know how to cope with the holidays anymore if this is what I have to deal with and my SO doesn't seem to understand I don't find the jokes funny. I am genuinely worried I'm not going to have kids and I have a hard time being happy for the friends and family that are starting families. Thoughts?

zimmy December 27th, 2020


Hi purple bunny. I'm so sorry to hear about this ): I can't imagine how difficult that all must be. Have you tried talking to your SO about this? He might see it differently than you do, maybe he doesn't know that you're so emotionally tied to this. Sometimes having an honest discussion where everything's on the table can even the playing ground a bit. For me personally, sharing my point of view and trying to understand the other person's point of view solves a lot of problems.

I hope that things get better!